mirror of https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib.git synced 2018-11-08 00:59:34 +01:00

Merge pull request #426 from gullevek/master

Plugin to monitor HP server temperatures via the hplog command
This commit is contained in:
Steve Schnepp 2014-02-18 15:41:47 +01:00
commit 74f814befd
5 changed files with 916 additions and 0 deletions

plugins/hp/hp_temp Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Temperature read from hplog -t
# in the plugin config the user need to be set to root:
# [hp_temp]
# user root
use strict;
use Munin::Plugin;
my $mode = ($ARGV[0] or "print");
if ($mode eq 'autoconf')
if (`/sbin/hplog -t` eq '')
print "no (no temperature devices to monitor)\n"
print "yes\n"
exit 0;
if ($mode eq 'config')
# headers for the temperatur
print "graph_title HP Temperature sensors in Celcius\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n";
print "graph_vlabel degrees Celsius\n";
print "graph_category sensors\n";
# threshold: ($name).critical
# ($name).warning -5% of threshold
open(HPT, "hplog -t 2>/dev/null |") || die("Cannot open hplog: $!\n");
<HPT>; # header line, skipping
while (<HPT>)
# we need the following locations (fixed)
# ID: 1-2
# LOCATION: 18-32
# STATUS: 34-42
# CURRENT: 43-52
# THRESHOLD: (for init only) 53-62
if (length($_) > 1)
my $status = substr($_, 33, 8); # Normal, Absent, etc
$status =~ s/\s+$//g;
# if status is not Abstent, we go ahead
if ($status ne 'Absent')
my $id = substr($_, 0, 2);
$id =~ s/\s+//g;
my $location = substr($_, 17, 14);
# strip any trailing spaces
$location =~ s/\s+$//g;
$location .= ' '.$id;
my $temp = substr($_, 42, 9);
# post work: current extract C number only
$temp =~ /\dF\/([\d ]{3})C$/;
$temp = $1;
if ($temp)
$temp =~ s/\s+//g;
# create a unique name from location
# remove all . / ( ) and replace space with _
my $name = lc($location);
$name =~ s/[\.\/\(\)]//g;
# strip all trailing spaces
$name =~ s/\s+$//g;
# convert spaces left to underscore
$name =~ s/\ /_/g;
# add the ID to be 100% unique
$name .= '_'.$id;
if ($mode eq 'config')
# only needed here in config
my $threshold = substr($_, 52, 9);
# extract only C
$threshold =~ /\dF\/([\d ]{3})C$/;
$threshold = $1;
if ($threshold)
$threshold =~ s/\s+//g;
$threshold = 100;
# calc warning from threshold, 5% less
my $warning = sprintf("%.0f", $threshold * 95 / 100);
print $name.".label ".$location."\n";
print $name.".warning ".$warning."\n";
print $name.".critical ".$threshold."\n";
print $name.".value ".$temp."\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
# -*- sh -*-
: << =cut
=head1 NAME
postfix_mailqueue_ - Plugin to monitor postfix mail spools per running postfix
=head1 ABOUT
A guide to postfix mail queue manageent can be found at
A summary:
=over 4
=item maildrop
Messages that have been submitted via the Postfix sendmail(1) command,
but not yet brought into the main Postfix queue by the pickup(8)
=item hold
Messages placed in the "hold" queue stay there until the administrator
=item incoming
Inbound mail from the network, or mail picked up by the local
pickup(8) daemon from the maildrop directory.
=item active
Messages that the queue manager has opened for delivery. Only a limited number
of messages is allowed to enter the active queue (leaky bucket strategy, for a
fixed delivery rate).
=item deferred
Mail that could not be delivered upon the first attempt. The queue manager
implements exponential backoff by doubling the time between delivery attempts.
=item corrupt
Unreadable or damaged queue files are moved here for inspection.
Uses the last part of the symlink name to get the postfix queue directory for the config file.
It then extract the queue path from the configuration file and uses it as a spooldir.
