mirror of https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib.git synced 2018-11-08 00:59:34 +01:00

Merge pull request #162 from Flameeyes/master

This commit is contained in:
Steve Schnepp 2012-08-07 00:11:57 -07:00
commit 8b0547c5c5
169 changed files with 602 additions and 3536 deletions

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Check http://aouyar.github.com/PyMunin/ to get the most recent versionof the
PyMunin Multi graph Munin Plugins and documentation.

plugins/beboxsync/beboxstats Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my ($Args) = @ARGV;
my $expecter = "/home/alex/bin/beboxstats.expect";
if ($Args) {
# work out line to grab
if ($Args eq 'autoconf') {
# Check the expect script that polls the router exists
unless ( -e $expecter ) {
print "no (Can't find expect script. Check value of \$expecter: $expecter)\n";
} else {
print "yes\n";
} elsif ($Args eq 'config') { # print out plugin parameters
graph_title bebox line stats
graph_vlabel deciBels
graph_category other
graph_info This graph shows the various line parameters
attenuationdownstream.label Downstream Attenuation
attenuationupstream.label Upstream Attenuation
margindownstream.label Downstream Noise Margin
marginupstream.label Upstream Noise Margin
outputpowerdownstream.label Downstream Output Power
outputpowerupstream.label Upstream Output Power
margindownstream.type GAUGE
outputpowerupstream.type GAUGE
attenuationdownstream.type GAUGE
marginupstream.type GAUGE
outputpowerdownstream.type GAUGE
attenuationupstream.type GAUGE
# .label is the Key on the graph
} else {
printf("Usage: $0
No arguments: print line stats
autoconf: print 'yes'
config: print config info for Munin\n");
} else {
# if no arguments, just fetch the data and print it out
my @insplitted = split(' ', `$expecter | grep dB`);
print "margindownstream.value $insplitted[3]\n";
print "marginupstream.value $insplitted[4]\n";
print "attenuationdownstream.value $insplitted[8]\n";
print "attenuationupstream.value $insplitted[9]\n";
print "outputpowerdownstream.value $insplitted[13]\n";
print "outputpowerupstream.value $insplitted[14]\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
# script to log on to a BeBox router [ST Speedtouch 780] and gather line stats
# set timeout for response from router to 30 seconds
set timeout 30
set router "host.or.ip.of.router"
set port "23"
set username "Administrator"
set password "routerpassword"
# telnet to $router on $port
spawn telnet $router $port
expect "Username :"
send "$username\r"
expect "Password :"
send "$password\r"
expect "}=>"
send "adsl info\r"
expect "}=>"
send "exit\r"

plugins/beboxsync/beboxsync Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# (C) Alex Dekker <me@ale.cx>
# License is GPL
use strict;
my ($Args) = @ARGV;
my $expecter = "/home/alex/bin/beboxstats.expect";
if ($Args) {
# work out line to grab
if ($Args eq 'autoconf') {
# Check the expect script that polls the router exists
unless ( -e $expecter ) {
print "no (Can't find expect script. Check value of \$expecter: $expecter)\n";
} else {
print "yes\n";
} elsif ($Args eq 'config') { # print out plugin parameters
graph_title bebox sync stats
graph_vlabel ATM kbps
graph_category other
graph_info This graph shows line sync speed
syncdownstream.label Downstream Sync Speed
syncupstream.label Upstream Sync Speed
syncdownstream.type GAUGE
syncupstream.type GAUGE
# .label is the Key on the graph
} else {
printf("Usage: $0
No arguments: print line stats
autoconf: print 'yes'
config: print config info for Munin\n");
} else {
# if no arguments, just fetch the data and print it out
my @insplitted = split(' ', `$expecter | grep stream`);
print "syncdownstream.value $insplitted[11]\n";
print "syncupstream.value $insplitted[15]\n";

View File

@ -1,702 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# vim: sts=4 sw=4 ts=8
# Munin markers:
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf suggest
# Author: Michael Renner <michael.renner@amd.co.at>
# Version: 0.0.5, 2009-05-22
=head1 NAME
linux_diskstat_ - Munin plugin to monitor various values provided
via C</proc/diskstats>
Linux 2.6 systems with extended block device statistics enabled.
Among the more self-describing or well-known values like C<throughput>
(Bytes per second) there are a few which might need further introduction.
=head2 Device Utilization
Linux provides a counter which increments in a millisecond-interval for as long
as there are outstanding I/O requests. If this counter is close to 1000msec
in a given 1 second timeframe the device is nearly 100% saturated. This plugin
provides values averaged over a 5 minute time frame per default, so it can't
catch short-lived saturations, but it'll give a nice trend for semi-uniform
load patterns as they're expected in most server or multi-user environments.
=head2 Device IO Time
The C<Device IO Time> takes the counter described under C<Device Utilization>
and divides it by the number of I/Os that happened in the given time frame,
resulting in an average time per I/O on the block-device level.
This value can give you a good comparison base amongst different controllers,
storage subsystems and disks for similiar workloads.
=head2 Syscall Wait Time
These values describe the average time it takes between an application issuing
a syscall resulting in a hit to a blockdevice to the syscall returning to the
The values are bound to be higher (at least for read requests) than the time
it takes the device itself to fulfill the requests, since calling overhead,
queuing times and probably a dozen other things are included in those times.
These are the values to watch out for when an user complains that C<the disks
are too slow!>.
=head3 What causes a block device hit?
A non-exhaustive list:
=item * Reads from files when the given range is not in the page cache or the O_DIRECT
flag is set.
=item * Writes to files if O_DIRECT or O_SYNC is set or sys.vm.dirty_(background_)ratio
is exceeded.
=item * Filesystem metadata operations (stat(2), getdents(2), file creation,
modification of any of the values returned by stat(2), etc.)
=item * The pdflush daemon writing out dirtied pages
=item * (f)sync
=item * Swapping
=item * raw device I/O (mkfs, dd, etc.)
The core logic of this script is based on the B<iostat> tool of the B<sysstat>
package written and maintained by Sebastien Godard.
=head1 SEE ALSO
See C<Documentation/iostats.txt> in your Linux source tree for further information
about the C<numbers> involved in this module.
L<http://www.westnet.com/~gsmith/content/linux-pdflush.htm> has a nice writeup
about the pdflush daemon.
=head1 AUTHOR
Michael Renner <michael.renner@amd.co.at>
=head1 LICENSE
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Carp;
use POSIX;
# We load our own version of save/restore_state if Munin::Plugin is unavailable.
# Don't try this at home
eval { require Munin::Plugin; Munin::Plugin->import; };
if ($@) {
# Sanity check to ensure that the script is called the correct name.
if (basename($0) !~ /^linux_diskstat_/) {
die qq(Please ensure that the name of the script and it's symlinks starts with "linux_diskstat_"\n);
# autoconf #
if ( defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf' ) {
my %stats;
# Capture any croaks on the way
eval { %stats = parse_diskstats() };
if ( !$@ && keys %stats ) {
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
else {
print "no\n";
exit 1;
# suggest #
if ( defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'suggest' ) {
my %diskstats = parse_diskstats();
my %suggested_devices;
for my $devname ( sort keys %diskstats ) {
# Skip devices without traffic
if ( $diskstats{$devname}->{'rd_ios'} == 0
&& $diskstats{$devname}->{'wr_ios'} == 0 );
for my $existing_device ( @{ $suggested_devices{'iops'} } ) {
# Filter out devices (partitions) which are matched by existing ones
# e.g. sda1 -> sda, c0d0p1 -> c0d0
next DEVICE if ( $devname =~ m/$existing_device/ );
push @{ $suggested_devices{'iops'} }, $devname;
push @{ $suggested_devices{'throughput'} }, $devname;
# Only suggest latency graphs if the device supports it
if ( $diskstats{$devname}->{'rd_ticks'} > 0
|| $diskstats{$devname}->{'wr_ticks'} > 0 )
push @{ $suggested_devices{'latency'} }, $devname;
for my $mode ( keys %suggested_devices ) {
for my $device ( sort @{ $suggested_devices{$mode} } ) {
my $printdev = translate_device_name($device, 'TO_FS');
print "${mode}_$printdev\n";
exit 0;
# Reading the scripts invocation name and setting some parameters,
# needed from here on
my $basename = basename($0);
my ( $mode, $device ) = $basename =~ m/linux_diskstat_(\w+)_([-+\w]+)$/;
if ( not defined $device ) {
croak "Didn't get a device name. Aborting\n";
$device = translate_device_name($device, 'FROM_FS');
# config #
if ( defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'config' ) {
my $pretty_device = $device;
if ($device =~ /^dm-\d+$/) {
$pretty_device = translate_devicemapper_name($device);
if ( $mode eq 'latency' ) {
print <<EOF;
graph_title Disk latency for /dev/$pretty_device
graph_args --base 1000
graph_category disk
util.label Device utilization (percent)
util.type GAUGE
util.info Utilization of the device. If the time spent for I/O is close to 1000msec for a given second, the device is nearly 100% saturated.
util.min 0
svctm.label Average device IO time (ms)
svctm.type GAUGE
svctm.info Average time an I/O takes on the block device
svctm.min 0
avgwait.label Average IO Wait time (ms)
avgwait.type GAUGE
avgwait.info Average wait time for an I/O from request start to finish (includes queue times et al)
avgwait.min 0
avgrdwait.label Average Read IO Wait time (ms)
avgrdwait.type GAUGE
avgrdwait.info Average wait time for a read I/O from request start to finish (includes queue times et al)
avgrdwait.min 0
avgwrwait.label Average Write IO Wait time (ms)
avgwrwait.type GAUGE
avgwrwait.info Average wait time for a write I/O from request start to finish (includes queue times et al)
avgwrwait.min 0
elsif ( $mode eq 'throughput' ) {
print <<EOF;
graph_title Disk throughput for /dev/$pretty_device
graph_args --base 1024
graph_vlabel Bytes/second
graph_category disk
rdbytes.label Read Bytes
rdbytes.type GAUGE
rdbytes.min 0
wrbytes.label Write Bytes
wrbytes.type GAUGE
wrbytes.min 0
elsif ( $mode eq 'iops' ) {
print <<EOF;
graph_title Disk IOs for /dev/$pretty_device
graph_args --base 1000
graph_vlabel Units/second
graph_category disk
rdio.label Read IO/sec
rdio.type GAUGE
rdio.min 0
wrio.label Write IO/sec
wrio.type GAUGE
wrio.min 0
avgrqsz.label Average Request Size (KiB)
avgrqsz.type GAUGE
avgrqsz.min 0
avgrdrqsz.label Average Read Request Size (KiB)
avgrdrqsz.type GAUGE
avgrdrqsz.min 0
avgwrrqsz.label Average Write Request Size (KiB)
avgwrrqsz.type GAUGE
avgwrrqsz.min 0
else {
croak "Unknown mode $mode\n";
exit 0;
# MAIN #
my %cur_diskstat = fetch_device_counters($device);
my ( $prev_time, %prev_diskstat ) = restore_state();
save_state( time(), %cur_diskstat );
# Probably the first run for the given device, we need state to do our job,
# so let's wait for the next run.
exit if ( not defined $prev_time or not %prev_diskstat );
calculate_and_print_values( $prev_time, \%prev_diskstat, \%cur_diskstat );
# SUBS #
sub calculate_and_print_values {
my ( $prev_time, $prev_stats, $cur_stats ) = @_;
my $bytes_per_sector = 512;
my $interval = time() - $prev_time;
my $read_ios = $cur_stats->{'rd_ios'} - $prev_stats->{'rd_ios'};
my $write_ios = $cur_stats->{'wr_ios'} - $prev_stats->{'wr_ios'};
my $rd_ticks = $cur_stats->{'rd_ticks'} - $prev_stats->{'rd_ticks'};
my $wr_ticks = $cur_stats->{'wr_ticks'} - $prev_stats->{'wr_ticks'};
my $rd_sectors = $cur_stats->{'rd_sectors'} - $prev_stats->{'rd_sectors'};
my $wr_sectors = $cur_stats->{'wr_sectors'} - $prev_stats->{'wr_sectors'};
my $tot_ticks = $cur_stats->{'tot_ticks'} - $prev_stats->{'tot_ticks'};
my $read_io_per_sec = $read_ios / $interval;
my $write_io_per_sec = $write_ios / $interval;
my $read_bytes_per_sec = $rd_sectors / $interval * $bytes_per_sector;
my $write_bytes_per_sec = $wr_sectors / $interval * $bytes_per_sector;
my $total_ios = $read_ios + $write_ios;
my $total_ios_per_sec = $total_ios / $interval;
# Utilization - or "how busy is the device"?
# If the time spent for I/O was close to 1000msec for
# a given second, the device is nearly 100% saturated.
my $utilization = $tot_ticks / $interval;
# Average time an I/O takes on the block device
my $servicetime =
$total_ios_per_sec ? $utilization / $total_ios_per_sec : 0;
# Average wait time for an I/O from start to finish
# (includes queue times et al)
my $average_wait = $total_ios ? ( $rd_ticks + $wr_ticks ) / $total_ios : 0;
my $average_rd_wait = $read_ios ? $rd_ticks / $read_ios : 0;
my $average_wr_wait = $write_ios ? $wr_ticks / $write_ios : 0;
my $average_rq_size_in_kb =
? ( $rd_sectors + $wr_sectors ) * $bytes_per_sector / 1024 / $total_ios
: 0;
my $average_rd_rq_size_in_kb =
$read_ios ? $rd_sectors * $bytes_per_sector / 1024 / $read_ios : 0;
my $average_wr_rq_size_in_kb =
$write_ios ? $wr_sectors * $bytes_per_sector / 1024 / $write_ios : 0;
my $util_print = $utilization / 10;
if ( $mode eq 'latency' ) {
print <<EOF;
util.value $util_print
svctm.value $servicetime
avgwait.value $average_wait
avgrdwait.value $average_rd_wait
avgwrwait.value $average_wr_wait
elsif ( $mode eq 'throughput' ) {
print <<EOF;
rdbytes.value $read_bytes_per_sec
wrbytes.value $write_bytes_per_sec
elsif ( $mode eq 'iops' ) {
print <<EOF;
rdio.value $read_io_per_sec
wrio.value $write_io_per_sec
avgrqsz.value $average_rq_size_in_kb
avgrdrqsz.value $average_rd_rq_size_in_kb
avgwrrqsz.value $average_wr_rq_size_in_kb
else {
croak "Unknown mode $mode\n";
sub read_diskstats {
open STAT, '< /proc/diskstats'
or croak "Failed to open '/proc/diskstats': $!\n";
my @lines;
for my $line (<STAT>) {
# Strip trailing newline and leading whitespace
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
my @elems = split /\s+/, $line;
# We explicitly don't support old-style diskstats
# There are situations where only _some_ lines (e.g.
# partitions on older 2.6 kernels) have fewer stats
# numbers, therefore we'll skip them silently
if ( @elems != 14 ) {
push @lines, \@elems;
close STAT or croak "Failed to close '/proc/diskstats': $!";
return @lines;
sub read_sysfs {
my ($want_device) = @_;
my @devices;
my @lines;
if ( defined $want_device ) {
# sysfs uses '!' as replacement for '/', e.g. cciss!c0d0
$want_device =~ tr#/#!#;
@devices = $want_device;
else {
@devices = glob "/sys/block/*/stat";
@devices = map { m!/sys/block/([^/]+)/stat! } @devices;
for my $cur_device (@devices) {
my $stats_file = "/sys/block/$cur_device/stat";
open STAT, "< $stats_file"
or croak "Failed to open '$stats_file': $!\n";
my $line = <STAT>;
# Trimming whitespace
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
chomp $line;
my @elems = split /\s+/, $line;
croak "'$stats_file' doesn't contain exactly 11 values. Aborting"
if ( @elems != 11 );
# Translate the devicename back before storing the information
$cur_device =~ tr#!#/#;
# Faking missing diskstats values
unshift @elems, ( '', '', $cur_device );
push @lines, \@elems;
close STAT or croak "Failed to close '$stats_file': $!\n";
return @lines;
sub parse_diskstats {
my ($want_device) = @_;
my @stats;
if ( glob "/sys/block/*/stat" ) {
@stats = read_sysfs($want_device);
else {
@stats = read_diskstats();
my %diskstats;
for my $entry (@stats) {
my %devstat;
# Hash-Slicing for fun and profit
qw(major minor devname
rd_ios rd_merges rd_sectors rd_ticks
wr_ios wr_merges wr_sectors wr_ticks
ios_in_prog tot_ticks rq_ticks)
= @{$entry};
$diskstats{ $devstat{'devname'} } = \%devstat;
return %diskstats;
sub fetch_device_counters {
my ($want_device) = @_;
my %diskstats = parse_diskstats($want_device);
for my $devname ( keys %diskstats ) {
if ( $want_device eq $devname ) {
return %{ $diskstats{$devname} };
return undef;
# We use '+' (and formerly '-') as placeholder for '/' in device-names
# used as calling name for the script.
sub translate_device_name {
my ($device, $mode) = @_;
if ($mode eq 'FROM_FS') {
# Hackaround to mitigate issues with unwisely chosen former separator
if ( not ($device =~ m/dm-\d+/)) {
$device =~ tr#-+#//#;
elsif ($mode eq 'TO_FS') {
$device =~ tr#/#+#;
else {
croak "translate_device_name: Unknown mode\n";
return $device;
sub fake_munin_plugin {
my $eval_code = <<'EOF';
use Storable;
my $storable_filename = basename($0);
$storable_filename = "/tmp/munin-state-$storable_filename";
sub save_state {
my @state = @_;
if ( not -e $storable_filename or -f $storable_filename ) {
store \@state, $storable_filename or croak "Failed to persist state to '$storable_filename': $!\n";
else {
croak "$storable_filename is probably not a regular file. Please delete it.\n";
sub restore_state {
if (-f $storable_filename) {
my $state = retrieve($storable_filename);
return @{$state};
else {
return undef;
sub translate_devicemapper_name {
my ($device) = @_;
my ($want_minor) = $device =~ m/^dm-(\d+)$/;
croak "Failed to extract devicemapper id" unless defined ($want_minor);
my $dm_major = find_devicemapper_major();
croak "Failed to get device-mapper major number\n" unless defined $dm_major;
for my $entry (glob "/dev/mapper/\*") {
my $rdev = (stat($entry))[6];
my $major = floor($rdev / 256);
my $minor = $rdev % 256;
if ($major == $dm_major && $minor == $want_minor) {
my $pretty_name = translate_lvm_name($entry);
return defined $pretty_name ? $pretty_name : $entry;
# Return original string if the device can't be found.
return $device;
sub translate_lvm_name {
my ($entry) = @_;
my $device_name = basename($entry);
# Check for single-dash-occurence to see if this could be a lvm devicemapper device.
if ($device_name =~ m/(?<!-)-(?!-)/) {
# split device name into vg and lv parts
my ($vg, $lv) = split /(?<!-)-(?!-)/, $device_name, 2;
return undef unless ( defined($vg) && defined($lv) );
# remove extraneous dashes from vg and lv names
$vg =~ s/--/-/g;
$lv =~ s/--/-/g;
$device_name = "$vg/$lv";
# Sanity check - does the constructed device name exist?
if (stat("/dev/$device_name")) {
return "$device_name";
return undef;
sub find_devicemapper_major {
open (FH, '< /proc/devices') or croak "Failed to open '/proc/devices': $!";
my $dm_major;
for my $line (<FH>) {
chomp $line;
my ($major, $name) = split /\s+/, $line, 2;
next unless defined $name;
if ($name eq 'device-mapper') {
$dm_major = $major;
return $dm_major;

