#TOFIX: A bug can occur if a shared path is located inside another shared path (eg. "/mnt/afpShares/foo" and "/mnt/afpShares/foo/subFoo/bar"):
# Depending of the order the shares are found, the script might say the less-deeper one is opened whereas he is processing the other one
# Solution: sort shares per descending depth
# Following regex is from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10134129/generic-shell-bash-method-to-parse-string-for-possibly-quoted-fields
for shareName in `cat $defaultServer_volumesFile | grep "^[^#:]" | grep -oP "^(['\"]).*?\1|^(\\\\ |[^ '\"])*"`; do
if [[ "$shareName" =~ "~" ]]; then
for currentUid in $connectedUsers; do # For each connected users
currentUserHomeDir=`getent passwd $currentUid | cut -d ':' -f6` # Fetch it's the home directory
currentUserHomeDir=`readlink -f "$currentUserHomeDir"` # We want the realpath (resolves symbolic links and normalize the path)
#FIX: We use pipe `lsof` outputs to `echo -e` with `xargs` because lsof "displays only printable ASCII characters" (cf. http://ftp.cerias.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix/sysutils/lsof/00FAQ #14.5)
# Then if a share with non-ASCII characters in it's path were to be opened, lsof would return them on \xNN form and grep wouldn't match: `echo -e /the/path` fixes this
[ `$baseLsofCommand -F n | xargs -0 echo -e | grep "^n$currentUserHomeDir" | wc -l` -gt 0 ] && let openShares++ # If found in lsof output: increment the openShares counter
shareName=`readlink -f "$shareName"` # We want the realpath (resolves symbolic links and normalize the path)
[ `$baseLsofCommand -F n | xargs -0 echo -e | grep "^n$shareName" | wc -l` -gt 0 ] && let openShares++ # If found in lsof output: increment the openShares counter