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# -*- cperl -*-
=head1 NAME
TG585v7_ - Munin plugin to monitor the stats of a Thomson TG585 v7.
Any system with access to a Thomson TG585 v7 ADSL router.
Requires perl and WWW::Mechanize.
The plugin needs HTML access to the router. If you can get to http://YOUR_ROUTER/,
and are greeting with a page titled "THOMSON TG585 v7", then you can probably use this plugin.
This is a wildcard plugin, so you will need to create symlinks to this plugin (or create copies if your filesystem doesn't support linking). Links should be of the form:
TG585v7_<hostname of router>_<mode>
where "<mode>" is one of "bandwidth", "power", "errors" or "uptime" (thus you probably want 4 symlinks in total.
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf
=head1 BUGS
Please report bugs to L<darac+munin@darac.org.uk>.
=head1 AUTHOR
=head1 LICENSE
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib $ENV{'MUNIN_LIBDIR'};
use Munin::Plugin;
my $ret;
if ( !eval "require WWW::Mechanize;" ) {
$ret = "Could not load WWW::Mechanize";
my $USER = $ENV{user};
my $PASS = $ENV{pass};
our @name_fields = split /_/, $0;
if (scalar @name_fields == 3){
if ($name_fields[1] eq '' or $name_fields[2] eq ''){
print "Misconfigured symlink. See Documentation\n";
exit 1;
} else {
print "Misconfigured symlink. See Documentation\n";
exit 1;
my $host = $name_fields[1];
my $mode = $name_fields[2];
if ( defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf" ) {
if ($ret) {
print "no ($ret)\n";
exit 1;
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
if ( defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) {
if ($ret) {
print $ret;
exit 1;
print "host_name $host\n" unless $host eq 'localhost';
if ($mode eq 'bandwidth'){
print <<EOF;
graph_vlabel kbps down (-) / up (+)
graph_category Network
graph_title ADSL Bandwidth
graph_info Sync rates for your ADSL line on $host
down.label Bandwidth
down.type GAUGE
down.graph no
down.min 0
up.label Bandwidth
up.type GAUGE
up.negative down
up.min 0
up.info This is your ADSL sync rate. Actual throughput is likely to be lower.
} elsif ($mode eq 'power') {
print <<EOF;
graph_vlabel dB down (-) / up (+)
graph_category Network
graph_title ADSL Strength
graph_info Signal Strengths for your ADSL line on $host
downout.label Output Power
downout.type GAUGE
downout.graph no
upout.label Output Power
upout.type GAUGE
upout.negative downout
downline.label Line Atten.
downline.type GAUGE
downline.graph no
upline.label Line Atten.
upline.type GAUGE
upline.negative downline
downsn.label SN Margin
downsn.type GAUGE
downsn.graph no
upsn.label SN Margin
upsn.type GAUGE
upsn.negative downsn
} elsif ($mode eq 'errors'){
print <<EOF;
graph_vlabel # errors down (-) / up (+) per \${graph_period}
graph_category Network
graph_title ADSL Errors
graph_info Errors on your ADSL line on $host
downFEC.label FEC Errors
downFEC.type COUNTER
downFEC.graph no
upFEC.label FEC Errors
upFEC.negative downFEC
downCRC.label CRC Errors
downCRC.type COUNTER
downCRC.graph no
upCRC.label CRC Errors