plugins/ipmi/freeipmi_ Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,228 +1,179 @@
# Copyright (C) 2011,2012 Andreas Thienemann <andreas@bawue.net>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# -*- sh -*-
: << =cut
=head1 NAME
freeipmi_ - Munin plugin to retreive temperature and fan speed measurements
from a local machine via IPMI.
All machines with an IPMI capable baseboard management controller.
freeipmi_ - Plugin to monitor temperature or fan speed using FreeIPMI
On most supported systems this plugin works nearly out of the box as long as
both Python and the freeipmi binaries in a semi-recent version are installed.
If the machine works out of the box can be tested by calling bmc-info.
If there's text output, a bmc card was detected. If there's an entry for
"Sensor Device" visible in the "Additional Device Support" entry you're good.
When used to monitor a foreign host, this plugins use the variables
IPMI_USERNAME and IPMI_PASSWORD to log in on the remote system.
If you get a "ipmi_cmd_get_device_id: driver timeout" message you have most
likely no bmc to query.
In certain cases however bmc-info will just seem to hang for quite some time.
In this case, autodetection does not work because the smbios table has
incorrect information. One system known to experience this problem is the
HP Proliant Microserver.
You can monitor either the current system (via /dev/ipmi0 and the
like) or a remote system (via the LAN protocols), and for each of the
two options you can select your sensors:
Adding env.freeipmi_args "--no-probing --driver-type=KCS --driver-address=0xca2 --register-spacing=1"
to the munin plugin configuration will make the plugin work. This is the
specific line for the HP Proliant Microserver mentioned above. Your mileage
may vary.
- fans;
- temp;
- power;
- current;
- voltage.
Basic configuration for every system is that the plugin needs to be called as root.
When used for the local host, the plugin should be linked as, e.g.,
'ipmi_temp', whereas when used to monitor a foreign host it should be,
e.g., 'ipmi_192.168.0.253_temp'.
Add the following to your /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/freeipmi:
user root
The plugin shows the temperature in Celsius or the fanspeed in rotations per minute.
#%# family=contrib
#%# capabilities=autoconf suggest
=head1 VERSION
=head1 BUGS
Only local support for now. Remote could be hacked in via freeipmi_args for now.
=head1 NOTE
=head1 AUTHOR
Andreas Thienemann <andreas@bawue.net>
Rewritten by Diego Elio Pettenò <flameeyes@flameeyes.eu>.
Based on the work of Nicolai Langfeldt <janl@linpro.no>, Logilab and
Peter Palfrader.
=head1 LICENSE
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf suggest
import subprocess
import sys
import os
import re
import pprint
#### Parse commandline to determine what the job is
# Parse some environment variables
if os.getenv("freeipmi_args") is not None:
freeipmi_args = " %s" % (os.getenv("freeipmi_args"))
freeipmi_args = ""
_ipmisensors() {
params="--quiet-cache --comma-separated-output --no-header-output --ignore-not-available-sensors"
if [ "x${hostname}" != "x" ]; then
params="${params} --hostname=${hostname}"
[ "x${IPMI_USERNAME}" != "x" ] && params="${params} --username=${IPMI_USERNAME}"
[ "x${IPMI_PASSWORD}" != "x" ] && params="${params} --password=${IPMI_PASSWORD}"
# We are a wildcard plugin, figure out whether we are called for temp or fan
if sys.argv[0].split("_")[1] == "temp":
mode = "Temperature"
elif sys.argv[0].split("_")[1] == "fan":
mode = "Fan"
mode = None
if ! ipmi-sensors ${params} --output-sensor-thresholds "$@"; then
ipmi-sensors ${params} "$@"
def whereis(prog):
"""Check if prog can be found in the path and if yes, return the full pathname"""
prog = os.path.basename(prog)
for dir in os.getenv("PATH").split(":"):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir):
if prog in files:
return os.path.join(dir, prog)
return None
# extract and eventual hostname out of the called name; we
# have to check whether it's set to "u" as that's what happens
# when the compatibility with ipmi_sensor_ is used.
if [ "x${hostname}" = "xu" -o "x${hostname}" = "x${hostname1}" ]; then
def normalize_sensor(name):
name = name.lower().replace("-","M").replace("+","P")
name = re.sub("[^a-z0-9A-Z]","_", name)
return name
case $0 in
vlabel="degrees Celsius"
title="Fan speeds"
vlabel="Rotations per Minute (RPM)"
title="Power consumption"
title="Current drain"
if [ x"$1" != x"autoconf" -a x"$1" != x"suggest" ]; then
echo "Please invoke as one of the supported sensors types:" >&2
echo freeipmi_{temp,fans,power,current} >&2
exit 1
# Code sniplet from Philipp Keller
# http://code.pui.ch/2007/02/19/set-timeout-for-a-shell-command-in-python/
def timeout_command(command, timeout):
"""call shell-command and either return its output or kill it
if it doesn't normally exit within timeout seconds and return None"""
import subprocess, datetime, os, time, signal
start = datetime.datetime.now()
process = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
while process.poll() is None:
now = datetime.datetime.now()
if (now - start).seconds> timeout:
os.kill(process.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG)
return None
return process.stdout.read()
case $1 in
if ! command -v ipmi-sensors >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
echo 'no (missing ipmi-sensors command)'
exit 0
def bmc_detect():
"""Check whether there's a baseboard management controller we can query."""
if whereis("bmc-info") is None:
print "no (bmc-info not found in path. Please install FreeIPMI.)"
out = timeout_command("bmc-info%s" % (freeipmi_args), 2)
if out is not None and "[Sensor Device]" in out:
print "yes"
print "no (no supported bmc found)"
if ! _ipmisensors -t OS_Boot >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
echo 'no (unable to access IPMI device)'
exit 0
def read_sensors():
"""Return all sensor data as a dict"""
out = timeout_command("ipmi-sensors --verbose%s" % (freeipmi_args), 2)
sensors = dict()
sensor = dict()
sensor_id = None
for line in out.split("\n"):
if ":" in line:
k,v = line.split(": ")
if k == "Record ID":
sensor = dict()
sensor_id = int(v)
sensor[k] = v
sensor[k] = v
sensors[sensor_id] = sensor
return sensors
echo yes
exit 0
_ipmisensors | awk -F, '
$3 == "Temperature" { print "temp"; }
$3 == "Fan" { print "fans"; }
$3 == "Current" && $5 == "W" { print "power"; }
$3 == "Current" && $5 == "A" { print "current"; }
$3 == "Voltage" { print "voltage"; }
exit 0;;
cat - <<EOF
graph_title ${title} based on IPMI sensors
graph_vlabel ${vlabel}
graph_category Sensors
def print_config():
"""Return configuration arguments for munin"""
print "graph_title FreeIPMI Sensors: %s" % (mode)
if mode == "Fan":
print "graph_vlabel RPM"
print "graph_info This graph shows the RPMs of the fans as reported by IPMI"
elif mode == "Temperature":
print "graph_vlabel Degrees C"
print "graph_info This graph shows the temperatures as reported by IPMI"
print "graph_category sensors"
sensors = read_sensors()
if [ "x${hostname}" != "x" ]; then
echo "host_name ${hostname}"
for id in sorted(sensors):
if sensors[id]["Group Name"] == mode:
label = normalize_sensor(sensors[id]["Sensor Name"])
for n in ["Normal Max.", "Normal Min.", "Sensor Reading", "Lower Critical Threshold", "Upper Critical Threshold", "Lower Non-Critical Threshold", "Upper Non-Critical Threshold"]:
sensors[id][n] = sensors[id][n].replace("NA","")
sensors[id][n] = sensors[id][n].split('.')[0]
_ipmisensors -t ${type} | awk -F, -v CONFIG=$1 -v UNIT=$unit '
$5 == UNIT {
if ( CONFIG != "config" ) {
printf("ipmi%s.value %s\n", $1, $4);
} else {
printf("ipmi%s.label %s\n", $1, $2);
print "%s.label %s" % (label, label)
print "%s.warning %s:%s" % (label, sensors[id]["Lower Non-Critical Threshold"], sensors[id]["Upper Non-Critical Threshold"])
print "%s.critical %s:%s" % (label, sensors[id]["Lower Critical Threshold"], sensors[id]["Upper Critical Threshold"])
print "%s.graph_args --base 1000 -l 0" % (label)
print "%s.graph_scale no" % (label)
# pprint.pprint(sensors[id])
# This can only happen if FreeIPMI is new enough
if ( NF == 12 ) {
if ( $8 != "N/A" && $10 != "N/A" )
printf("ipmi%s.warning %s:%s\n", $1, $8, $10);
else if ( $8 == "N/A" && $10 != "N/A" )
printf("ipmi%s.warning :%s\n", $1, $10);
else if ( $8 != "N/A" && $10 == "N/A" )
printf("ipmi%s.warning %s:\n", $1, $8);
def fetch():
sensors = read_sensors()
if ( $7 != "N/A" && $11 != "N/A" )
printf("ipmi%s.critical %s:%s\n", $1, $7, $11);
else if ( $7 == "N/A" && $11 != "N/A" )
printf("ipmi%s.critical :%s\n", $1, $11);
else if ( $7 != "N/A" && $11 == "N/A" )
printf("ipmi%s.critical %s:\n", $1, $7);
for id in sorted(sensors):
if sensors[id]["Group Name"] == mode:
label = normalize_sensor(sensors[id]["Sensor Name"])
print "%s.value %s" % (label, sensors[id]["Sensor Reading"].split(".")[0])
if "config" in sys.argv[1:]:
elif "autoconf" in sys.argv[1:]:
elif "suggest" in sys.argv[1:]:
sensors = read_sensors()
fan, temperature = [0, 0]
for id in sensors:
if sensors[id]["Group Name"] == "Fan":
fan += 1
elif sensors[id]["Group Name"] == "Temperature":
temperature += 1
if fan > 0:
print "fan"
if temperature > 0:
print "temp"
# vim: syntax=sh ts=4 et

