mirror of https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib.git synced 2018-11-08 00:59:34 +01:00

Initial version

This commit is contained in:
Raphal HALIMI 2011-06-06 17:29:51 +02:00 committed by Steve Schnepp
parent b16cf44282
commit 20afb67923

plugins/other/xen-multi Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl
# -*- perl -*-
=head1 NAME
xen_multi - Munin multigraph plugin to monitor Xen domains activity
This plugin should work on any system running a Xen hypervisor and where xentop
is installed. It also needs Munin 1.4.0 or higher, since it uses AREASTACK
(available from 1.3.3) and multigraph (available from 1.4.0).
xentop requires superuser privileges, so you need to include in your
user root
Then restart munin-node and you're done.
This plugin produces four different graphs: CPU usage, memory usage, disk IOs
and network traffic.
In each graph, all Xen domains (including dom0) have their data stacked, giving
an overall amount of ressources used.
NOTE: xentop always reports 0 for dom0's disk IOs and network traffic, but
both graphs show its entry all the same, so each domain can keep its own color
along the different graphs.
=head2 CPU usage
This graph shows a percentage of the CPU time used by each domain.
=head2 Memory usage
This graph shows the amount of memory (in bytes) used by each domain.
=head2 Disk IOs
This graph shows the number of disk read and write operations for each domain.
=head2 Network traffic
This graph shows the amount of bits received and transmitted for each domain.
Michael Renner for the C<diskstats> plugin which I borrowed some code from.
=head1 VERSION
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf
=head1 AUTHOR
Raphael HALIMI <raphael.halimi@gmail.com>
=head1 LICENSE
use strict;
# autoconf - quite simple
if ($ARGV[0] eq "autoconf") {
if (`which xentop`) {
print "yes\n";
} else {
print "no (xentop not found)\n";
exit 0;
# Common steps for both "config" and a normal run
# trim_label
# Trims a given label to it's non-wrapping size
# $type = 'pos' for normal graphs and 'neg' for mirror graphs
# pos: nnn.nnU_ times 4
# neg: nnn.nnU/nnn.nnU_ times 4
sub trim_label {
my ($type, $label) = @_; my $data_characters;
my ($graph_width, $graph_border_width, $padding_characters, $pixels_per_character) = (400,97,10,6);
if ($type eq 'pos') {$data_characters = 32;} elsif ($type eq 'neg') {$data_characters = 64;} else {return $label;}
my $available_characters = abs(($graph_width+$graph_border_width)/$pixels_per_character)-$padding_characters-$data_characters;
# If the label is longer than the available space, we write as many
# characters as we can on both left and right, and two dots in the middle
if ( $available_characters < length $label ) {
my $center = ($available_characters-2)/2;
$label = substr($label,0,($center)) . '..' . substr($label,-$center);
return $label;
# Global variables
my (%domains,@xentop,$domain,$munindomain,$cpusec,$cpupercent,$memk,$mempercent,$maxmemk,$maxmempercent,$nettxk,$netrxk,$vbdrd,$vbdwr);
# We run xentop with two iterations (the first one always returns 0 for CPU %)
open (XENTOP,"xentop -b -f -i2 |") or die "Could not execute xentop, $!";
# We parse the output backwards to process only the last iteration
@xentop = reverse(<XENTOP>); close(XENTOP);
# Now we build a hash of hashes to store information
foreach (@xentop) {
# Some cleaning first
s/^\s+//; chomp;
# We stop processing at the headers
if (/^NAME/) { last; } else {
# We define only what we need
($domain,undef,undef,$cpupercent,$memk,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$nettxk,$netrxk,undef,undef,$vbdrd,$vbdwr,undef,undef,undef) = split(/\s+/);
# We have to store the domain name in a separate variable
# in which we replace - and . by _
$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'} = $domain;
$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'} =~ s/[-.]/_/g;
# We need the remaining data only for a normal run
if ($ARGV[0] eq "") {
$domains{$domain}{'cpupercent'} = $cpupercent;
$domains{$domain}{'mem'} = $memk;
$domains{$domain}{'nettx'} = $nettxk;
$domains{$domain}{'netrx'} = $netrxk;
$domains{$domain}{'vbdrd'} = $vbdrd;
$domains{$domain}{'vbdwr'} = $vbdwr;
# config - quite simple, too
if ($ARGV[0] eq "config") {
print "multigraph xen_cpu\n";
print "graph_title Xen domains CPU usage\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0 --upper-limit 100\n";
print "graph_vlabel %\n";
print "graph_scale no\n";
print "graph_category xen\n";
print "graph_info This graph shows CPU usage for each Xen domain.\n";
for $domain (sort(keys(%domains))) {
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_cpu.label ".trim_label('pos',$domain)."\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_cpu.draw AREASTACK\n";
print "\nmultigraph xen_mem\n";
print "graph_title Xen domains memory usage\n";
print "graph_args --base 1024 -l 0\n";
print "graph_vlabel bytes\n";
print "graph_category xen\n";
print "graph_info This graph shows memory usage for each Xen domain.\n";
for $domain (sort(keys(%domains))) {
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_mem.label ".trim_label('pos',$domain)."\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_mem.cdef $domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_mem,1024,*\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_mem.draw AREASTACK\n";
print "\nmultigraph xen_net\n";
print "graph_title Xen domains network traffic\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000\n";
print "graph_vlabel bits per \${graph_period} in (-) / out (+)\n";
print "graph_category xen\n";
print "graph_info This graph shows network traffic for each Xen domain.\n";
for $domain (sort(keys(%domains))) {
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_netrx.label none\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_netrx.cdef $domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_netrx,8192,*\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_netrx.type COUNTER\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_netrx.graph no\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_nettx.label ".trim_label('neg',$domain)."\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_nettx.cdef $domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_nettx,8192,*\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_nettx.type COUNTER\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_nettx.draw AREASTACK\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_nettx.negative $domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_netrx\n";
print "\nmultigraph xen_disk\n";
print "graph_title Xen domains disk IOs\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000\n";
print "graph_vlabel IOs per \${graph_period} read (-) / write (+)\n";
print "graph_category xen\n";
print "graph_info This graph shows disk IOs for each Xen domain.\n";
for $domain (sort(keys(%domains))) {
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_vbdrd.label none\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_vbdrd.type COUNTER\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_vbdrd.graph no\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_vbdwr.label ".trim_label('neg',$domain)."\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_vbdwr.type COUNTER\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_vbdwr.draw AREASTACK\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_vbdwr.negative $domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_vbdrd\n";
exit 0;
# Normal run
print "multigraph xen_cpu\n";
for $domain (sort(keys(%domains))) {
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_cpu.value $domains{$domain}{'cpupercent'}\n";
print "\nmultigraph xen_mem\n";
for $domain (sort(keys(%domains))) {
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_mem.value $domains{$domain}{'mem'}\n";
print "\nmultigraph xen_net\n";
for $domain (sort(keys(%domains))) {
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_nettx.value $domains{$domain}{'nettx'}\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_netrx.value $domains{$domain}{'netrx'}\n";
print "\nmultigraph xen_disk\n";
for $domain (sort(keys(%domains))) {
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_vbdrd.value $domains{$domain}{'vbdrd'}\n";
print "$domains{$domain}{'munindomain'}_vbdwr.value $domains{$domain}{'vbdwr'}\n";