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# weird shebang? See below: "interpreter selection"
# Collect information related to ath9k wireless events and states.
# * rate control statistics ("rc_stats")
# * events (dropped, transmitted, beacon loss, ...)
# * traffic (packets, bytes)
# * DFS events (processed patterns, approved signals)
# All data is collected for each separate station (in case of multiple
# connected peers). Combined graphs are provided as a summary.
# This plugin works with the following python interpreters:
# * Python 3
# * micropython
# The following graphs are generated for each physical ath9k interface:
# phy0_wifi0_traffic
# phy0_wifi0_traffic.station0
# ...
# pyh0_wifi0_events
# phy0_wifi0_events.station0
# ...
# pyh0_wifi0_rc_stats
# phy0_wifi0_rc_stats.station0
# ...
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Lars Kruse <devel@sumpfralle.de>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Magic markers
# #%# capabilities=autoconf suggest
# #%# family=auto
# ****************** Interpreter Selection ***************
# This unbelievable dirty hack allows to find a suitable python interpreter.
# This is specifically useful for OpenWRT where typically only micropython is available.
# This "execution hack" works as follows:
# * the script is executed by busybox ash or another shell
# * the above line (three quotes before and one quote after 'true') evaluates differently for
# shell and python:
# * shell: run "true" (i.e. nothing happens)
# * python: ignore everything up to the next three consecutive quotes
# Thus we may place shell code here that will take care for selecting an interpreter.
# prefer micropython if it is available - otherwise fall back to python 3
MICROPYTHON_BIN=$(which micropython || true)
if [ -n "$MICROPYTHON_BIN" ]; then
"$MICROPYTHON_BIN" "$0" "$@"
python3 "$0" "$@"
exit $?
# For shell: ignore everything starting from here until the last line of this file.
# This is necessary for syntax checkers that try to complain about invalid shell syntax below.
true <<EOF
import os
import os.path
import sys
plugin_version = "0.5"
STATION_TRAFFIC_COUNTERS = ("rx_bytes", "tx_bytes", "rx_packets", "tx_packets")
STATION_EVENT_COUNTERS = ("tx_retry_count", "tx_retry_failed", "tx_filtered", "tx_fragments",
"rx_dropped", "rx_fragments", "rx_duplicates", "beacon_loss_count")
# dictionary of fieldnames and labels
# the labels need to match exactly in /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k/dfs_stats
DFS_EVENT_COUNTERS = {"Pulse events processed": "pulses_processed",
"Radars detected": "radars_detected"}
# 16 colors (see http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/fieldname.colour) for visualizing
# rate control selection (see rc_stats)
QUALITY_GRAPH_COLORS_16 = ("FF1F00", "FF4500", "FF7000", "FF9700",
"FFBC00", "FAE600", "D1FF00", "7BFF00",
"1CFF00", "06E41B", "00C43B", "009D60",
"007986", "0058A8", "0033CC", "0018DE")
SYS_BASE_DIR = "/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211"
GRAPH_BASE_NAME = "ath9k_stats"
PLUGIN_SCOPES = ("traffic", "events", "rcstats", "dfs_events")
class Station:
config_map = {"events": lambda station, **kwargs: station._get_events_config(**kwargs),
"traffic": lambda station, **kwargs: station._get_traffic_config(**kwargs),
"rcstats": lambda station, **kwargs: station._get_rc_stats_config(**kwargs)}