upCRC.negative downCRC
downHEC.label HEC Errors
downHEC.type COUNTER
downHEC.graph no
upHEC.label HEC Errors
upHEC.negative downHEC
} elsif ($mode eq 'uptime'){
print <<EOF;
graph_vlabel uptime in days
graph_category System
graph_title Uptime
graph_info Uptime for your ADSL line and Router on $host
Box.label Router
Box.type GAUGE
DSL.label DSL
iNet.label Internet
iNet.type GAUGE
} else {
print "Don't know how to graph $mode\n";
exit 1;
exit 0;
sub Uptime2Days {
my $uptime = shift;
if ($uptime =~ m{(\d+) days?, (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)}i){
return int($1) + (int($2)/24) + (int($3)/1440) + (int($4)/86400);
} else {
return 'U';
# Fetch
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
$mech->credentials($USER, $PASS);
if ($mode eq 'bandwidth' or $mode eq 'power' or $mode eq 'errors'){
} elsif ($mode eq 'uptime'){
if ($mech->success()){
my $page = $mech->content;
if ($mode eq 'bandwidth'){
$page =~ m{Bandwidth \(Up/Down\).*<td[^>]+>([\d,\.]+) / ([\d,\.]+)};
my $upBW = $1;
my $downBW = $2;
$upBW =~ s/,//;
$downBW =~ s/,//;
print "down.value $downBW\n";
print "up.value $upBW\n";
} elsif ($mode eq 'power'){
$page =~ m{Output Power.*<td[^>]+>([\d,\.]+) / ([\d,\.]+)};
my $upOUT = $1;
my $downOUT = $2;
$upOUT =~ s/,//;
$downOUT =~ s/,//;
$page =~ m{Line Attenuation.*<td[^>]+>([\d,\.]+) / ([\d,\.]+)};
my $upLINE = $1;
my $downLINE = $2;
$upLINE =~ s/,//;
$downLINE =~ s/,//;
$page =~ m{SN Margin.*<td[^>]+>([\d,\.]+) / ([\d,\.]+)};
my $upSN = $1;
my $downSN = $2;
$upSN =~ s/,//;
$downSN =~ s/,//;
print "downout.value $downOUT\n";
print "upout.value $upOUT\n";
print "downline.value $downLINE\n";
print "upline.value $upLINE\n";
print "downsn.value $downSN\n";
print "upsn.value $upSN\n";
} elsif ($mode eq 'errors'){
$page =~ m{FEC Errors.*<td[^>]+>([\d,\.]+) / ([\d,\.]+)};
my $upFEC = $1;
my $downFEC = $2;
$upFEC =~ s/,//g;
$downFEC =~ s/,//g;
$page =~ m{CRC Errors.*<td[^>]+>([\d,\.]+) / ([\d,\.]+)};
my $upCRC = $1;
my $downCRC = $2;
$upCRC =~ s/,//g;
$downCRC =~ s/,//g;
$page =~ m{HEC Errors.*<td[^>]+>([\d,\.]+) / ([\d,\.]+)};
my $upHEC = $1;
my $downHEC = $2;
$upHEC =~ s/,//g;
$downHEC =~ s/,//g;
print "downFEC.value $downFEC\n";
print "upFEC.value $upFEC\n";
print "downCRC.value $downCRC\n";
print "upCRC.value $upCRC\n";
print "downHEC.value $downHEC\n";
print "upHEC.value $upHEC\n";
} elsif ($mode eq 'uptime'){
my ($DSLRaw, $DSLUp, $iNetRaw, $iNetUp, $BoxRaw, $BoxUp);
if ($page =~ m{Uptime:.*<td[^>]+>(.*)</td>}g){
$DSLRaw = $1;
$DSLUp = Uptime2Days($DSLRaw);
} else {
$DSLUp = 'U';
if ($page =~ m{Uptime:.*<td[^>]+>(.*)</td>}g){
$iNetRaw = $1;
$iNetUp = Uptime2Days($iNetRaw);
} else {
$iNetUp = 'U';
$page = $mech->content;
if ($page =~ m{Time Since Power-on:.*<td[^>]+>(.*)</td>}){
$BoxRaw = $1;
$BoxUp = Uptime2Days($BoxRaw);
} else {
$BoxUp = 'U';
print "Box.value $BoxUp\n";
print "Box.extinfo $BoxRaw\n";
print "DSL.value $DSLUp\n";
print "DSL.extinfo $DSLRaw\n";
print "iNet.value $iNetUp\n";
print "iNet.extinfo $iNetRaw\n";
} else {
print "Don't know how to graph $mode\n";
exit 1;
exit 0;