A environment spooldir can be set as a fallback.
env.spooldir /var/spool/postfix
=head1 AUTHOR
Extended to multiple queue use by Clemens Schwaighofer (gullevek@gullevek.org) in 2010.
=head1 LICENSE
=begin comment
These magic markers are used by munin-node-configure when installing
=end comment
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf
# atempt to get spooldir via postconf, but environment overrides.
# Remember that postconf is not available unless postfix is.
POSTCONFSPOOL="$(postconf -c $CONFIG -h queue_directory 2>/dev/null || echo /var/spool/postfix)"
. $MUNIN_LIBDIR/plugins/plugin.sh
case $1 in
if [ -d $SPOOLDIR ] ; then
echo yes
exit 0
echo "no (spooldir not found)"
exit 0
echo "graph_title Postfix Mailqueue $CONFIG";
cat <<'EOF'
graph_vlabel Mails in queue
graph_category postfix
graph_total Total
active.label active
deferred.label deferred
maildrop.label maildrop
incoming.label incoming
corrupt.label corrupt
hold.label held
for field in active deferred maildrop incoming corrupt hold; do
print_warning $field
print_critical $field
exit 0
cd $SPOOLDIR >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || {
echo "# Cannot cd to $SPOOLDIR"
exit 1
cat <<EOF
deferred.value `(test -d deferred && find deferred -type f) | wc -l`
active.value `(test -d active && find active -type f) | wc -l`
maildrop.value `(test -d maildrop && find maildrop -type f) | wc -l`
incoming.value `(test -d incoming && find incoming -type f) | wc -l`
corrupt.value `(test -d corrupt && find corrupt -type f) | wc -l`
hold.value `( test -d hold && find hold -type f) | wc -l`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-
=head1 NAME
postfix_mailqueuelog_ - detailed stats for postfix queue data
Use the last part in the symlink to define which postfix you want to get stats from.
The user has to be set as root, else there might be some errors if
the postfix config is not correctly set witht he alternate directories
env.etcdir /etc/
user root
user root
=head1 AUTHOR
Written in 2010 by Clemens Schwaighofer (gullevek@gullevek.org), based on the HoSaNIC module written by me
=head1 LICENSE
=begin comment
These magic markers are used by munin-node-configure when installing
=end comment
#%# family=manual
#%# capabilities=autoconf
Would be cool if someone ported this to Munin::Plugin state file.
# get the postfix queue number to look for
$0 =~ /postfix_mailqueuelog_([\w\d\-]+)$/;
my $postfix = $1;
#my $statefile = "$ENV{MUNIN_PLUGSTATE}/munin-plugin-".$postfix."_mailqueuelog.state";
my $sum = 0;
my $status = {};
my @status_list = ('crefused', 'ctimeout', 'rtimeout', 'refusedtalk', 'nohost', 'msrefused', 'noroute', 'usernotfound', 'err450', 'err452', 'err421', 'err421a', 'err4', 'lostc', 'active', 'other');
my $ETCDIR = $ENV{'etcdir'} || '/etc';
my $configdir = "$ETCDIR/$postfix/";
if ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf" )
if (-d $ETCDIR)
if (-d $configdir)
if (-r $configdir)
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
print "no (config dir '$configdir' not readable)\n";
print "no (config dir '$configdir' not found)\n";
print "no (could not find etcdir '$ETCDIR')\n";
exit 0;
#if ( -f $statefile)
# open (IN, '<', $statefile) or die "Unable to open state-file: $!\n";
# if (<IN> =~ /^sum:(\d+)/)
# {
# $sum = $1;
# }
# while (<IN>)
# {
# if (/^([0-9a-z.\-]+):(\d+)$/)
# {
# $status->{$1} = $2;
# }
# }
# close IN;
if (! -d $configdir)
print "sum.value U\n";
foreach my $i (@status_list)
print "r$i.value U\n";
exit 0;
if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config")