View File

@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from commands import getstatusoutput as gso
def safe(s):
s=s.replace("-", "_")
s=s.replace(" ", "_")
s=s.replace(".", "_")
return s
def config(data,title):
for i in data:
print "%s.label %s"%(safe(i[0]), i[0])
# check for non-critical thresholds
if i[6] != 'na':
if i[7] != 'na':
warning = "%s:%s"%(i[6],i[7])
warning = "%s:"%i[6]
if i[7] != 'na':
warning = "%s"%i[7]
warning = ""
if warning:
print "%s.warning %s"%(safe(i[0]),warning)
# check for critical thresholds
if i[5] == 'na':
i[5] == i[4] # N/A, so see if there is a non-recoverable threshold
if i[8] == 'na':
i[8] == i[9] # N/A, so see if there is a non-recoverable threshold
if i[5] != 'na':
if i[8] != 'na':
critical = "%s:%s"%(i[5],i[8])
critical = "%s:"%i[5]
if i[8] != 'na':
critical = "%s"%i[8]
critical = ""
if critical:
print "%s.critical %s"%(safe(i[0]),critical)
print "graph_title %s"%title
if title == "Voltages":
print "graph_args -X 0 --logarithmic -l 1 -u 15"
#print "graph_args --base 1000 --logarithmic"
print "graph_args -l 0"
print "graph_vlabel %s"%i[2]
print "graph_period minute"
print "graph_category IPMI"
def get_data():
import sys
category = sys.argv[0].split("_",1)[1]
data = []
if category =="Fans":
ids = ("Fan 1 Tach", "Fan 2 Tach", "Fan 3 Tach",
"Fan 4 Tach", "Fan 5 Tach", "Fan 6 Tach",)
title = "Fan Speed"
elif category == "Temperature":
ids = ("Ambient Temp", "Memory Temp",)
title = "Temperatures"
elif category == "Voltage":
ids = ("Planar 1.5V", "Planar 1.8V",
"Planar 3.3V", "Planar 5V", "Planar 12V",
"Planar VBAT", "CPU 1 VCore", "CPU 2 VCore",)
title = "Voltages"
status, output = gso("ipmitool sensor")
for row in output.split("\n"):
items = map(str.strip,row.split("|"))
if field in ids:
if value == 'na': continue
return data,title
def sample(data):
for i in data:
print "%s.value %s"%(safe(i[0]),i[1])
def main():
import sys
data,title = get_data()
if 'config' in sys.argv:
return config(data,title)
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# This plugin will graph the chassis fan speed on a Dell PowerEdge Server
# via the ipmi-sensors tool. It has been tested on the following chassis:
# PE1850
# To enable:
# ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/ipmi-fans /etc/munin/plugins/ipmi-fans
# Configuration parameters for /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node
# [ipmi_fans]
# user - User that has permissions to run the omreport binary
# env.omreport - Path to the omreport binary
# Parameters:
# config
# autoconf
# Author: Alexx Roche <munin-ipmi-plugin@alexx.net>
# Built on the work of Justin Shepherd <galstrom21@gmail.com>
# Revision: 2.1 2011/01/10
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf
use strict;
my $IPMI;
if(-f "/usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors"){ $IPMI='/usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors'; }
$IPMI = `which ipmi-sensors 2>/dev/null|sed 's/.*no ipmi-sensors//'`;
#$IPMI = `echo -n \$(which ipmi-sensors)`;
unless($IPMI){ exit 1; }
if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf"){
if (-f $IPMI){
print "yes\n";
print "no ($IPMI does not exist)\n";
my $cmd = "$IPMI --verbose --sensors=\"\$(echo \$($IPMI |grep FAN|sed 's/:.*//'))\"";
#if ($ARGV[0] eq 'cmd'){ print $cmd; exit;};
my @result = `$cmd`;
my (%val, $index);
my $count=0;
#Four of these seem to be unlabled, I'm going to guess that they are the CPU(s) and HDD(s)
my @unknown = ('HDD0','HDD1','CPU0','CPU1');
foreach my $line (@result) {
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$line =~ s/\s$//g;
if(!$line || $line eq ""){
my ($key, $val) = split(/\: /, $line);
# $index++;
# next;
if($key eq 'Sensor Name'){
if($val eq 'Temp'){
$val = $unknown[$count];
#my @data = split / /, $val;
#my($warn,$crit) = split/\//, $data[2];
$val{$index}{'Probe Name'} = "$val";
}elsif($key eq 'Upper Critical Threshold'){
$val=~s/ .*$//;
next unless $val=~m/^\d+\.\d+$/;
$val{$index}{'Critical Threshold'} = "$val";
}elsif($key eq 'Normal Max.'){
$val=~s/ .*//;
$val{$index}{'Warning Threshold'} = $val;
}elsif($key eq 'Sensor Reading'){
$val=~s/ .*//;
$val{$index}{'Reading'} = $val;
}elsif($key eq 'Sensor Max. Reading' && !$val{$index}{'Critical Threshold'}){
$val=~s/ .*$//;
$val{$index}{'Critical Threshold'} = "$val";
if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "config") {
print "graph_title IPMI - Fan Speeds\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n";
print "graph_vlabel Speed in RPM\n";
print "graph_category Sensors\n";
foreach my $j (sort keys %val) {
print "probe_$j\.label $val{$j}{'Probe Name'}\n";
print "probe_$j\.warning $val{$j}{'Warning Threshold'}\n";
print "probe_$j\.critical $val{$j}{'Critical Threshold'}\n";
foreach my $j (sort keys %val) {
print "probe_$j.value $val{$j}{'Reading'}\n";

View File

@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# IPMI data gathering for munin.
# Author: 2008 Benjamin Pineau <ben.pineau@gmail.com>
# This work is hereby released into the Public Domain.
# To view a copy of the public domain dedication, visit
# http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/
# Requirements :
# - ipmitool command line utility (and kernel drivers)
# - access rights to /dev/ipmi0 device (ie, root privileges
# can be configured in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node)
# Parameters supported:
# config
# autoconf
# Setup :
# ipmitool sdr || echo "please load IPMI kernel modules"
# cp ipmi_sdr_ /usr/share/munin/plugins/
# chmod +x /usr/share/munin/plugins/ipmi_sdr_
# ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/ipmi_sdr_ /etc/munin/plugins/ipmi_sdr_fan
# ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/ipmi_sdr_ /etc/munin/plugins/ipmi_sdr_current
# ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/ipmi_sdr_ /etc/munin/plugins/ipmi_sdr_voltage
# ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/ipmi_sdr_ /etc/munin/plugins/ipmi_sdr_temperature
# echo -e "\n[ipmi_sdr*]\nuser root\ntimeout 15\n" >> /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node
# /etc/init.d/munin-node restart
# Magic markers
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf
use strict;
use warnings;
$ENV{'LANG'} = 'C';
$ENV{'LC_ALL'} = 'C';
my $ipmidump = $ENV{'ipmidump'} || '/var/lib/munin/plugin-state/ipmi_sdr';
my $ipmitool = $ENV{'ipmitool'} || 'ipmitool';
my $drefresh = $ENV{'drefresh'} || 86400;
my %sensors;
my $desc = {
'fan' => {
'graph_title' => 'Fans rotations per minute',
'graph_vlabel' => 'RPM',
'graph_info' => 'Fans rotations per minute',
'voltage' => {
'graph_title' => 'Electrical tensions',
'graph_vlabel' => 'Volts',
'graph_info' => 'Electrical tensions',
'temperature' => {
'graph_title' => 'Hardware temperatures',
'graph_vlabel' => 'Degrees Celsius',
'graph_info' => 'Hardware temperature sensors output',
'current' => {
'graph_title' => 'Hardware power consumption',
'graph_vlabel' => 'Watts or Amperes',
'graph_info' => 'Hardware power consumption',
my $stype = $0 =~ /.*ipmi_sdr_(\w+)$/ ? lc($1) : 'temperature';
if (!defined($desc->{"$stype"})) {
printf STDERR "Unknown sensor type : '$stype'. Aborting.\n";
exit 1;
sub strip_spaces($) {
(my $s = shift) =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*\n?$/$1/;
return $s;
sub normalize_name($) {
(my $l = lc(strip_spaces(shift))) =~ tr/\t ./_/;
return $l;
sub sdrlist_parse(@) {
foreach(@_) {
next unless /^([^\|]+)\s*\|\s*(\w+)\s*\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|\s*([\d\.]+)\s+/;
$sensors{$_}{"name"} = strip_spaces($1);
$sensors{$_}{"value"} = strip_spaces($3);
$sensors{$_}{"label"} = normalize_name($1) . normalize_name($2);
if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf') {
`$ipmitool help 2> /dev/null`;
if ($?) {
print "no ($ipmitool not found)";
exit 1;
`$ipmitool sdr dump $ipmidump`;
if ($?) {
printf "no (ipmitool sdr dump returned code %d)\n", $? >> 8;
exit 1;
`$ipmitool sdr type $stype -S $ipmidump`;
if ($?) {
print "no (ipmitool didn't found any sensor of type ";
printf "'$stype', returned code %d)\n", $? >> 8;
exit 1;
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
# "ipmitool dump" dumps speeds up data retreival big time, by avoiding
# IPMI sensors autodiscovery. This only caches sensors names/types/ids
# (not values/datas), so we can have a very long cache lifetime policy.
if (-f $ipmidump) {
unlink($ipmidump) if (time - (stat($ipmidump))[9] >= $drefresh);
unless (-f $ipmidump) {
`$ipmitool sdr dump $ipmidump` || die $!;
(my @dt = `$ipmitool sdr type $stype -S $ipmidump`) || die $!;
if (defined($ARGV[0]) && $ARGV[0] eq "config") {
print "graph_category system\n";
print "graph_title " . $desc->{$stype}->{"graph_title"} . "\n";
print "graph_vlabel " . $desc->{$stype}->{"graph_vlabel"} . "\n";
print "graph_info " . $desc->{$stype}->{"graph_info"} . "\n";
foreach my $v (values(%sensors)) {
print $v->{"label"} . ".label " . $v->{"name"} . "\n";
print $v->{"label"} . ".type GAUGE\n";
exit 0;
foreach my $v (values(%sensors)) {
print $v->{"label"} . ".value " . $v->{"value"} . "\n";

View File

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# This plugin will graph the chassis temp sensors on a Dell PowerEdge Server
# via the ipmi-sensors tool. It has been tested on the following chassis:
# PE1850
# To enable:
# ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/ipmi-therm /etc/munin/plugins/ipmi-therm
# Configuration parameters for /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node
# [ipmi_therm]
# user - User that has permissions to run ipmi-sensors
# env.category sensors
# Parameters:
# config
# autoconf
# Author: Alexx Roche <munin-ipmi-plugin@alexx.net>
# Built on the work of Justin Shepherd <galstrom21@gmail.com>
# Revision: 1.3 2011/01/10
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf
use strict;
my $IPMI;
if(-f "/usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors"){ $IPMI='/usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors'; }
$IPMI = `which ipmi-sensors 2>/dev/null|sed 's/.*no ipmi-sensors//'`;
#$IPMI = `echo -n \$(which ipmi-sensors)`;
unless($IPMI){ exit 1; }
if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf"){
if (-f $IPMI){
print "yes\n";
print "no ($IPMI does not exist)\n";
my $cmd = "$IPMI|grep Temp";
my @result = `$cmd`;
my (%val, $index);
my $count=0;
#Four of these seem to be unlabled, I'm going to guess that they are the CPU(s) and HDD(s)
my @unknown = ('CPU0','CPU1','HDD0','HDD1');
foreach my $line (@result) {
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$line =~ s/\s$//g;
next if ($line eq "");
my ($list, $field, $value, $state) = split(/\: /, $line);
#print "L: $list F: $field V: $value S: $state\n";
if($field=~m/^(Temp|Ambient|Planar|Riser)/) {
my $f=$1;
if($f eq 'Temp'){
$f = $unknown[$count];
my @data = split / /, $value;
my($warn,$crit) = split/\//, $data[2];
unless($warn=~m/\d+/){ $warn = 0; }
unless($crit=~m/\d+/){ $crit = 200; }
$val{$index}{'Probe Name'} = "$f";
$val{$index}{'Reading'} = "$data[0]";
$val{$index}{'Warning Threshold'} = ($crit - $warn);
$val{$index}{'Critical Threshold'} = "$crit";
if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "config") {
print "graph_title IPMI sensors - Temperature Probes\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n";
print "graph_vlabel Temperature in Celsius\n";
print "graph_category Sensors\n";
foreach my $j (sort keys %val) {
print "probe_$j\.label $val{$j}{'Probe Name'}\n";
print "probe_$j\.warning $val{$j}{'Warning Threshold'}\n";
print "probe_$j\.critical $val{$j}{'Critical Threshold'}\n";
foreach my $j (sort keys %val) {
print "probe_$j.value $val{$j}{'Reading'}\n";