values_map = {"events": lambda station: station._events_stats,
"traffic": lambda station: station._traffic_stats,
"rcstats": lambda station: station._get_rc_stats_success()}
def __init__(self, label, key, path):
self._path = path
self.label = label
self.key = key
self._events_stats = self._parse_file_based_stats(STATION_EVENT_COUNTERS)
self._traffic_stats = self._parse_file_based_stats(STATION_TRAFFIC_COUNTERS)
self._rc_stats = self._parse_rc_stats()
def _parse_rc_stats(self):
csv_filename = os.path.join(self._path, "rc_stats_csv")
legacy_filename = os.path.join(self._path, "rc_stats")
if os.path.exists(csv_filename):
return self._parse_rc_stats_csv(csv_filename)
return self._parse_rc_stats_legacy(legacy_filename)
def _parse_rc_stats_csv(self, filename):
""" example content (there is no header)
HT20,LGI,1,ABCDP,MCS0 ,0,1477,5.6,4.5,73.6,1.4,100.0,3,1,1,89,194,82,8,1.0
HT20,LGI,1,,MCS1 ,1,739,10.5,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0,0,0,1,82,8,1.0
HT20,LGI,1,,MCS2 ,2,493,14.9,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0,0,0,0,82,8,1.0
HT20,LGI,1,,MCS3 ,3,369,18.7,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0,0,0,1,82,8,1.0
HT20,LGI,1,,MCS4 ,4,246,25.3,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0,0,0,1,82,8,1.0
HT20,LGI,1,,MCS5 ,5,185,30.6,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0,0,0,0,82,8,1.0
HT20,LGI,1,,MCS6 ,6,164,32.9,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0,0,0,0,82,8,1.0
column_map = {"rate": (4, lambda text: text.strip()), "success": (15, int)}
stats = {}
with open(filename, "r") as statsfile:
for index, line in enumerate(statsfile.readlines()):
tokens = line.split(",")
entry = {key: convert(tokens[column])
for key, (column, convert) in column_map.items()}
# some "rate" values are given in MBit/s - some are MCS0..15
entry["rate_label"] = "{rate:d} MBit/s".format(rate=int(entry["rate"]))
except ValueError:
# keep the MCS string
entry["rate_label"] = entry["rate"]
stats[entry["rate"]] = entry
return stats
def _parse_rc_stats_legacy(self, filename):
""" example content
type rate tpt eprob *prob ret *ok(*cum) ok( cum)
HT20/LGI MCS0 5.6 100.0 100.0 3 0( 0) 3( 3)
HT20/LGI MCS1 10.5 100.0 100.0 0 0( 0) 1( 1)
HT20/LGI MCS2 14.9 100.0 100.0 0 0( 0) 1( 1)
HT20/LGI MCS3 18.7 96.5 100.0 5 0( 0) 261( 328)
HT20/LGI MCS4 25.3 95.6 100.0 5 0( 0) 4267( 5460)
HT20/LGI MCS5 30.6 95.8 100.0 5 0( 0) 11735( 17482)
HT20/LGI MCS6 32.9 95.7 100.0 5 0( 0) 24295( 32592)
HT20/LGI DP MCS7 35.0 90.4 95.2 5 0( 0) 63356( 88600)
HT20/LGI MCS8 10.5 100.0 100.0 0 0( 0) 1( 1)
beware: sometimes the last two pairs of columns are joined without withespace
(e.g. "90959383(100188029)")
The format changed over different versions of the ath9k driver. Thus the CSV format
above is preferable (available since 2016).
stats = {}
with open(filename, "r") as statsfile:
rate_column = None
skip_retry_column = False
for index, line in enumerate(statsfile.readlines()):
# Remove trailing linebreak, replace braces (annoyingly present in the last four
# columns).
line = line.rstrip().replace("(", " ").replace(")", " ")
# ignore the trailing summary lines
if not line:
if index == 0:
# We need to remember the start of the "rate" column (in order to skip the
# flags).
rate_column = line.index("rate")
if rate_column == 0:
# The following weird format was found on a Barrier Breaker host
# (2014, Linux 3.10.49):
# rate throughput ewma prob this prob this succ/attempt success attempts # noqa: E501
# ABCDP 6 5.4 89.9 100.0 0( 0) 171 183 # noqa: E501
# (ignore the "# noqa: ..." tags for "flake8" at the end of the lines)
# Thus we just assume that there are five flag letters and two blanks.
# Let's hope for the best!
rate_column = 6
# this format does not contain the "retry" column
skip_retry_column = True
# skip the header line
elif (index == 1) and ("MCS0" in line) and (line.index("MCS0") != rate_column):
# The following weird format was found on an Attitude Adjustment host
# (2012, Linux 3.3.8):
# type rate throughput ewma prob this prob this succ/attempt success attempts # noqa: E501
# HT20/LGI t MCS0 4.9 79.0 100.0 0( 0) 1469 1664 # noqa: E501
# HT20/LGI T PMCS1 10.0 85.1 100.0 1( 1) 44661 62798 # noqa: E501
# HT20/LGI MCS2 8.4 51.2 33.3 0( 0) 37495 64721 # noqa: E501
# (ignore the "# noqa: ..." tags for "flake8" at the end of the lines)
rate_column = line.index("MCS0")
skip_retry_column = True
cutoff_line = line[rate_column:]
tokens = cutoff_line.split()
entry = {}
entry["rate"] = tokens.pop(0)
# throughput (float)
# ewma_probability (float)
# this_probability (float)
# retry (int)
if not skip_retry_column:
# this_success (int)
# this_attempts (int)
# success (int)
entry["success"] = int(tokens.pop(0))
# attempts (int)
# some "rate" values are given in MBit/s - some are MCS0..15
entry["rate_label"] = "{rate:d} MBit/s".format(rate=int(entry["rate"]))
except ValueError:
# keep the MCS string
entry["rate_label"] = entry["rate"]
stats[entry["rate"]] = entry
return stats
def _get_rc_stats_success(self):
rc_values = {self._get_rate_fieldname(rate["rate"]): rate["success"]
for rate in self._rc_stats.values()}
rc_values["sum"] = sum(rc_values.values())
return rc_values
def _parse_file_based_stats(self, counters):
stats = {}
for counter in counters:
# some events are not handled with older versions (e.g. "beacon_loss_count")
filename = os.path.join(self._path, counter)
if os.path.exists(filename):
content = open(filename, "r").read().strip()
stats[counter] = int(content)
return stats
def get_values(self, scope, graph_base):
func = self.values_map[scope]
yield "multigraph {base}_{suffix}.{station}".format(base=graph_base, suffix=scope,
for key, value in func(self).items():
yield "{key}.value {value}".format(key=key, value=value)
yield ""
def get_summary_values(cls, scope, siblings, graph_base):
func = cls.values_map[scope]
yield "multigraph {base}_{suffix}".format(base=graph_base, suffix=scope)
stats = {}
for station in siblings:
for key, value in func(station).items():
stats[key] = stats.get(key, 0) + value
for key, value in stats.items():
yield "{key}.value {value}".format(key=key, value=value)
yield ""
def get_config(self, scope, graph_base):
func = self.config_map[scope]
yield "multigraph {base}_{suffix}.{station}".format(base=graph_base, suffix=scope,
yield from func(self, label=self.label, siblings=[self])
def get_summary_config(cls, scope, siblings, graph_base):
func = cls.config_map[scope]
yield "multigraph {base}_{suffix}".format(base=graph_base, suffix=scope)
for station in siblings:
yield from func(station, siblings=[station])
def _get_traffic_config(cls, label=None, siblings=None):
if label:
yield "graph_title ath9k Station Traffic {label}".format(label=label)
yield "graph_title ath9k Station Traffic"
yield "graph_args --base 1024"
yield "graph_vlabel received (-) / transmitted (+)"
yield "graph_category wireless"
# convert bytes/s into kbit/s (x * 8 / 1000 = x / 125)
yield from _get_up_down_pair("kBit/s", "tx_bytes", "rx_bytes", divider=125,
yield from _get_up_down_pair("Packets/s", "tx_packets", "rx_packets",
yield ""
def _get_events_config(cls, label=None, siblings=None):
if label:
yield "graph_title ath9k Station Events {label}".format(label=label)
yield "graph_title ath9k Station Events"
yield "graph_vlabel events per ${graph_period}"
yield "graph_category wireless"
events = set()
for station in siblings:
for event in events:
yield "{event}.label {event}".format(event=event)
yield "{event}.type COUNTER".format(event=event)
