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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# postgres_queries3: see stats on number of rows
# read, inserted, updated and deleted on a per table basis
# Author:
# Samuel Smith leon36 <snail> gmail <dot> com
# Created:
# 20140701
# Usage:
# Place in /etc/munin/plugins/ (or link it there using ln -s)
# Place table names after '_' and delimit with '-'
# EX: postgres_queries3_table1-table2-table3
# Parameters:
# config (required)
# conf:
# [postgres_*]
# user postgres
# General info:
# Require permission for database access and read (no writes are processed).
# Recommended user is PostgreSQL database owner.
# On debian systems install libipc-run3-perl
# Log info:
# 20140701 - Initial
# 20140924 -
# -ignore internal pg tables
# -missing stuff in config
use strict;
use IPC::Run3 qw( run3 );
my %values;
my $query = \<<EOF;
'sel_seq.value ' || SUM(seq_scan) || E'\n' ||
'sel_seq_rows.value ' || SUM(seq_tup_read) || E'\n' ||
'sel_idx.value ' || SUM(idx_scan) || E'\n' ||
'sel_idx_rows.value ' || SUM(idx_tup_fetch) || E'\n' ||
'inserts.value ' || SUM(n_tup_ins) || E'\n' ||
'updates.value ' || SUM(n_tup_upd) || E'\n' ||
'deletes.value ' || SUM(n_tup_del)
from pg_stat_all_tables where relname not like 'pg_%';
$0 =~ /postgres_queries3_(.*)/;
my @dbs = split(/-/,$1);
if( defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" ){
print qq/graph_title Postgres All Queries
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0 -r
graph_vlabel Queries per \${graph_period}
graph_category PostgreSQL
graph_info Shows number of select, insert, update and delete queries
sel_seq.label s_selects
sel_seq.info Sequential selects on all tables
sel_seq.type DERIVE
sel_seq.min 0
sel_seq.max 100
sel_seq_rows.label s_select rows
sel_seq_rows.info Rows returned from sequential selects
sel_seq_rows.type DERIVE
sel_seq_rows.min 0
sel_seq_rows.max 100
sel_idx.label i_selects
sel_idx.info Sequential selects on all indexes
sel_idx.type DERIVE
sel_idx.min 0
sel_idx.max 100
sel_idx_rows.label i_select rows
sel_idx_rows.info Rows returned form index selects
sel_idx_rows.type DERIVE
sel_idx_rows.min 0
sel_idx_rows.min 100
inserts.label inserts
inserts.info Rows inserted on all tables
inserts.type DERIVE
inserts.min 0
inserts.max 100
updates.label updates
updates.info Rows updated on all tables
updates.type DERIVE
updates.min 0
updates.max 100
deletes.label deletes
deletes.info Rows deleted from all tables
deletes.type DERIVE
deletes.min 0
deletes.max 100
foreach my $db (@dbs){
my @out;
run3( "psql -At $db", $query, \@out);
foreach my $line (@out){
my($key, $value) = split(/ /, $line);
$values{$key} += $value;
foreach my $key (keys %values){
print "$key $values{$key}\n";