View File

@ -1,865 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ipmisens3
# Munin plugin to read IPMI sensor data
# Zoltan HERPAI (c) 2009 <wigyori@uid0.hu>
# Symlink this script into your /etc/munin/plugins directory in the
# following way:
# ipmisens2_[machine]_[sensors]
# Supported machines:
# - Asus K8N-LR: asmb2 (temp, volt, fan)
# - Dell DCS-XS23: xs23 (temp, volt, fan)
# - Dell M610 blade: m610 (temp)
# - Dell PowerEdge 2650: pe2650 (temp, volt, fan)
# - Fujitsu TX120: tx120 (temp, volt, fan)
# - HP Proliant ML350G5: proliantg5 (temp)
# - HP Proliant DL380G5: proliantg5 (temp)
# - HP Proliant DL385G1: hpasmcli (temp, fan)
# - IBM HS21/HS22/Dataplex DX360: ibmhsxx (volt)
# - IBM LS20/LS21: ibmlsxx (temp, volt)
# - IBM LS41: ibmls4x (temp, volt)
# - IBM x3200/x3550: ibmx3xx0 (temp, volt, fan)
# - IBM x346: x346 (temp, volt, fan)
# - Intel SHG2 mainboard: shg2 (temp, volt, fan)
# - Sun x2100/2100m2/2200/2200m2: x2100 (temp, volt, fan)
# - Sun x2250: x2250 (temp, volt, fan)
# - Sun x2270: x2270 (temp, volt, fan)
# - Sun x4100/4100m2/4200/4200m2/4600: x4x00 (temp, volt, fan)
# - Sun x4150: x4150 (temp, volt, fan)
# - Sun V20z (V40z?): v20z (temp, volt, fan)
# - Supermicro X7DB8/X7DCL: aocipmi20e (temp, volt, fan)
# - Supermicro X8DT6/X8DTT-F: hermon (temp, volt, fan)
# - Verari VB1205XM: vb1205 (temp, volt)
# Supported but not tested:
# - HP DL145G2: asmb2 (temp, volt, fan)
# Notes:
# - hpasmcli machtype requires HP's hpasmcli package, and the additional
# hpasmcliget script.
# Outputs submitted by:
# - Zoltan LAJBER <lajbi@lajli.gau.hu>
# - Gergely MADARASZ <gorgo@broadband.hu>
# - Louis van Belle <louis@van-belle.nl>
# - Andras GOT <andrej@antiszoc.hu>
# - Andras KORN <korn@chardonnay.math.bme.hu>
# - Tamas TEVESZ <ice@extreme.hu>
# - Gergely TOMKA <gergely@tomka.hu>
# - Gabor SZOLLOSI <dev@localnet.hu>
# - Reka KAROLYI <reka@karolyi.eu>
# - Andras HORVATH <Andras.Horvath@cern.ch>
# Revision 3.01 2010/09/23 Zoltan HERPAI <wigyori@uid0.hu>
# * Add support for handling non-ipmitool-based machtypes
# * Add support for HP Proliant DL385G1
# Revision 3.00 2010/05/25 Zoltan HERPAI <wigyori@uid0.hu>
# * Add support for Supermicro X7DB8 via AOC IPMI20-E (aocipmi20e)
# * Add support for Supermicro X7DCL via AOC IPMI20-E (aocipmi20e)
# * Add support for Supermicro X8DT6 via Winbond Hermon BMC (hermon)
# * Add support for Supermicro X8DTT-F via Winbond Hermon BMC (hermon)
# * Add support for Dell M610 (m610)
# * Add support for HP DL380G5 (proliantg5)
# * Add support for HP ML350G5 (proliantg5)
# * Re-add support for Asus K8N-LR via ASMB2 (asmb2)
# * Add to-be-tested support for HP DL145G2 as per Paulo@muninexchange (asmb2)
# Revision 3.00early4 2010/01/09 Zoltan HERPAI <wigyori@uid0.hu>
# * Add support for IBM HS22 (ibmhsxx)
# * Add support for IBM iDataplex DX360 (ibmhsxx)
# * Add support for Dell DCS XS23-sc (xs23)
# Revision 3.00early3 2009/12/30 Zoltan HERPAI <wigyori@uid0.hu>
# * Support for easier debugging ($debug)
# * Add support for IBM LS41 (ibmls4x)
# * Add complete support for Sun x2270 (x2270)
# * Add support for Sun x4500 (x4x00)
# * Add support for Fujitsu-Siemens TX120 (tx120)
# Revision 3.00early2 2009/09/09 Zoltan HERPAI <wigyori@uid0.hu>
# * Minor bugfix due to munin brain damage
# Revision 3.00early 2009/09/01 Zoltan HERPAI <wigyori@uid0.hu>
# * Complete rewrite in perl.
# * Sun x2100, x2100M2 and x2200 are now supported in 'x2100' machtype
# * Bunch of new machtypes are supported
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use FindBin qw($Script);
my $IPMITOOL = '/usr/bin/ipmitool';
my $curtime = time();
my $TEMPFILE = "/var/lib/munin/plugin-state/ipmisens3";
# set the ipmidump expiration to 1 day
my $TEMPREFRESH = 86400;
my $debug = 0;
my $devel = 0;
# You should not need to edit anything below here
$ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin';
$ENV{IFS} = "\n";
$0 =~ /.*_(.*)_(.*)/;
my $machine = $1;
my $sensor = $2;
# Test if ipmitool is available
if ( !$devel )
if ( $machine ne 'hpasmcli' ) {
`$IPMITOOL help 2> /dev/null`;
if ($?)
print "no ($IPMITOOL not found)";
exit 1;
print "Machine: $machine , sensor: $sensor\n" if ($debug);
# check expiration time of the dumpfile
if ( !$devel )
if ( $machine ne 'hpasmcli' ) {
if ( -f $TEMPFILE && $curtime - (stat($TEMPFILE))[9] >= $TEMPREFRESH )
print "Unlinking $TEMPFILE...\n" if ($debug);
unlink ($TEMPFILE);
if ( !$devel )
if ( $machine ne 'hpasmcli' ) {
if ( ! -f $TEMPFILE )
print "Writing dumpfile $TEMPFILE...\n" if ($debug);
`$IPMITOOL sdr dump $TEMPFILE` || die $!;
if ($?)
print "no (retcode $?)\n";
exit 2;
my @ipmioutput;
# Read the sensors
if ( $machine ne 'hpasmcli' ) {
@ipmioutput = `$IPMITOOL sdr -S $TEMPFILE`;
else {
@ipmioutput = `cat /tmp/ipmi-sensors`;
#my @ipmioutput = `cat ~wigyori/ipmisens2/outputs/hp_ml350g5`;
if ($?)
print "no (retcode $?)\n";
exit 3;
my $arg;
if ( defined($ARGV[0]) && $ARGV[0] ne "" )
print "argv: ".$ARGV[0]."\n" if ($debug);
if ( $ARGV[0] eq 'config' ) { $arg = 'config'; }
if ( $ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf' ) { $arg = 'autoconf'; }
if ( $arg eq 'autoconf' ) { print "no\n"; exit 0; }
my %cnf;
if ( $arg eq 'config' )
# Base sensor config
if ( $sensor eq 'temp' )
%cnf = (
'graph_title' => 'Temperature',
'graph_vlabel' => 'C',
'graph_category' => 'sensors',
if ( $sensor eq 'volt' )
%cnf = (
'graph_title' => 'Voltages',
'graph_vlabel' => 'Volts',
'graph_category' => 'sensors',
if ( $sensor eq 'fan' )
if ( $machine ne 'hpasmcli' ) {
%cnf = (
'graph_title' => 'Fan speeds',
'graph_vlabel' => 'RPM',
'graph_category' => 'sensors',
else {
%cnf = (
'graph_title' => 'Fan speeds',
'graph_vlabel' => '%',
'graph_category' => 'sensors',
# Static descriptors
my %base;
# Sun x4100
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbt_amb'} = 'Mainboard';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'fpt_amb'} = 'FP';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'pdbt_amb'} = 'PSU';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'iot_amb'} = 'Disks';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p0t_core'} = 'CPU0';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p1t_core'} = 'CPU1';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'ft0fm0f0'} = 'ft0.fm0.f0';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'ft0fm1f0'} = 'ft0.fm1.f0';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'ft0fm2f0'} = 'ft0.fm2.f0';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'ft0fm0f1'} = 'ft0.fm0.f1';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'ft0fm1f1'} = 'ft0.fm1.f1';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'ft0fm2f1'} = 'ft0.fm2.f1';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'ft1fm0f0'} = 'ft1.fm0.f0';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'ft1fm1f0'} = 'ft1.fm1.f0';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'ft1fm2f0'} = 'ft1.fm2.f0';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'ft1fm0f1'} = 'ft1.fm0.f1';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'ft1fm1f1'} = 'ft1.fm1.f1';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'ft1fm2f1'} = 'ft1.fm2.f1';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbv_bat'} = 'BAT';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbv_3v3stby'} = '3.3VSTBY';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbv_3v3'} = '3.3V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbv_5v'} = '5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbv_12v'} = '+12V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbv_dash12v'} = '-12V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbv_2v5core'} = 'MB 2.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbv_1v8core'} = 'MB 1.8V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbv_1v2core'} = 'MB 1.2V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p0v_1v5'} = 'CPU0 1.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p0v_2v5core'} = 'CPU0 2.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p0v_1v25core'} = 'CPU0 1.25V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p1v_1v5'} = 'CPU1 1.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p1v_2v5core'} = 'CPU1 2.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p1v_1v25core'} = 'CPU1 1.25V';
# Sun x4100m2 extents
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbv_1v5core'} = 'MB 1.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p0v_vddio'} = 'CPU0 VDDIO';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p0v_vdd'} = 'CPU0 VDD';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p0v_vtt'} = 'CPU0 VTT';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p1v_vddio'} = 'CPU1 VDDIO';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p1v_vdd'} = 'CPU1 VDD';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p1v_vtt'} = 'CPU1 VTT';
# Sun x4600 voltage extents
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbv_1v2'} = 'MB +1.2V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbv_1v5'} = 'MB +1.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbv_2v5'} = 'MB +2.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbv_3v3aux_r'} = 'MB +3.3VAUX';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p0v_12v'} = 'CPU0 module +12V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p1v_12v'} = 'CPU1 module +12V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p2v_12v'} = 'CPU2 module +12V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p3v_12v'} = 'CPU3 module +12V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p4v_12v'} = 'CPU4 module +12V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p5v_12v'} = 'CPU5 module +12V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p6v_12v'} = 'CPU6 module +12V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p7v_12v'} = 'CPU7 module +12V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p0v_2v5'} = 'CPU0 module +2.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p1v_2v5'} = 'CPU1 module +2.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p2v_2v5'} = 'CPU2 module +2.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p3v_2v5'} = 'CPU3 module +2.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p4v_2v5'} = 'CPU4 module +2.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p5v_2v5'} = 'CPU5 module +2.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p6v_2v5'} = 'CPU6 module +2.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p7v_2v5'} = 'CPU7 module +2.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p0v_1v2'} = 'CPU0 module +1.2V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p1v_1v2'} = 'CPU1 module +1.2V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p2v_1v2'} = 'CPU2 module +1.2V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p3v_1v2'} = 'CPU3 module +1.2V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p4v_1v2'} = 'CPU4 module +1.2V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p5v_1v2'} = 'CPU5 module +1.2V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p6v_1v2'} = 'CPU6 module +1.2V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p7v_1v2'} = 'CPU7 module +1.2V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p0v_3v3aux_r'} = 'CPU0 module +3.3VAUX';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p1v_3v3aux_r'} = 'CPU1 module +3.3VAUX';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p2v_3v3aux_r'} = 'CPU2 module +3.3VAUX';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p3v_3v3aux_r'} = 'CPU3 module +3.3VAUX';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p4v_3v3aux_r'} = 'CPU4 module +3.3VAUX';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p5v_3v3aux_r'} = 'CPU5 module +3.3VAUX';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p6v_3v3aux_r'} = 'CPU6 module +3.3VAUX';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p7v_3v3aux_r'} = 'CPU7 module +3.3VAUX';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p0v_3v3led'} = 'CPU0 module +3.3V LED';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p1v_3v3led'} = 'CPU1 module +3.3V LED';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p2v_3v3led'} = 'CPU2 module +3.3V LED';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p3v_3v3led'} = 'CPU3 module +3.3V LED';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p4v_3v3led'} = 'CPU4 module +3.3V LED';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p5v_3v3led'} = 'CPU5 module +3.3V LED';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p6v_3v3led'} = 'CPU6 module +3.3V LED';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p7v_3v3led'} = 'CPU7 module +3.3V LED';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p2v_1v25core'} = 'CPU2 1.25V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p3v_1v25core'} = 'CPU3 1.25V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p4v_1v25core'} = 'CPU4 1.25V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p5v_1v25core'} = 'CPU5 1.25V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p6v_1v25core'} = 'CPU6 1.25V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p7v_1v25core'} = 'CPU7 1.25V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p0v_core'} = 'CPU0 Vcore';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p1v_core'} = 'CPU1 Vcore';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p2v_core'} = 'CPU2 Vcore';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p3v_core'} = 'CPU3 Vcore';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p4v_core'} = 'CPU4 Vcore';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p5v_core'} = 'CPU5 Vcore';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p6v_core'} = 'CPU6 Vcore';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p7v_core'} = 'CPU7 Vcore';