yield ""
def _get_rate_fieldname(cls, rate):
return "rate_{0}".format(rate.lower()).replace(".", "_")
def _get_rc_stats_config(cls, label=None, siblings=None):
if label:
yield "graph_title ath9k Station Transmit Rates {label} Success".format(label=label)
yield "graph_title ath9k Station Transmit Rates Success"
yield "graph_vlabel transmit rates %"
yield "graph_category wireless"
yield "graph_args --base 1000 -r --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit 100"
all_rates = {}
# collect alle unique rates
for station in siblings:
for rate, details in station._rc_stats.items():
all_rates[rate] = details
# helper for sorting of mixed alphanumeric strings
def num_extract(text):
return int("".join([char for char in text if "0" <= char <= "9"]))
# helper for getting the fieldname for a given rate
def get_rate_fieldname(rate_name):
return cls._get_rate_fieldname(all_rates[rate_name]["rate"])
# return all rates
# sum up all rates for percent visualization:
# "MCS7,MCS6,MCS5,MCS4,MCS3,MCS2,MCS1,MCS0,+,+,+,+,+,+,+"
cdef = None
for sum_rate in all_rates:
if cdef is None:
cdef = get_rate_fieldname(sum_rate)
cdef = "{key},{cdef},+".format(key=get_rate_fieldname(sum_rate), cdef=cdef)
yield "sum.label Sum of all counters"
yield "sum.type DERIVE"
yield "sum.graph no"
for index, rate in enumerate(sorted(all_rates, key=num_extract)):
details = all_rates[rate]
key = get_rate_fieldname(rate)
yield "{key}.label {rate_label}".format(key=key, rate_label=details["rate_label"])
yield "{key}.type DERIVE".format(key=key)
yield "{key}.min 0".format(key=key)
if index < len(QUALITY_GRAPH_COLORS_16):
yield "{key}.colour {colour}".format(key=key,
yield "{key}.draw AREASTACK".format(key=key)
# divide the current value by the above sum of all counters and calculate percent
yield "{key}.cdef 100,{key},sum,/,*".format(key=key, cdef=cdef)
yield ""
class WifiInterface:
def __init__(self, name, path, graph_base):
self._path = path
self._graph_base = graph_base
self.name = name
self.stations = tuple(self._parse_stations())
def _parse_arp_cache(self):
""" read IPs and MACs from /proc/net/arp and return a dictionary for MAC -> IP """
arp_cache = {}
# example content:
# IP address HW type Flags HW address Mask Device
# 0x1 0x0 00:00:00:00:00:00 * eth0.10
# 0x1 0x2 24:a4:3c:fd:76:98 * eth1.10
for line in open("/proc/net/arp", "r").read().split("\n"):
# skip empty lines
if line:
tokens = line.split()
ip, mac = tokens[0], tokens[3]
# the header line can be ignored - all other should have well-formed MACs
if ":" in mac:
# ignore remote peers outside of the broadcast domain
if mac != "00:00:00:00:00:00":
arp_cache[mac] = ip
return arp_cache
def _parse_stations(self):
stations_base = os.path.join(self._path, "stations")
arp_cache = self._parse_arp_cache()
for item in os.listdir(stations_base):
peer_mac = item
# use the IP or fall back to the MAC without separators (":")
if peer_mac in arp_cache:
label = arp_cache[peer_mac]
key = peer_mac.replace(":", "")
label = peer_mac
key = "host_" + peer_mac.replace(":", "").replace(".", "")
yield Station(label, key, os.path.join(stations_base, item))
def get_config(self, scope):
yield from Station.get_summary_config(scope, self.stations, self._graph_base)
for station in self.stations:
yield from station.get_config(scope, self._graph_base)
yield ""
def get_values(self, scope):
yield from Station.get_summary_values(scope, self.stations, self._graph_base)
for station in self.stations:
yield from station.get_values(scope, self._graph_base)
yield ""
class WifiPhy:
def __init__(self, name, path, graph_base):
self._path = path
self._graph_base = graph_base
self.name = name
self.dfs_events = self._parse_dfs_events()
self.interfaces = tuple(self._parse_interfaces())
def _parse_dfs_events(self):
result = {}
fname = os.path.join(self._path, "ath9k", "dfs_stats")
if not os.path.exists(fname):
# older ath9k modules (e.g. Linux 3.3) did not provide this data
return {}
for line in open(fname, "r").read().split("\n"):
tokens = line.split(":")
if len(tokens) == 2:
label, value = tokens[0].strip(), tokens[1].strip()
fieldname = DFS_EVENT_COUNTERS[label]
result[fieldname] = value
return result