# descriptions for the rrd file
my %descriptions = (
'crefused' => 'Connection refused',
'ctimeout' => 'Connection timed out',
'rtimeout' => 'Read connection timed out',
'refusedtalk' => 'Host refused connection',
'nohost' => 'Host not found',
'msrefused' => 'Mail service refused',
'noroute' => 'Route not found',
'usernotfound' => 'User not found',
'err450' => '450 mailbox not okay (REJECT)',
'err452' => '452 mailbox is full',
'err421' => '421 service not okay (REJECT)',
'err421a' => '421 service not okay (REJECT, SB)',
'err4' => 'General 4xx error',
'lostc' => 'Lost connection',
'active' => 'Active running',
'other' => 'Other error'
print "graph_title Postfix mailqueue log for $postfix\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n"; # numbers not bytes
print "graph_vlabel Mails in Queue log\n";
print "graph_scale no\n"; # so we do not print "micro, milli, kilo, etc"
# print "graph_total Total\n";
print "graph_category postfix\n";
foreach my $i (@status_list)
if ($descriptions{$i})
print "r$i.label ".$descriptions{$i}."\n";
print "r$i.type GAUGE\n";
print "r$i.draw ".(!$field ? 'AREA' : 'STACK')."\n";
print "r$i.min 0\n";
$field = 'AREA';
print "sum.label Sum\n";
print "sum.type GAUGE\n";
print "sum.draw LINE2\n";
print "sum.min 0\n";
exit 0;
print "sum.value $sum\n";
foreach my $i (@status_list)
print "r$i.value ".($status->{$i} ? $status->{$i} : 0)."\n";
#if(-l $statefile) {
# die("$statefile is a symbolic link, refusing to touch it.");
#open (OUT, '>', $statefile) or die "Unable to open statefile: $!\n";
#print OUT "sum:$sum\n";
#foreach my $i (@status_list)
# print OUT "$i:".($status->{$i} ? $status->{$i} : 0)."\n";
#close OUT;
sub parseLogfile
my ($fname) = @_;
# the search parts
%search = (
'crefused' => 'Connection refused',
'ctimeout' => 'Connection timed out',
'rtimeout' => 'read timeout',
'refusedtalk' => 'refused to talk to me: 554',
'nohost' => 'Host not found',
'msrefused' => 'server refused mail service"',
'noroute' => 'No route to host',
'usernotfound' => 'address rejected',
'err450' => ': 450 ',
'err452' => ': 452 ',
'err421' => ': 421 ',
'err421a' => ': 421)',
'err4' => 'said: 4',
'lostc' => 'lost connection with',
my $command = "mailq -C $fname";
open(FILE, "$command|") || die ("Cannot open $command: $!");
while (<FILE>)
if (/^\w{10,}\*\s/o)
$status->{'active'} ++;
elsif (/^\s*\(/o)
$set = 0;
foreach $i (@status_list)
if ($search{$i} && index($_, $search{$i}) >= 0 && !$set)
$status->{$i} ++;
$set = 1;
if (!$set)
$status->{'other'} ++;
close(FILE) || die ("Cannot close $command: $!");
foreach $i (keys %{$status})
$sum += $status->{$i};
# vim:syntax=perl

View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-
=head1 NAME
postfix_mailstats_ - Plugin to monitor the number of mails delivered and
rejected by postfix
Uses the last part of the symlink name for grepping the correct data from the
postfix log file. The name must be syslog_name from the postfix config.
The environment settings still applay to this plugin.
Configuration parameters for /etc/munin/postfix_mailstats_,
if you need to override the defaults below:
env.logdir - Which logfile to use
env.logfile - What file to read in logdir
env.logdir /var/log
env.logfile mail.log
=head1 AUTHOR
Records show that the plugin was contributed by Nicolai Langfeldt in
2003. Nicolai can't find anything in his email about this and expects
the plugin is based on the corresponding exim plugin - to which it now
bears no resemblence.
Extended for multiple queue use by Clemens Schwaighofer (gullevek@gullevek.org) in 2010.