# Sun x4600 temp extents
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p2t_core'} = 'CPU2';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p3t_core'} = 'CPU3';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p4t_core'} = 'CPU4';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p5t_core'} = 'CPU5';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p6t_core'} = 'CPU6';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p7t_core'} = 'CPU7';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p0t_amb'} = 'CPU0 module';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p1t_amb'} = 'CPU1 module';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p2t_amb'} = 'CPU2 module';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p3t_amb'} = 'CPU3 module';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p4t_amb'} = 'CPU4 module';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p5t_amb'} = 'CPU5 module';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p6t_amb'} = 'CPU6 module';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'p7t_amb'} = 'CPU7 module';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbt_amb0'} = 'System board 0';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbt_amb1'} = 'System board 1';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'mbt_amb2'} = 'System board 2';
# Sun x4500 voltage extents
$base{'x4x00'}->{'procp0v_1v25'} = 'CPU0 1.25V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'procp1v_1v25'} = 'CPU1 1.25V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'procp0v_1v5'} = 'CPU0 1.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'procp1v_1v5'} = 'CPU1 1.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'procp0v_2v5'} = 'CPU0 2.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'procp1v_2v5'} = 'CPU1 2.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'procv_1v8'} = 'CPU 1.8V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'iov_1v5'} = 'IO 1.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'iov_2v5'} = 'IO 2.5V';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'iov_5v_disk'} = 'IO 5V disk';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'iov_dash12v'} = 'IO -12V';
# Sun x4500 temp extents
$base{'x4x00'}->{'iofrontt_amb'} = 'IO front';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'ioreart_amb'} = 'IO rear';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'procfrontt_amb'} = 'CPU front';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'procreart_amb'} = 'CPU rear';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'procp0t_core'} = 'CPU0 temp';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'procp1t_core'} = 'CPU1 temp';
$base{'x4x00'}->{'dbpt_amb'} = 'DBP';
# Sun V20z (V40z?)
$base{'v20z'}->{'ambient'} = 'System';
$base{'v20z'}->{'cpu0die'} = 'CPU0 die';
$base{'v20z'}->{'cpu0mem'} = 'CPU0 mem';
$base{'v20z'}->{'cpu1die'} = 'CPU1 die';
$base{'v20z'}->{'cpu1mem'} = 'CPU1 mem';
$base{'v20z'}->{'gbeth'} = 'GBNIC';
$base{'v20z'}->{'hddbp'} = 'HDD backplane';
$base{'v20z'}->{'sp'} = 'Service CPU';
# Sun x2100
$base{'x2100'}->{'cpucorevoltage'} = 'CPU core';
$base{'x2100'}->{'batteryvolt'} = 'VBAT';
$base{'x2100'}->{'ddr26v'} = 'DDR 2.6V';
$base{'x2100'}->{'vcc33v'} = '+3.3V';
$base{'x2100'}->{'vcc5v'} = '+5V';
$base{'x2100'}->{'vcc12v'} = '+12V';
$base{'x2100'}->{'cputemp'} = 'CPU';
$base{'x2100'}->{'system'} = 'System';
# Sun x2100M2 extents
$base{'x2100'}->{'ddrp118v'} = 'DDR P1 1.8V';
$base{'x2100'}->{'vcc33vstb'} = '+3.3VSTBY';
$base{'x2100'}->{'ambienttemp'} = 'System';
# Sun x2200 extents
$base{'x2100'}->{'ddrp018v'} = 'DDR P0 1.8V';
$base{'x2100'}->{'ambienttemp0'} = 'System temp 0';
$base{'x2100'}->{'ambienttemp1'} = 'System temp 1';
$base{'x2100'}->{'cpu0temp'} = 'CPU0 temp';
$base{'x2100'}->{'cpu1temp'} = 'CPU1 temp';
# Intel SHG2
$base{'shg2'}->{'baseboard12v'} = 'MB 12V';
$base{'shg2'}->{'baseboard15v'} = 'MB 1.5V';
$base{'shg2'}->{'baseboard25v'} = 'MB 2.5V';
$base{'shg2'}->{'baseboard33v'} = 'MB 3.3V';
$base{'shg2'}->{'baseboard33vsb'} = '3.3VSTBY';
$base{'shg2'}->{'baseboard5v'} = 'MB 5V';
$base{'shg2'}->{'baseboarddash12v'} = 'MB -12V';
$base{'shg2'}->{'batteryvoltage'} = 'VBAT';
$base{'shg2'}->{'processorvrm'} = 'VRM';
# IBM x346
$base{'x346'}->{'125vsense'} = '+1.25V';
$base{'x346'}->{'12vasense'} = '+12V A';
$base{'x346'}->{'12vbsense'} = '+12V B';
$base{'x346'}->{'12vcsense'} = '+12V C';
$base{'x346'}->{'13vsense'} = '+1.3V';
$base{'x346'}->{'15vsense'} = '+1.5V';
$base{'x346'}->{'18vsense'} = '+1.8V';
$base{'x346'}->{'25vsense'} = '+2.5V';
$base{'x346'}->{'5vsense'} = '+5V';
$base{'x346'}->{'cpu1vcore'} = 'CPU1 Vcore';
$base{'x346'}->{'cpu2vcore'} = 'CPU2 Vcore';
$base{'x346'}->{'cpuvtt'} = 'CPU VTT';
$base{'x346'}->{'dash12vsense'} = '-12V';
$base{'x346'}->{'vbat'} = 'VBAT';
$base{'x346'}->{'cpu1'} = 'CPU1';
$base{'x346'}->{'cpu2'} = 'CPU2';
$base{'x346'}->{'dasd'} = 'DASD';
$base{'x346'}->{'ambient'} = 'System';
# Sun x2250
$base{'x2250'}->{'3v3_stby'} = '3.3VSTBY';
$base{'x2250'}->{'3v3'} = '+3.3V';
$base{'x2250'}->{'5v'} = '+5V';
$base{'x2250'}->{'12v'} = '+12V';
$base{'x2250'}->{'1v5'} = '+1.5V';
$base{'x2250'}->{'1v8'} = '+1.8V';
$base{'x2250'}->{'0v9'} = '+0.9V';
$base{'x2250'}->{'vtt'} = 'VTT';
$base{'x2250'}->{'1v5_esb'} = 'ESB +1.5V';
$base{'x2250'}->{'1v2_nic'} = 'NIC +1.2V';
$base{'x2250'}->{'1v8_nic'} = 'NIC +1.8V';
$base{'x2250'}->{'1v5_fbd'} = 'FBDIMM +1.5V';
# Sun x2270
$base{'x2270'}->{'3v3_stby'} = '3.3VSTBY';
$base{'x2270'}->{'3v3'} = '+3.3V';
$base{'x2270'}->{'5v'} = '+5V';
$base{'x2270'}->{'12v'} = '+12V';
$base{'x2270'}->{'3v3_vbat'} = '3.3VBAT';
$base{'x2270'}->{'1v5'} = '+1.5V';
$base{'x2270'}->{'p0_1v5_ddr'} = 'DDR P0 +1.5V';
$base{'x2270'}->{'p1_1v5_ddr'} = 'DDR P1 +1.5V';
$base{'x2270'}->{'p0_1v8'} = 'P0 +1.8V';
$base{'x2270'}->{'p1_1v8'} = 'P1 +1.8V';
$base{'x2270'}->{'p0_vtt'} = 'P0 VTT';
$base{'x2270'}->{'p1_vtt'} = 'P1 VTT';
$base{'x2270'}->{'p0_vccp'} = 'P0 VCCp';
$base{'x2270'}->{'p1_vccp'} = 'P1 VCCp';
# Sun x4150
$base{'x4150'}->{'mb_t_amb0'} = 'MB Sensor 0';
$base{'x4150'}->{'mb_t_amb1'} = 'MB Sensor 1';
$base{'x4150'}->{'mb_t_amb2'} = 'MB Sensor 2';
$base{'x4150'}->{'mb_t_amb3'} = 'MB Sensor 3';
$base{'x4150'}->{'ps0_t_amb'} = 'PS 1 temp';
$base{'x4150'}->{'ps1_t_amb'} = 'PS 2 temp';
$base{'x4150'}->{'t_amb'} = 'System';
$base{'x4150'}->{'ps0_f0'} = 'PS 1 fan';
$base{'x4150'}->{'ps1_f0'} = 'PS 2 fan';
$base{'x4150'}->{'mb_p0_v_vcc'} = 'CPU0 VCC';
$base{'x4150'}->{'mb_p1_v_vcc'} = 'CPU1 VCC';
$base{'x4150'}->{'mb_v_12v'} = '+12V';
$base{'x4150'}->{'mb_v_1v5'} = '+1.5V';
$base{'x4150'}->{'mb_v_1v8'} = '+1.8V';
$base{'x4150'}->{'mb_v_2v5stby'} = '+2.5VSTBY';
$base{'x4150'}->{'mb_v_3v3'} = '+3.3V';
$base{'x4150'}->{'mb_v_3v3stby'} = '+3.3VSTBY';
$base{'x4150'}->{'mb_v_5v'} = '+5V';
$base{'x4150'}->{'mb_v_nic'} = 'NIC';
$base{'x4150'}->{'mb_v_vtt'} = 'VTT';
$base{'x4150'}->{'ps0_v_in'} = 'PS 1 voltage in';
$base{'x4150'}->{'ps0_v_out'} = 'PS 1 voltage out';
$base{'x4150'}->{'ps1_v_in'} = 'PS 2 voltage in';
$base{'x4150'}->{'ps1_v_out'} = 'PS 2 voltage out';
# Verari VB1205XM
$base{'vb1205'}->{'12v'} = '+12V';
$base{'vb1205'}->{'1_2v'} = '+1.2V';
$base{'vb1205'}->{'1_5v'} = '+1.5V';
$base{'vb1205'}->{'3_3v'} = '+3.3V';
$base{'vb1205'}->{'5v'} = '+5V';
$base{'vb1205'}->{'5vsb'} = '+5VSTBY';
$base{'vb1205'}->{'cpu1vcore'} = 'CPU1 Vcore';
$base{'vb1205'}->{'cpu2vcore'} = 'CPU2 Vcore';
$base{'vb1205'}->{'dash12v'} = '-12V';
$base{'vb1205'}->{'vbat'} = 'VBAT';
$base{'vb1205'}->{'cputemp1'} = 'CPU 1 temp';
$base{'vb1205'}->{'cputemp2'} = 'CPU 2 temp';
$base{'vb1205'}->{'systemp'} = 'System';
# Dell PowerEdge 2650
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmmbfan1'} = 'Fan 1';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmmbfan2'} = 'Fan 2';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmmbfan3'} = 'Fan 3';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmmbfan4'} = 'Fan 4';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmmbfan5'} = 'Fan 5';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmmbfan6'} = 'Fan 6';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmmbfan7'} = 'Fan 7';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmmb12'} = 'MB +12V';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmmb25'} = 'MB +2.5V';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmmb33'} = 'MB +3.3V';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmmb5'} = 'MB +5V';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmmbbat'} = 'VBAT';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmmbdash12'} = 'MB -12V';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmrombpk'} = 'ROMB PK';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmvtt'} = 'VTT';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmcpu'} = 'CPU';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esm5aux'} = '5V AUX';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmcpu1'} = 'CPU1';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmcpu2'} = 'CPU2';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmfrti_o'} = 'Front I/O';
$base{'pe2650'}->{'esmriser'} = 'Riser';
# IBM x3200
$base{'ibmx3xx0'}->{'planar12v'} = '+12V';
$base{'ibmx3xx0'}->{'planar15v'} = '+1.5V';
$base{'ibmx3xx0'}->{'planar18v'} = '+1.8V';
$base{'ibmx3xx0'}->{'planar33v'} = '+3.3V';
$base{'ibmx3xx0'}->{'planar5v'} = '+5V';
$base{'ibmx3xx0'}->{'cpuvcore'} = 'CPU Vcore';
$base{'ibmx3xx0'}->{'cpuvtt'} = 'VTT';
$base{'ibmx3xx0'}->{'ambient'} = 'System';
$base{'ibmx3xx0'}->{'cpu'} = 'CPU';
# IBM x3550 extents
$base{'ibmx3xx0'}->{'planarvbat'} = 'VBAT';
# IBM LS41
$base{'ibmlsxx'}->{'12vsense'} = '+12V';
$base{'ibmlsxx'}->{'3_3vsense'} = '+3.3V';
$base{'ibmlsxx'}->{'5vsense'} = '+5V';
$base{'ibmlsxx'}->{'planarvbat'} = 'VBAT';
# IBM LS20 extents
$base{'ibmlsxx'}->{'1_8vsense'} = '+1.8V';
$base{'ibmlsxx'}->{'1_8vsbsense'} = '+1.8VSB';
$base{'ibmlsxx'}->{'12vsbsense'} = '+12VSB';
$base{'ibmlsxx'}->{'12v_isense'} = '+12V_I';
# IBM HS21
$base{'ibmhsxx'}->{'planar0_9v'} = '+0.9V';
$base{'ibmhsxx'}->{'planar12v'} = '+12V';
$base{'ibmhsxx'}->{'planar3_3v'} = '+3.3V';
$base{'ibmhsxx'}->{'planar5v'} = '+5V';
$base{'ibmhsxx'}->{'planarvbat'} = 'VBAT';
# IBM iDataplex DX320 extents
$base{'ibmhsxx'}->{'cpu1vcore'} = 'CPU1 Vcore';
$base{'ibmhsxx'}->{'cpu2vcore'} = 'CPU2 Vcore';
# Fujitsu-Siemens TX120
$base{'tx120'}->{'12v'} = '12V';
$base{'tx120'}->{'15v'} = '1.5V';
$base{'tx120'}->{'18v'} = '1.8V';
$base{'tx120'}->{'33v'} = '3.3V';
$base{'tx120'}->{'5v'} = '5V';
$base{'tx120'}->{'dash12v'} = '-12V';
$base{'tx120'}->{'stdby33v'} = '3.3VSTBY';
$base{'tx120'}->{'vtt'} = 'VTT';
$base{'tx120'}->{'battery3v'} = '3VBAT';
$base{'tx120'}->{'fanpsu'} = 'Fan PSU';
$base{'tx120'}->{'fan1sys'} = 'Fan Sys 1';
$base{'tx120'}->{'fan2sys'} = 'Fan Sys 2';
$base{'tx120'}->{'fancpu'} = 'Fan CPU';
$base{'tx120'}->{'ambient'} = 'Ambient';
$base{'tx120'}->{'systemboard'} = 'System board';
$base{'tx120'}->{'cpu'} = 'CPU';
# Dell DCS XS23-sc
$base{'xs23'}->{'systemfan'} = 'System fan';
$base{'xs23'}->{'cpu0'} = 'CPU 0';
$base{'xs23'}->{'cpu1'} = 'CPU 1';
$base{'xs23'}->{'midplane'} = 'Midplane';
$base{'xs23'}->{'p12v'} = 'Planar 12V';
$base{'xs23'}->{'p15v'} = 'Planar 1.5V';
$base{'xs23'}->{'p18v'} = 'Planar 1.8V';
$base{'xs23'}->{'p33v'} = 'Planar 3.3V';
$base{'xs23'}->{'p5v'} = 'Planar 5V';
$base{'xs23'}->{'vtt'} = 'Vtt';
$base{'xs23'}->{'vcc33vaux'} = 'Vcc 3.3V AUX';
# Supermicro X8DT6 / X8DTT-F via Winbond Hermon BMC
$base{'hermon'}->{'fan1'} = 'Fan 1';
$base{'hermon'}->{'fan2'} = 'Fan 2';
$base{'hermon'}->{'fan3'} = 'Fan 3';
$base{'hermon'}->{'fan4'} = 'Fan 4';
$base{'hermon'}->{'fan5'} = 'Fan 5';
$base{'hermon'}->{'fan6'} = 'Fan 6';
$base{'hermon'}->{'fan7'} = 'Fan 7';
$base{'hermon'}->{'fan8'} = 'Fan 8';
$base{'hermon'}->{'system'} = 'System';
$base{'hermon'}->{'cpu1temp'} = 'CPU1 temp';
$base{'hermon'}->{'cpu2temp'} = 'CPU2 temp';
$base{'hermon'}->{'12v'} = '+12V';
$base{'hermon'}->{'15v'} = '+1.5V';
$base{'hermon'}->{'33v'} = '+3.3V';
$base{'hermon'}->{'33vsb'} = '+3.3VSB';
$base{'hermon'}->{'5v'} = '+5V';
$base{'hermon'}->{'vbat'} = 'VBAT';
$base{'hermon'}->{'cpu1dimm'} = 'CPU1 DIMM';
$base{'hermon'}->{'cpu2dimm'} = 'CPU2 DIMM';
$base{'hermon'}->{'cpu1vcore'} = 'CPU1 Vcore';
$base{'hermon'}->{'cpu2vcore'} = 'CPU2 Vcore';
# Most of these are similar on the Supermicro X* boards
$base{'aocipmi20e'} = $base{'hermon'};
$base{'aocipmi20e'}->{'dash12v'} = '-12V';
$base{'aocipmi20e'}->{'5vsb'} = '+5VSB';
$base{'aocipmi20e'}->{'fan7_cpu1'} = 'Fan7 / CPU1';
$base{'aocipmi20e'}->{'fan8_cpu2'} = 'Fan8 / CPU2';
$base{'aocipmi20e'}->{'sys'} = 'System';
# Asus K8N-LR / HP DL145G2
$base{'asmb2'}->{'cpufan1'} = 'CPU Fan 1';
$base{'asmb2'}->{'cpufan2'} = 'CPU Fan 2';
$base{'asmb2'}->{'frontfan1'} = 'Front Fan 1';
$base{'asmb2'}->{'frontfan2'} = 'Front Fan 2';
$base{'asmb2'}->{'rearfan1'} = 'Rear Fan 1';
$base{'asmb2'}->{'rearfan2'} = 'Rear Fan 2';
$base{'asmb2'}->{'cpu1thermal'} = 'CPU1';
$base{'asmb2'}->{'systemthermal'} = 'System';
$base{'asmb2'}->{'25vor18v'} = '+2.5V / +1.8V';
$base{'asmb2'}->{'bat_cmos'} = 'VBAT';
$base{'asmb2'}->{'cpuvcore1'} = 'CPU1 Vcore';
$base{'asmb2'}->{'system12v'} = '+12V';
$base{'asmb2'}->{'system15v'} = '+1.5V';
$base{'asmb2'}->{'system5v'} = '+5V';
$base{'asmb2'}->{'system3v'} = '+3V';
$base{'asmb2'}->{'system5vsb'} = '+5VSTBY';
# Dell M610 blade
$base{'m610'}->{'ambienttemp'} = 'Ambient temp';
$base{'m610'}->{'temp'} = 'Blade temp';
# hpasmcli / Proliant DL385G1
$base{'hpasmcli'}->{'cpu-1'} = 'CPU 1';
$base{'hpasmcli'}->{'cpu-2'} = 'CPU 2';
$base{'hpasmcli'}->{'i_o_zone'} = 'I/O zone';
$base{'hpasmcli'}->{'power_supply_bay'} = 'PSU bay';
$base{'hpasmcli'}->{'processor_zone'} = 'CPU zone';
# Machine config, run through the file/output
my $label; my $tmp;
foreach my $line ( @ipmioutput )
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
if ( $sensor eq 'fan' && $line =~ /.*RPM.*ok/ )
if ( $machine eq 'x4x00' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\.speed.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'v20z' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\.tach.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2100') { $line =~ s/(.*)\s+\|.*RPM.*/\L$1/; $label = $line; }