def _parse_interfaces(self):
for item in os.listdir(self._path):
if item.startswith("netdev:"):
wifi = item.split(":", 1)[1]
label = "{phy}/{interface}".format(phy=self.name, interface=wifi)
wifi_path = os.path.join(self._path, item)
graph_base = "{base}_{phy}_{interface}".format(base=self._graph_base,
phy=self.name, interface=wifi)
yield WifiInterface(label, wifi_path, graph_base)
def get_config(self, scope):
if scope == "dfs_events":
yield "multigraph {graph_base}_dfs_events".format(graph_base=self._graph_base)
yield "graph_title DFS Events"
yield "graph_vlabel events per second"
yield "graph_args --base 1000 --logarithmic"
yield "graph_category wireless"
for label, fieldname in DFS_EVENT_COUNTERS.items():
yield "{fieldname}.label {label}".format(fieldname=fieldname, label=label)
yield "{fieldname}.type COUNTER".format(fieldname=fieldname)
yield ""
for interface in self.interfaces:
yield from interface.get_config(scope)
def get_values(self, scope):
if scope == "dfs_events":
yield "multigraph {graph_base}_dfs_events".format(graph_base=self._graph_base)
for fieldname, value in self.dfs_events.items():
yield "{fieldname}.value {value}".format(fieldname=fieldname, value=value)
yield ""
for interface in self.interfaces:
yield from interface.get_values(scope)
class Ath9kDriver:
def __init__(self, path, graph_base):
self._path = path
self._graph_base = graph_base
self.phys = list(self._parse_phys())
def _parse_phys(self):
if not os.path.exists(self._path):
for phy in os.listdir(self._path):
phy_path = os.path.join(self._path, phy)
graph_base = "{base}_{phy}".format(base=self._graph_base, phy=phy)
yield WifiPhy(phy, phy_path, graph_base)
def get_config(self, scope):
for phy in self.phys:
yield from phy.get_config(scope)
def get_values(self, scope):
for phy in self.phys:
yield from phy.get_values(scope)
def has_dfs_support(self):
for phy in self.phys:
if phy.dfs_events:
return True
return False
def has_devices(self):
return len(self.phys) > 0
def _get_up_down_pair(unit, key_up, key_down, factor=None, divider=None, use_negative=True):
""" return all required statements for a munin-specific up/down value pair
"factor" or "divider" can be given for unit conversions
for key in (key_up, key_down):
if use_negative:
yield "{key}.label {unit}".format(key=key, unit=unit)
yield "{key}.label {key} {unit}".format(key=key, unit=unit)
yield "{key}.type COUNTER".format(key=key)
if factor:
yield "{key}.cdef {key},{factor},*".format(key=key, factor=factor)
if divider:
yield "{key}.cdef {key},{divider},/".format(key=key, divider=divider)
if use_negative:
yield "{key_down}.graph no".format(key_down=key_down)
yield "{key_up}.negative {key_down}".format(key_up=key_up, key_down=key_down)
def get_scope():
called_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
name_prefix = "ath9k_"
if called_name.startswith(name_prefix):
scope = called_name[len(name_prefix):]
if scope not in PLUGIN_SCOPES:
print_error("Invalid scope requested: {0} (expected: {1})"
.format(scope, PLUGIN_SCOPES))
print_error("Invalid filename - failed to discover plugin scope")
return scope
def print_error(message):
# necessary fallback for micropython
linesep = getattr(os, "linesep", "\n")
sys.stderr.write(message + linesep)
def do_fetch(ath9k):
for item in ath9k.get_values(get_scope()):
def do_config(ath9k):
for item in ath9k.get_config(get_scope()):
if __name__ == "__main__":
ath9k = Ath9kDriver(SYS_BASE_DIR, GRAPH_BASE_NAME)
# parse arguments
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if sys.argv[1] == "config":
if os.getenv("MUNIN_CAP_DIRTYCONFIG") == "1":
elif sys.argv[1] == "autoconf":
if os.path.exists(SYS_BASE_DIR):
print('no (missing ath9k driver sysfs directory: {})'.format(SYS_BASE_DIR))
elif sys.argv[1] == "suggest":
if ath9k.has_devices():
for scope in PLUGIN_SCOPES:
# skip the "dfs_events" scope if there is not DFS support
if (scope != "dfs_events") or ath9k.has_dfs_support():
elif sys.argv[1] == "version":
print_error('olsrd Munin plugin, version %s' % plugin_version)
elif sys.argv[1] == "":
# ignore
# unknown argument
print_error("Unknown argument")
# final marker for shell / python hybrid script (see "Interpreter Selection")
EOF = True