=head1 LICENSE
=begin comment
These magic markers are used by munin-node-configure when installing
=end comment
#%# family=manual
#%# capabilities=autoconf
Would be cool if someone ported this to Munin::Plugin for both state
file and log tailing.
# get the postfix queue number to look for
$0 =~ /postfix_mailstats_([\w\d\-]+)$/;
my $postfix = $1;
my $statefile = "$ENV{MUNIN_PLUGSTATE}/munin-plugin-".$postfix."_mailstats.state";
my $pos;
my $delivered = 0;
my $rejects = {};
my $LOGDIR = $ENV{'logdir'} || '/var/log';
my $LOGFILE = $ENV{'logfile'} || 'mail.log';
my $logfile = "$LOGDIR/$LOGFILE";
if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf")
my $logfile;
if (-d $LOGDIR)
if (-f $logfile)
if (-r $logfile)
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
print "no (logfile '$logfile' not readable)\n";
print "no (logfile '$logfile' not found)\n";
print "no (could not find logdir '$LOGDIR')\n";
exit 0;
if (-f $statefile)
open (IN, '<', $statefile) or die "Unable to open state-file: $!\n";
if (<IN> =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)/)
($pos, $delivered) = ($1, $2);
while (<IN>)
if (/^([0-9a-z.\-]+):(\d+)$/)
$rejects->{$1} = $2;
close IN;
if (! -f $logfile)
print "delivered.value U\n";
foreach my $i (sort keys %{$rejects})
print "r$i.value U\n";
exit 0;
$startsize = (stat $logfile)[7];
if (!defined $pos)
# Initial run.
$pos = $startsize;
parseLogfile($logfile, $pos, $startsize);
$pos = $startsize;
if ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" )
print "graph_title Postfix message throughput for $postfix\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n";
print "graph_vlabel mails / \${graph_period}\n";
print "graph_scale no\n";
print "graph_total Total\n";
print "graph_category postfix\n";
print "delivered.label delivered\n";
print "delivered.type DERIVE\n";
print "delivered.draw AREA\n";
print "delivered.min 0\n";
foreach my $i (sort keys %{$rejects})
print "r$i.label reject $i\n";
print "r$i.type DERIVE\n";
print "r$i.draw STACK\n";
print "r$i.min 0\n";
exit 0;
print "delivered.value $delivered\n";
foreach my $i (sort keys %{$rejects})
print "r$i.value ", $rejects->{$i}, "\n";
if (-l $statefile)
die ("$statefile is a symbolic link, refusing to touch it.");
open (OUT, '>', $statefile) or die "Unable to open statefile: $!\n";
print OUT "$pos:$delivered\n";
foreach my $i (sort keys %{$rejects})
print OUT "$i:", $rejects->{$i}, "\n";
close OUT;
sub parseLogfile
my ($fname, $start, $stop) = @_;
open (LOGFILE, $fname)
or die "Unable to open logfile $fname for reading: $!\n";
seek (LOGFILE, $start, 0)
or die "Unable to seek to $start in $fname: $!\n";
while (tell (LOGFILE) < $stop)
my $line = <LOGFILE>;
chomp ($line);
if ($line =~ /$postfix\/qmgr.*from=.*size=[0-9]*/ ||
$line =~ /$postfix\/smtp.* status=sent /)
elsif ($line =~ /$postfix\/smtpd.*reject: \S+ \S+ \S+ (\S+)/ ||
$line =~ /$postfix\/cleanup.* reject: (\S+)/)
close(LOGFILE) or warn "Error closing $fname: $!\n";
# vim:syntax=perl

View File

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-
=head1 NAME
postfix_mailvolume - Plugin to monitor the volume of mails delivered
by multiple postfix and stores per postfix delivered data.
Any postfix.
The following shows the default configuration.
env.logdir /var/log
env.logfile syslog
=head2 Needed additional configuration
To correctly get all the postfix log data, the postfix system_log prefix names need to be defined with the env.postfix config setting.