if ( $machine eq 'x346' ) { $line =~ /(.*) Tach.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'shg2' ) { $line =~ s/(.*)\s+\|.*RPM.*\|\s+ok/$1/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2250' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\/TACH.*RPM.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2270' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\/TACH.*RPM.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'x4150' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\/TACH.*RPM.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'pe2650' ) { $line =~ /(.*) RPM\s+\|.*RPM.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'ibmx3xx0' ) { $line =~ /(.*) Tach.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'tx120' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|.*RPM.*\|\s+ok/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'xs23' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|.*RPM.*\|\s+ok/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'hermon' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|.*RPM.*\|\s+ok/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'aocipmi20e' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|.*RPM.*\|\s+ok/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'asmb2' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|.*RPM.*\|\s+ok/; $label = $1; }
elsif ( $sensor eq 'fan' && $line =~ /\#\d+\s+\S+\s+Yes.*\%/ ) {
if ( $machine eq 'hpasmcli' ) { $line =~ /\#(\d+)\s+(.*)\s+Yes.*\%.*/; $label = "$2_$1"; }
if ( $sensor eq 'temp' && $line =~ /.*degree.*ok/ )
if ( $machine eq 'x4x00' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\ \|.*deg.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'v20z' ) { $line =~ /(.*)temp.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2100') { $line =~ s/(.*)\s+\|.*deg.*/\L$1/; $label = $line; }
if ( $machine eq 'x346' ) { $line =~ /(.*) Temp.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'ibmls4x' ) { $line =~ /(.*) TEMP.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'shg2' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|.*deg.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2250' ) { $line =~ /MB\/T\_(.*)\s+\|.*deg.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2270' ) { $line =~ /MB\/T\_(.*)\s+\|.*deg.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'x4150' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|.*deg.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'vb1205' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|.*deg.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'pe2650' ) { $line =~ /(.*) Temp.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'ibmx3xx0' ) { $line =~ /(.*) Temp.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'ibmlsxx' ) { $line =~ /(.*) TEMP.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'tx120' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\ \|.*deg.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'xs23' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\ Temp\s+|.*deg.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'hermon' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\ Temp\s+|.*deg.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'aocipmi20e' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\ Temp\s+|.*deg.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'asmb2' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|.*deg.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'm610' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|.*deg.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'proliantg5' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|.*deg.*/; $label = $1; }
elsif ( $sensor eq 'temp' && $line =~ /\d+C\/\d+F/ ) {
if ( $machine eq 'hpasmcli' ) { $line =~ /.*\s+(.*)\s+\d+C\/\d+F\s+\d+C\/\d+F/; $label = $1; }
if ( $sensor eq 'volt' && $line =~ /.*Volts.*/ )
if ( $machine eq 'x4x00' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\ \|.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'v20z' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\ \|.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2100') { $line =~ s/(.*)\s+\|.*Volts.*/\L$1/; $label = $line; }
if ( $machine eq 'x346' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'ibmls4x' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'shg2' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2250' ) { $line =~ /MB\/V\_(.*)\s+\|.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2270' ) { $line =~ /MB\/(.*)\s+\|.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'x4150' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'vb1205' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; $label =~ s/\./_/g; }
if ( $machine eq 'pe2650' ) { $line =~ /(.*) Volt\s+\|.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'ibmx3xx0' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'ibmlsxx' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; $label =~ s/\./_/g; }
if ( $machine eq 'ibmhsxx' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; $label =~ s/\./_/g; }
if ( $machine eq 'tx120' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\ \|.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'xs23' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'hermon' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'aocipmi20e' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $machine eq 'asmb2' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+.*Volts.*/; $label = $1; }
if ( $label )
$label =~ s/\.//g;
$label =~ s/\-/dash/g;
$label =~ s/\+//;
$label =~ s/\s+//g;
$label =~ s/(.*)/\L$1/;
$label =~ s/\//_/g;
$label =~ s/\#/_/g;
# Random fixups
if ( $machine eq 'x2270' ) { $label =~ s/v_//; }
if ( $machine eq 'x4x00' ) { $label =~ s/^sysv\_/mbv\_/; }
if ( $machine eq 'tx120' ) { $label =~ s/main//; }
if ( $base{$machine}->{$label} )
$cnf{ $label. '.label' } = $base{$machine}->{$label};
$cnf{ $label. '.label' } = $label;
undef ($label);
foreach my $key ( sort(keys(%cnf)) )
print "$key $cnf{$key}\n";
exit 0;
my %res; my $label; my $value;
foreach my $line ( @ipmioutput )
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
if ( $sensor eq 'fan' && $line =~ /.*RPM.*ok/ )
if ( $machine eq 'x4x00' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\.speed\s+\|\s+(\d+) RPM.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'v20z' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\.tach\s+\|\s+(\d+) RPM.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2100' ) { $line =~ s/(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+) RPM.*/\L$1/; $label = $line; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'x346' ) { $line =~ /(.*) Tach\s+\| (\d+) RPM.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'shg2' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(.*) RPM.*\|.*ok/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2250' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\/TACH\s+\|\s+(.*) RPM.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2270' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\/TACH\s+\|\s+(.*) RPM.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'x4150' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\/TACH\s+\|\s+(\S+) RPM.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'pe2650' ) { $line =~ /(.*) RPM\s+\|\s+(\S+) RPM.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'ibmx3xx0' ) { $line =~ /(.*) Tach\s+\|\s+(\S+) RPM.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'tx120' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(.*) RPM.*\|\s+ok/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'xs23' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(.*) RPM.*\|\s+ok/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'hermon' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(.*) RPM.*\|\s+ok/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'aocipmi20e' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(.*) RPM.*\|\s+ok/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'asmb2' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(.*) RPM.*\|\s+ok/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
elsif ( $sensor eq 'fan' && $line =~ /\#\d+\s+\S+\s+Yes.*\%/ ) {
if ( $machine eq 'hpasmcli' ) { $line =~ /\#(\d+)\s+(.*)\s+Yes\s+\w+\s+(\d+)\%.*/; $label = "$2_$1"; $value = $3; }
if ( $sensor eq 'temp' && $line =~ /.*degree.*ok/ )
if ( $machine eq 'x4x00' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+)\ deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'v20z' ) { $line =~ /(.*)temp\s+\|\s+(\S+)\ deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2100' ) { $line =~ s/(.*)\s+\|\s+(\d+) deg.*/\L$1/; $label = $line; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'x346' ) { $line =~ /(.*) Temp\s+\|\s+(\d+) deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'ibmls4x' ) { $line =~ /(.*) TEMP\s+\|\s+(\d+) deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'shg2' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\d+) deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2250' ) { $line =~ /MB\/T\_(.*)\s+\|\s+(\d+) deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2270' ) { $line =~ /MB\/T\_(.*)\s+\|\s+(\d+) deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'x4150' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+) deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'vb1205' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+) deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'pe2650' ) { $line =~ /(.*) Temp\s+\|\s+(\S+) deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'ibmx3xx0' ) { $line =~ /(.*) Temp\s+\|\s+(\S+) deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'ibmlsxx' ) { $line =~ /(.*) TEMP\s+\|\s+(\S+) deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'tx120' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+)\ deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'xs23' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\ Temp\s+\|\s+(\S+)\ deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'hermon' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\ Temp\s+\|\s+(\S+)\ deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'aocipmi20e' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\ Temp\s+\|\s+(\S+)\ deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'asmb2' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+)\ deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'm610' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+)\ deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'proliantg5' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+)\ deg.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
elsif ( $sensor eq 'temp' && $line =~ /\d+C\/\d+F/ ) {
if ( $machine eq 'hpasmcli' ) { $line =~ /.*\s+(.*)\s+(\d+)C\/\d+F\s+\d+C\/\d+F/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $sensor eq 'volt' && $line =~ /.*Volt.*ok/ )
if ( $machine eq 'x4x00' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\ \|\s+(\S+)\ Volt.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'v20z' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+)\ Volt.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2100' ) { $line =~ s/(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+)\ Volt.*/\L$1/; $label = $line; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'x346' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+) Volts.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'ibmls4x' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+) Volts.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'shg2' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+) Volts.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2250' ) { $line =~ /MB\/V\_(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+) Volts.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'x2270' ) { $line =~ /MB\/(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+) Volts.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'x4150' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+) Volts.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'vb1205' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+) Volts.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; $label =~ s/\./_/g; }
if ( $machine eq 'pe2650' ) { $line =~ /(.*) Volt\s+\|\s+(\S+) Volts.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'ibmx3xx0' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+) Volts.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'ibmlsxx' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+) Volts.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; $label =~ s/\./_/g; }
if ( $machine eq 'ibmhsxx' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+) Volts.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; $label =~ s/\./_/g; }
if ( $machine eq 'tx120' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\ \|\s+(\S+)\ Volt.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'xs23' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\ \|\s+(\S+)\ Volt.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'hermon' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+) Volts.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'aocipmi20e' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+) Volts.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $machine eq 'asmb2' ) { $line =~ /(.*)\s+\|\s+(\S+) Volts.*/; $label = $1; $value = $2; }
if ( $label )
$label =~ s/\.//g;
$label =~ s/\-/dash/g;
$label =~ s/\+//;
$label =~ s/\s+//g;
$label =~ s/(.*)/\L$1/;
$label =~ s/\//_/g;
$label =~ s/\#/_/g;
# Random fixups
if ( $machine eq 'x2270' ) { $label =~ s/v_//; }
if ( $machine eq 'x4x00' ) { $label =~ s/^sysv\_/mbv\_/; }
if ( $machine eq 'tx120' ) { $label =~ s/main//; }
$res{$label} = $value;
undef ($label);
my $key;
foreach $key ( sort(keys(%res)) )
print "$key.value ".$res{$key}."\n";

