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2007-03-07 10:26:57 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Plugin for monitor oracle locks
# Licenced under GPL v2.
# Usage:
# Symlink into /etc/munin/plugins/ and add the monitored
# database to the filename. e.g.:
# ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/oracle__locks \
# /etc/munin/plugins/oracle_<databasename>_locks
# This should, however, be given through autoconf and suggest.
# If required, give username, password and/or oracle server
# host through environment variables.
# Parameters:
# autoconf
# config (required)
# Config variables:
# dbhost - Which database server to use. Defaults to
# 'localhost'.
# dbname - Which database to use. Defaults to template1
# dbuser - A Postgresql user account with read permission to
# the given database. Defaults to
# 'postgres'. Anyway, Munin must be told which user
# this plugin should be run as.
# dbpass - The corresponding password, if
# applicable. Default to undef. Remember that
# pg_hba.conf must be configured accordingly.
# Magic markers
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf
use strict;
use DBI;
my $dbhost = $ENV{'dbhost'} || '';
my $dbname = $ENV{'dbname'} || 'ocrl';
my $dbuser = $ENV{'dbuser'} || 'oracle';
my $dbport = $ENV{'dbport'} || '1521';
my $dbpass = $ENV{'dbpass'} || '';
# Check for DBD::Oracle
if (! eval "require DBD::Oracle;") {
exit 1;
my $dsn = "DBI:Oracle:dbname=$dbname;host=$dbhost;port=$dbport;sid=$dbname";
#print "$dsn\n";
my $dbh = DBI->connect ($dsn, $dbuser,
{RaiseError =>1}) || die "";
if (exists $ARGV[0]) {
if ($ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf') {
# Check for DBD::Oracle
if (! eval "require DBD::Oracle;") {
print "no (DBD::Oracle not found)";
exit 1;
if ($dbh) {
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
} else {
print "no Unable to access Database $dbname on host $dbhost as user $dbuser.\nError returned was: ". $DBI::errstr;
exit 1;
if ($ARGV[0] eq "config") {
print "graph_title Oracle locks for $dbname\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n";
print "graph_vlabel Locks\n";
print "graph_category db\n";
2007-03-07 10:26:57 +01:00
print "graph_info Shows oracle locks\n";
print "graph_scale no\n";
print "RS.label Row Share Locks\n";
print "RS.info Row Share Oracle locks\n";
print "RS.type GAUGE\n";
#print "RS.warning 5\n";
#print "RS.critical 10\n";
print "RE.label Row Exclusive locks\n";
print "RE.info Row Exclusive oracle locks\n";
print "RE.type GAUGE\n";
#print "RE.warning 5\n";
#print "RE.critical 10\n";
print "S.label Share locks\n";
print "S.info Row Share oracle locks\n";
print "S.type GAUGE\n";
#print "S.warning 5\n";
#print "S.critical 10\n";
print "SRX.label Share Row Exclusive locks\n";
print "SRX.info Share Row Exclusive oracle locks\n";
print "SRX.type GAUGE\n";
#print "SRX.warning 5\n";
#print "SRX.critical 10\n";
print "X.label Exclusive locks\n";
print "X.info Exclusive oracle locks\n";
print "X.type GAUGE\n";
#print "X.warning 5\n";
#print "X.critical 10\n";
print "MR.label Media Recovery (Share) locks\n";
print "MR.info Media Recovery (Share) oracle locks\n";
print "MR.type GAUGE\n";
#print "MR.warning 5\n";
#print "MR.critical 10\n";
print "RT.label Redo Thread (Exclusive) locks\n";
print "RT.info Redo Thread (Exclusive) oracle locks\n";
print "RT.type GAUGE\n";
#print "RT.warning 5\n";
#print "RT.critical 10\n";
print "XR.label XR locks\n";
print "XR.info XR oracle locks\n";
print "XR.type GAUGE\n";
#print "XR.warning 5\n";
#print "XR.critical 10\n";
print "TS.label Temp Segment locks\n";
print "TS.info Temp Segment oracle locks\n";
print "TS.type GAUGE\n";
#print "TS.warning 5\n";
#print "TS.critical 10\n";
exit 0;
#select MODE_HELD,count(MODE_HELD) from dba_locks group by MODE_HELD;
my $sql="select type,count(*) from v\$lock group by type";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare ($sql);
$sth->execute ();
my $type = 0;
my $count = 0;
my ($RS,$RE,$S,$SRX,$X,$MR,$RT,$XR,$TS) = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
while ( ($type, $count) = $sth->fetchrow ()) {
#print "$type.value $count\n";
if ( $type eq "RS" ) {$RS=$count} ;
if ( $type eq "RE" ) {$RE=$count} ;
if ( $type eq "S" ) {$S=$count} ;
if ( $type eq "SRX" ) {$SRX=$count} ;
if ( $type eq "X" ) {$X=$count} ;
if ( $type eq "MR" ) {$MR=$count} ;
if ( $type eq "RT" ) {$RT=$count} ;
if ( $type eq "XR" ) {$XR=$count} ;
if ( $type eq "TS" ) {$TS=$count} ;
print "RS.value $RS\n";
print "RE.value $RE\n";
print "S.value $S\n";
print "SRX.value $SRX\n";
print "X.value $X\n";
print "MR.value $MR\n";
print "RT.value $RT\n";
print "XR.value $XR\n";
print "TS.value $TS\n";