If this is not set, the script tries to find all the postfix config folders in /etc/postfix* and get the syslog names from there
env.postfix postfix10 postfix11 postfix12
The plugin shows the number of bytes of mail that has passed through
the postfix installation per postfix mailer running.
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf
=head1 BUGS
None known
=head1 VERSION
$Id: postfix_mailvolume.in 2314 2009-08-03 11:28:34Z ssm $
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 2011.
Clemens Schwaighofer (gullevek@gullevek.org)
=head1 LICENSE
use strict;
use Munin::Plugin;
my $pos = undef;
my $syslog_name = '';
my @postfix_syslog_name = ();
my %volume = ();
my @restore_state = ();
my $i = 1;
my $LOGDIR = $ENV{'logdir'} || '/var/log';
my $LOGFILE = $ENV{'logfile'} || 'syslog';
my $POSTFIX = $ENV{'postfix'} || '';
# get the postfix syslog_name from the POSTFIX env var, if not set, find them in the /etc/postfix* type
if (!$POSTFIX)
foreach my $dir (grep -d, glob "/etc/postfix*")
# remove the leading etc
$dir =~ s/\/etc\///g;
# add data to the postfix string
$POSTFIX .= ' ' if ($POSTFIX);
$POSTFIX .= $dir;
foreach my $config (split(/ /, $POSTFIX))
# find the syslog name
$syslog_name = `postconf -c /etc/$config | grep "syslog_name"`;
# remove any pending whitespace or line breaks
$syslog_name =~ s/syslog_name = //g;
# add this to the postfix syslog name array
push(@postfix_syslog_name, $syslog_name);
# also init set the syslog name 0
$volume{$syslog_name} = 0;
print "Cannot get any postfix syslog_name data\n";
exit 1;
sub parseLogfile
my ($fname, $start) = @_;
my ($LOGFILE, $rotated) = tail_open($fname, $start);
my $line;
while ($line =<$LOGFILE>)
chomp ($line);
# get the postfix syslog name and the size
if ($line =~ /\ ([\d\w\-]+)\/qmgr.*from=.*size=([0-9]+)/)
$volume{$1} += $2;
return tail_close($LOGFILE);
if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf")
my $logfile;
`which postconf >/dev/null 2>/dev/null`;
if (!$?)
$logfile = "$LOGDIR/$LOGFILE";
if (-f $logfile)
if (-r "$logfile")
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
print "no (logfile '$logfile' not readable)\n";
print "no (logfile '$logfile' not found)\n";
print "no (postfix not found)\n";
exit 0;
if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config")
print "graph_title Postfix bytes throughput per postfix\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n";
print "graph_vlabel bytes / \${graph_period}\n";
print "graph_scale yes\n";
print "graph_category postfix\n";
print "graph_total Throughput sum\n";
# loop through the postfix names and create per config an entry
foreach $syslog_name (@postfix_syslog_name)
print $syslog_name."_volume.label ".$syslog_name." throughput\n";
print $syslog_name."_volume.type DERIVE\n";
print $syslog_name."_volume.min 0\n";
exit 0;
my $logfile = "$LOGDIR/$LOGFILE";
if (! -f $logfile) {
print "delivered.value U\n";
exit 1;
@restore_state = restore_state();
# first is pos, rest is postfix entries
$pos = $restore_state[0];
# per postfix values are store: postfix config,value
for ($i = 1; $i < @restore_state; $i ++)
my ($key, $value) = split(/,/, $restore_state[$i]);
$volume{$key} = $value;
if (!$pos)
# No state file present. Avoid startup spike: Do not read log
# file up to now, but remember how large it is now, and next
# time read from there.
$pos = (stat $logfile)[7]; # File size
foreach $syslog_name (@postfix_syslog_name)
$volume{$syslog_name} = 0;
$pos = parseLogfile($logfile, $pos);
@restore_state = ($pos);
foreach $syslog_name (sort keys %volume)
print $syslog_name."_volume.value ".$volume{$syslog_name}."\n";
push(@restore_state, $syslog_name.','.$volume{$syslog_name});
# save the current state
# vim:syntax=perl