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Wildcard plugin to monitor sensor by using ipmitool sensor program.
# Contributed by Jun Futagawa
# This script is based on sensors_ plugin.
# Usage:
# ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/ipmitool_sensor_ /etc/munin/plugins/ipmitool_sensor_fan
# ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/ipmitool_sensor_ /etc/munin/plugins/ipmitool_sensor_temp
# ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/ipmitool_sensor_ /etc/munin/plugins/ipmitool_sensor_volt
# Requirements:
# - OpenIPMI tool (ipmitool command)
# Note:
# - Sensor names are read from the output of the ipmitool sensor program.
# Add the following to your /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node:
# [ipmitool_sensor*]
# user root
# timeout 20
# If you want to use "ipmitool sdr", add the following:
# Note: When you use this, the threshold provided by the sensor board is not used.
# [ipmitool_sensor*]
# user root
# timeout 20
# env.ipmitool_options sdr
# Parameters supported:
# config
# autoconf
# suggest
# Configurable variables
# ipmitool - ipmitool command (default: ipmitool)
# ipmitool_options - ipmitool command options (default: sensor)
# sdr: you can use 'sdr' instead of sensor.
# cache_file - cache file
# (default: /var/lib/munin/plugin-state/plugin-ipmitool_sensor.cache)
# cache_expires - cache expires (default: 275)
# fan_type_regex - Regular expression for unit of fan (default: RPM)
# temp_type_regex - Regular expression for unit of temp (default: degrees C)
# volt_type_regex - Regular expression for unit of volt (default: (Volts|Watts|Amps))
# fan_warn_percent - Percentage over mininum for warning (default: 5)
# fan_lower_critical - Preferred lower critical value for fan
# fan_upper_critical - Preferred upper critical value for fan
# temp_lower_critical - Preferred lower critical value for temp
# temp_lower_warning - Preferred lower warining value for temp
# temp_upper_warning - Preferred upper warning value for temp
# temp_upper_critical - Preferred upper critical value for temp
# volt_warn_percent - Percentage over mininum/under maximum for warning
# Narrow the voltage bracket by this. (default: 20)
# $Log$
# Revision 1.6 2011/02/07 12:50:00 jfut
# Bug fix: Check temp_upper_warning and temp_upper_critical was not working again.
# Revision 1.5 2011/01/28 00:39:00 jfut
# Bug fix: Check temp_upper_warning and temp_upper_critical was not working.
# Revision 1.4 2009/02/08 23:51:00 jfut
# Support "ipmitool sdr".
# Add Watts and Amp as voltage unit.
# Add fan_type_regex/temp_type_regex/volt_type_regex as option of sensor type.
# Revision 1.3 2008/11/11 13:55:00 jfut
# Add infinity value check for HP ProLiant DL160.
# Add preferred value option for fan and temp.
# Revision 1.2 2008/10/28 19:21:22 jfut
# Add file check.
# Revision 1.1 2008/10/27 18:52:31 jfut
# Add cache mechanism.
# Revision 1.0 2008/10/27 14:25:12 jfut
# Initial release.
# Magic markers:
#%# family=manual
#%# capabilities=autoconf suggest
use strict;
$ENV{'LANG'} = "C"; # Force parseable output from sensors.
$ENV{'LC_ALL'} = "C"; # Force parseable output from sensors.
my $IPMITOOL = $ENV{'ipmitool'} || 'ipmitool';
my @IPMITOOL_OPTS = exists $ENV{'ipmitool_options'} ? split(/\s+/, $ENV{'ipmitool_options'}) : ('sensor');
my $CACHE_DIR = "/var/lib/munin/plugin-state";
my $CACHE_FILE = $ENV{'cache_file'} || "$CACHE_DIR/plugin-ipmitool_sensor.cache";
my $CACHE_EXPIRES = $ENV{'cache_expires'} || 275;
my %config = (
fan => {
regex => exists $ENV{'fan_type_regex'} ? qr/$ENV{'fan_type_regex'}/im : qr/RPM/im,
title => 'IPMITool Sensor: Fans',
vtitle => 'RPM',
print_threshold => \&fan_threshold,
graph_args => '--base 1000 -l 0'
temp => {
regex => exists $ENV{'temp_type_regex'} ? qr/$ENV{'temp_type_regex'}/im : qr/degrees C/im,
title => 'IPMITool Sensor: Temperatures',
vtitle => 'Celsius',
print_threshold => \&temp_threshold,
graph_args => '--base 1000 -l 0'
volt => {
regex => exists $ENV{'volt_type_regex'} ? qr/$ENV{'volt_type_regex'}/im : qr/(Volts|Watts|Amps)/im,
title => 'IPMITool Sensor: Voltages',
vtitle => '_AUTO_DETECT_FAILED_',
print_threshold => \&volt_threshold,
graph_args => '--base 1000'
if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf') {
my $ret = system($IPMITOOL);
open (STDERR, ">&STDOUT");
if ($ret == 0 || $ret == 256) {
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
} else {
print "no (program $IPMITOOL not found)\n";
exit 1;
if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq 'suggest') {
my $text = get_sensor_data();
my $alltext = join('\n', @{$text});
foreach my $func (keys %config) {
print $func, "\n" if $alltext =~ $config{$func}->{regex};
$0 =~ /ipmitool_sensor_(.+)*$/;
my $func = $1;
exit 2 unless defined $func;
my $text = get_sensor_data();
my $sensor = 1;
if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq 'config') {
# detect the unit of volt
if ($func eq 'volt') {
foreach my $line (@{$text}) {
if ($line =~ /$config{$func}->{regex}/) {
my ($label, $value, $unit, $lcr, $lnc, $unc, $ucr) = &get_sensor_items($line, $config{$func}->{regex});
$config{$func}->{vtitle} = $unit;
$text = get_sensor_data();
# print header
print "graph_title $config{$func}->{title}\n";
print "graph_vtitle $config{$func}->{vtitle}\n";
print "graph_args $config{$func}->{graph_args}\n";
print "graph_category sensors\n";
# print data
foreach my $line (@{$text}) {
if ($line =~ /$config{$func}->{regex}/) {
my ($label, $value, $unit, $lcr, $lnc, $unc, $ucr) = &get_sensor_items($line, $config{$func}->{regex});
if (&is_valid_value($value)) {
print "$func$sensor.label $label\n";
$config{$func}->{print_threshold}->($func.$sensor, $lcr, $lnc, $unc, $ucr);
print "$func$sensor.graph no\n" if exists $ENV{"ignore_$func$sensor"};
exit 0;
foreach my $line (@{$text}) {
if ($line =~ /$config{$func}->{regex}/) {
my ($label, $value, $unit, $lcr, $lnc, $unc, $ucr) = &get_sensor_items($line, $config{$func}->{regex});
# for debug
# print "$func$sensor.value [$label] [$value] [$lcr] [$lnc] [$unc] [$ucr]\n";
if (&is_valid_value($value)) {
print "$func$sensor.value $value\n";
sub get_sensor_data {
my $text = undef;
if (-f $CACHE_FILE) {
my $cache_timestamp = (stat($CACHE_FILE))[9];
if ($CACHE_EXPIRES == -1 || time - $cache_timestamp <= $CACHE_EXPIRES) {
open(IN, "<", $CACHE_FILE) or die "Could not open \"$CACHE_FILE\" for reading\n";
while (<IN>) {
push (@{$text}, $_);
if (! defined $text) {
my $pid = open(EXE, '-|');
if ($pid == 0) {
} elsif (defined $pid) {
while(<EXE>) {
push (@{$text}, $_);
} else {
die "fork failed: $!";
if (-w $CACHE_DIR) {
open(OUT, ">", $CACHE_FILE) or die "Could not open \"$CACHE_FILE\" for writing\n";
foreach my $line (@{$text}) {
print OUT "$line";
close OUT;
return $text;
sub get_sensor_items {
my ($line, $regex) = @_;
my @items = split(/\s*\|\s*/, $line);
my ($label, $value, $unit, $lcr, $lnc, $unc, $ucr)
= (trim($items[0]), trim($items[1]), trim($items[2]), trim($items[5]), trim($items[6]), trim($items[7]), trim($items[8]));
if ($#items == 9) {
# ipmitool sensor
} elsif ($#items == 2) {
# ipmitool sdr
if ($value =~ /$regex/) {
$value = trim($`);
$unit = trim($1);
# some boards show data in incorrect order.
# - HP ProLiant ML110 G5
# CPU FAN | 1434.309 | RPM | ok | 5537.099 | 4960.317 | 4859.086 | na | 937.383 | na
# SYSTEM FAN | 1506.932 | RPM | ok | 5952.381 | 5668.934 | 5411.255 | na | 937.383 | na
# - HP ProLiant DL160
# FAN1 ROTOR1 | 7680.492 | RPM | ok | na | inf | na | na | 1000.400 | na
if (&is_valid_value($lcr) && &is_valid_value($ucr) && $lcr > $ucr || $lcr eq 'inf') {
($lcr, $lnc, $unc, $ucr) = ($ucr, $unc, $lnc, $lcr);
if (&is_valid_value($lnc) && &is_valid_value($unc) && $lnc > $unc || $lnc eq 'inf') {
($lcr, $lnc, $unc, $ucr) = ($ucr, $unc, $lnc, $lcr);
return ($label, $value, $unit, $lcr, $lnc, $unc, $ucr);
sub fan_threshold {
my ($name, $lcr, $lnc, $unc, $ucr) = @_;
my $warn_percent = exists $ENV{fan_warn_percent} ? $ENV{fan_warn_percent} : 5;
# lcr: lower critical
if (exists $ENV{fan_lower_critical}) {
$lcr = $ENV{fan_lower_critical};
} elsif (! &is_valid_value($lcr)) {
if ($lcr eq 'inf') { $lcr = ''; }
else { $lcr = '50'; }
# lnc: lower warning
if (! &is_valid_value($lnc)) {
if ($lnc eq 'inf') { $lnc = ''; }
else { $lnc = ($lcr eq '') ? '' : $lcr * (100 + $warn_percent) / 100; }
# ucr: upper critical
if (exists $ENV{fan_upper_critical}) {
$ucr = $ENV{fan_upper_critical};
} elsif (! &is_valid_value($ucr)) {
if ($ucr eq 'inf') { $ucr = ''; }
else { $ucr = '6000'; }
# unc: upper warning
if (! &is_valid_value($unc)) {
if ($unc eq 'inf') { $unc = ''; }
else { $unc = ($ucr eq '') ? '' : $ucr * (100 - $warn_percent) / 100; }
return unless ($lcr ne '' || $lnc ne '' || $unc ne '' || $ucr ne '');
printf "$name.warning $lnc:$unc\n";
printf "$name.critical $lcr:$ucr\n";
sub temp_threshold {
my ($name, $lcr, $lnc, $unc, $ucr) = @_;
# lcr: lower critical
if (exists $ENV{temp_lower_critical}) {
$lcr = $ENV{temp_lower_critical};
} elsif (! &is_valid_value($lcr)) {
if ($lcr eq 'inf') { $lcr = ''; }
else { $lcr = 5; }
# lnc: lower warning
if (exists $ENV{temp_lower_warning}) {
$lnc = $ENV{temp_lower_warning};
} elsif (! &is_valid_value($lnc)) {
if ($lnc eq 'inf') { $lnc = ''; }
else { $lnc = 10; }
# unc: upper warning
if (exists $ENV{temp_upper_warning}) {
$unc = $ENV{temp_upper_warning};
} elsif (! &is_valid_value($unc)) {
if ($unc eq 'inf') { $unc = ''; }
else { $unc = '65'; }
# ucr: upper critical
if (exists $ENV{temp_upper_critical}) {
$ucr = $ENV{temp_upper_critical};
} elsif (! &is_valid_value($ucr)) {
if ($ucr eq 'inf') { $ucr = ''; }
else { $ucr = '70'; }
return unless ($lcr ne '' || $lnc ne '' || $unc ne '' || $ucr ne '');
printf "$name.warning $lnc:$unc\n";
printf "$name.critical $lcr:$ucr\n";
sub volt_threshold {
my ($name, $lcr, $lnc, $unc, $ucr) = @_;
my $warn_percent = exists $ENV{volt_warn_percent} ? $ENV{volt_warn_percent} : 20;
if (! &is_valid_value($lcr)) { $lcr = ''; }
if (! &is_valid_value($lnc)) { $lnc = ($lcr eq '') ? '' : $lcr * (100 + $warn_percent) / 100; }
if (! &is_valid_value($ucr)) { $ucr = ''; }
if (! &is_valid_value($unc)) { $unc = ($ucr eq '') ? '' : $ucr * (100 - $warn_percent) / 100; }
return unless ($lcr ne '' || $lnc ne '' || $unc ne '' || $ucr ne '');
printf "$name.warning $lnc:$unc\n";
printf "$name.critical $lcr:$ucr\n";
sub trim {
my $value = shift;
if (defined $value) {
$value =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
} else {
$value = 'na'
return $value;
sub is_valid_value() {
my $value = shift;
if ($value eq 'na' || $value eq 'inf' || $value eq '') {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
=head1 How to test
cache_file=ipmitool_sensor_ cache_expires=-1 ./ipmitool_sensor_volt
cache_file=ipmitool_sensor_ cache_expires=-1 ./ipmitool_sensor_volt config
cache_file=ipmitool_sensor_ cache_expires=-1 ./ipmitool_sensor_volt suggest
cache_file=ipmitool_sensor_ cache_expires=-1 ./ipmitool_sensor_volt autoconf
fan_warn_percent=50 fan_lower_critical=100 fan_upper_critical=1000 cache_file=ipmitool_sensor_ \
cache_expires=-1 ./ipmitool_sensor_fan config
temp_lower_warning=1 temp_lower_critical=2 temp_upper_critical=71 temp_upper_warning=72 \
cache_file=ipmitool_sensor_ cache_expires=-1 ./ipmitool_sensor_temp config
volt_warn_percent=50 \
cache_file=ipmitool_sensor_ cache_expires=-1 ./ipmitool_sensor_volt config
=head1 Test Data
unr Upper Non-Recoverable
ucr Upper Critical
unc Upper Non-Critical
lnc Lower Non-Critical
lcr Lower Critical
lnr Lower Non-Recoverable
=head2 ipmitool sensor
# HP ProLiant ML110 G5
CPU FAN | 1434.309 | RPM | ok | 5537.099 | 4960.317 | 4859.086 | na | 937.383 | na
SYSTEM FAN | 1497.454 | RPM | ok | 5952.381 | 5668.934 | 5411.255 | na | 937.383 | na
System 12V | 12.152 | Volts | ok | na | na | na | na | na | na
System 5V | 5.078 | Volts | ok | na | na | na | na | na | na
System 3.3V | 3.271 | Volts | ok | na | na | na | na | na | na
CPU0 Vcore | 1.127 | Volts | ok | na | na | na | na | na | na
System 1.25V | 1.254 | Volts | ok | na | na | na | na | na | na
System 1.8V | 1.842 | Volts | ok | na | na | na | na | na | na
System 1.2V | 1.107 | Volts | ok | na | na | na | na | na | na
CPU0 Diode | na | degrees C | na | na | 20.000 | 25.000 | 85.000 | 90.000 | 95.000
CPU0 Dmn 0 Temp | 24.500 | degrees C | ok | na | 0.000 | 0.000 | 97.000 | 100.000 | 100.500
CPU0 Dmn 1 Temp | 29.000 | degrees C | ok | na | 0.000 | 0.000 | 97.000 | 100.000 | 100.500
# HP ProLiant DL160
FAN1 ROTOR1 | 7680.492 | RPM | ok | na | inf | na | na | 1000.400 | na
# HP ProLiant DL360 G5
Fan Block 1 | 34.888 | unspecified | nc | na | na | 75.264 | na | na | na
Fan Block 2 | 29.792 | unspecified | nc | na | na | 75.264 | na | na | na
Fan Block 3 | 37.240 | unspecified | nc | na | na | 75.264 | na | na | na
Fan Blocks | 0.000 | unspecified | nc | na | na | 0.000 | na | na | na
Temp 1 | 40.000 | degrees C | ok | na | na | -64.000 | na | na | na
Temp 2 | 21.000 | degrees C | ok | na | na | -64.000 | na | na | na
Temp 3 | 30.000 | degrees C | ok | na | na | -64.000 | na | na | na
Temp 4 | 30.000 | degrees C | ok | na | na | -64.000 | na | na | na
Temp 5 | 28.000 | degrees C | ok | na | na | -64.000 | na | na | na
Temp 6 | na | degrees C | na | na | na | 32.000 | na | na | na
Temp 7 | na | degrees C | na | na | na | 32.000 | na | na | na
Power Meter | 214.000 | Watts | cr | na | na | 384.000 | na | na | na
Power Meter 2 | 220.000 | watts | cr | na | na | 384.000 | na | na | na
=head2 ipmitool sdr
# HP ProLiant ML110 G5
CPU FAN | 1434.31 RPM | ok
SYSTEM FAN | 1497.45 RPM | ok
System 12V | 12.10 Volts | ok
System 5V | 5.08 Volts | ok
System 3.3V | 3.27 Volts | ok
CPU0 Vcore | 1.14 Volts | ok
System 1.25V | 1.25 Volts | ok
System 1.8V | 1.84 Volts | ok
System 1.2V | 1.11 Volts | ok
CPU0 Diode | disabled | ns
CPU0 Dmn 0 Temp | 23.50 degrees C | ok
CPU0 Dmn 1 Temp | 29 degrees C | ok
# HP ProLiant DL360 G5
Fan Block 1 | 34.89 unspecifi | nc
Fan Block 2 | 29.79 unspecifi | nc
Fan Block 3 | 37.24 unspecifi | nc
Fan Blocks | 0 unspecified | nc
Temp 1 | 41 degrees C | ok
Temp 2 | 19 degrees C | ok
Temp 3 | 30 degrees C | ok
Temp 4 | 30 degrees C | ok
Temp 5 | 26 degrees C | ok
Temp 6 | disabled | ns
Temp 7 | disabled | ns
Power Meter | 208 Watts | cr
Power Meter 2 | 210 watts | cr
# vim:syntax=perl

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Check http://aouyar.github.com/PyMunin/
to get the most recent versionof the PyMunin Multi graph Munin Plugins and documentation.

View File

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Plugin to monitor BGP table summary statistics on a cisco router.
# Original Author: Peter Holzleitner
# Revision 1.1 2010/10/14 19:19
# Configuration variables:
# iosuser - username (default "")
# iospass - password (default "")
# Parameters:
# config (required)
# Magic markers (optional - only used by munin-config and some
# installation scripts):
#%# family=auto
use Net::Telnet::Cisco;
use Sys::Syslog;
if ($0 =~ /^(?:|.*\/)cisco_bgp_([^_]+)$/) {
$host = $1;
($^O eq "linux" || $^O eq "openbsd") && Sys::Syslog::setlogsock('unix');
openlog('munin.bgp', 'cons,pid', 'daemon');
my @BGP_nbr;
my @BGP_pfx;
my $tot_pfx;
my $iosuser = $ENV{iosuser} || "";
my $iospass = $ENV{iospass} || "";
&fetch_bgpstats($host, $iosuser, $iospass);
if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") {
print "host_name $host\n";
print "graph_args --base 1024 -l 0 --vertical-label Prefixes\n";
print "graph_title BGP Neighbour Statistics\n";
print "graph_category network\n";
print "graph_info This graph shows the number of BGP prefixes received by neighbour.\n";
my($n, $i); $n = scalar @BGP_nbr; $i = 0;
while($n--) {
my $neigh = $BGP_nbr[$i++];
print "n$i.label $neigh\n";
# print "total.label Total\n";
# print "total.info Total number of prefixes in the BGP table\n";
} else {
my($n, $i); $n = scalar @BGP_nbr; $i = 0;
while($n--) {
my $pfx = $BGP_pfx[$i++];
print "n$i.value $pfx\n";
# print "total.value $tot_pfx\n";
sub fetch_bgpstats
my $hostname = shift;
my $username = shift;
my $password = shift;
my $session = Net::Telnet::Cisco->new(Host => $host);
$session->login($username, $password);
$session->cmd('terminal length 200');
$session->cmd('terminal width 200');
my @output = $session->cmd('show ip bgp summary');
# example output of router
# ------------------------
# [...]
# Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd
# 4 98765 12403694 509571 308911893 0 0 1d23h 329193
# 4 1234 13242856 383827 308911879 0 0 00:08:22 330761
foreach(@output) {
chomp; s/\r//g;
$tot_pfx = $1 if /^BGP activity (\d+)\/(\d+) prefixes/;
syslog('debug', "$hostname: $_\n");
next unless /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+[0-9a-z:]+\s+(\d+)/;
my ($neigh, $as, $pfx) = ($1, $2, $3);
syslog('debug', "$neigh (AS $as)");
push @BGP_nbr, "$neigh (AS $as)";
push @BGP_pfx, $pfx;
# vim:syntax=perl:ts=8

View File

@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
A Plugin to monitor OpenTracker Servers and their Performance
env.host *default*
env.port 6969 *default*
env.uri /stats *default*
host = opentracker host to connect to
port = opentracker http port to connect to
uri = stats uri for appending requests for data
I need this information so I can later build the full url which normally
looks like the following example when put together:
=head1 AUTHOR
Matt West < https://github.com/mhwest13/OpenTracker-Munin-Plugin >
=head1 LICENSE
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf suggest
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use LWP::UserAgent;
if (basename($0) !~ /^opentracker_/) {
print "This script needs to be named opentracker_ and have symlinks which start the same.\n";
exit 1;
my $host = $ENV{host} || '';
my $port = $ENV{port} || 6969;
my $uri = $ENV{uri} || '/stats';
=head1 Graph Declarations
This block of code builds up all of the graph info for all root / sub graphs.
%graphs is a container for all of the graph definition information. In here is where you'll
find the configuration information for munin's graphing procedure.
$graph{graph_name} => {
config => {
{ key => value }, You'll find the main graph config stored here.
{ ... },
keys => [ 'Name', 'Name', 'Name', ... ], Used for building results set.
datasrc => [
# Name: name given to data value
# Attr: Attribute for given value, attribute must be valid plugin argument
{ name => 'Name', info => 'info about graph' },
{ ... },
results => {
{ key => value }, You'll find the results info from fetch_stats call stored here.
{ ... },
my %graphs;
# graph for connections
$graphs{conn} = {
config => {
args => '--lower-limit 0',
vlabel => 'Connections',
category => 'opentracker',
title => 'Current Connections',
info => 'Current Connections to OpenTracker',
keys => [ 'Requests', 'Announces' ],
datasrc => [
{ name => 'Requests', label => 'Requests', min => '0', type => 'COUNTER', info => 'number of Requests', draw => 'AREA' },
{ name => 'Announces', label => 'Announces', min => '0', type => 'COUNTER', info => 'number of Announces', draw => 'LINE2' },
# graph for peers
$graphs{peer} = {
config => {
args => '--lower-limit 0',
vlabel => 'Peers',
category => 'opentracker',
title => 'Peers and Seeders',
info => 'Current Peer and Seeder Connections',
keys => [ 'Peers', 'Seeders' ],
datasrc => [
{ name => 'Peers', label => 'Peers', min => '0', type => 'GAUGE', info => 'current number of leechers & seeders (peers)', draw => 'AREA' },
{ name => 'Seeders', label => 'Seeders', min => '0', type => 'GAUGE', info => 'current number of seeders', draw => 'LINE2' },
# graph for scrapes
$graphs{scrp} = {
config => {
args => '--lower-limit 0',
vlabel => 'Scrapes',
category => 'opentracker',
title => 'Scrapes',
info => 'Number of Scrapes (TCP/UDP)',
keys => [ 'TCP', 'UDP' ],
datasrc => [
{ name => 'TCP', label => 'TCP Requests', min => '0', type => 'COUNTER', info => 'number of scrapes requested via tcp', draw => 'AREASTACK' },
{ name => 'UDP', label => 'UDP Requests', min => '0', type => 'COUNTER', info => 'number of scrapes requested via udp', draw => 'AREA' },
# graph for livesyncs
$graphs{syncs} = {
config => {
args => '--lower-limit 0',
vlabel => 'Syncs',
category => 'opentracker',
title => 'LiveSyncs',
info => 'OpenTracker LiveSync Requests',
keys => [ 'Incoming', 'Outgoing' ],
datasrc => [
{ name => 'Incoming', label => 'Incoming Syncs', min => '0', type => 'COUNTER', info => 'number of Incoming Syncs', draw => 'AREA' },
{ name => 'Outgoing', label => 'Outgoing Syncs', min => '0', type => 'COUNTER', info => 'number of Outgoing Syncs', draw => 'LINE2' },
# graph for tcp4 connections
$graphs{tcp4} = {
config => {
args => '--lower-limit 0',
vlabel => 'TCP4 Requests',
category => 'opentracker',
title => 'TCP4 Requests',
info => 'Current TCP4 Requests / Announces',
keys => [ 'Requests', 'Announces' ],
datasrc => [
{ name => 'Requests', label => 'Requests', min => '0', type => 'COUNTER', info => 'number of tcp4 Requests', draw => 'AREA' },
{ name => 'Announces', label => 'Announces', min => '0', type => 'COUNTER', info => 'number of tcp4 Announces', draw => 'LINE2' },
# graph for torrents
$graphs{torr} = {
config => {
args => '--lower-limit 0',
vlabel => '# of Torrents',
category => 'opentracker',
title => 'Torrents',
info => 'Current number of Torrents',
keys => [ 'Torrents' ],
datasrc => [
{ name => 'Torrents', label => 'Torrents', min => '0', type => 'GAUGE', info => 'number of torrents', draw => 'AREA' },
# graph for udp4 connections
$graphs{udp4} = {
config => {
args => '--lower-limit 0',
vlabel => 'UDP4 Requests',
category => 'opentracker',
title => 'UDP4 Requests',
info => 'Current UDP4 Requests / Announces',
keys => [ 'Requests', 'Announces' ],
datasrc => [
{ name => 'Requests', label => 'Requests', min => '0', type => 'COUNTER', info => 'number of udp4 Requests', draw => 'AREA' },
{ name => 'Announces', label => 'Announces', min => '0', type => 'COUNTER', info => 'number of udp4 Announces', draw => 'LINE2' },
=head1 Munin Checks
These checks look for config / autoconf / suggest params
=head2 Config Check
This block of code looks at the argument that is possibly supplied,
should it be config, it then checks to make sure the plugin
specified exists, assuming it does, it will run the do_config
subroutine for the plugin specified, otherwise it dies complaining
about an unknown plugin.
if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'config') {
# Lets take the plugin from the execution name.
$0 =~ /opentracker_(.+)*/;
my $plugin = $1;
# And lets make sure we have a plugin called that.
die 'Unknown Plugin Specified: ' . ($plugin ? $plugin : '') unless $graphs{$plugin};
# Now lets go ahead and print out our config.
exit 0;
=head2 Autoconf Check
This block of code looks at the argument that is possibly supplied,
should it be autoconf, we are going to print yes at this point since
we've already tested for our binary to exist and be executable, the
process will then exit.
if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf') {
# well we can execute the binary, so lets make sure we can curl opentracker
my $url = "http://".$host.":".$port.$uri."\?mode=version";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response = $ua->get($url);
if ($response->is_success) {
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
} else {
print "no: unable to connect to url: $url\n";
exit 1;
=head2 Suggest Check
This block of code looks at the argument that is possibly supplied,
should it be suggest, we are going to print the possible plugins
which can be specified.
if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'suggest') {
# well we can execute the binary, so print possible plugin names
my @rootplugins = ('conn','peer','scrp','syncs','tcp4','torr','udp4');
foreach my $plugin (@rootplugins) {
print "$plugin\n";
exit 0;
=head1 Subroutines
Begin Subroutine calls to output data / config information
=head2 fetch_output
This subroutine is the main call for printing data for the plugin.
No parameters are taken as this is the default call if no arguments
are supplied from the command line.
sub fetch_output {
# Lets figure out what plugin they want to run, and check that it exists
$0 =~ /opentracker_(.+)*/;
my $plugin = $1;
die 'Unknown Plugin Specified: ' . ($plugin ? $plugin : '') unless $graphs{$plugin};
# Lets print out the data for our plugin
=head2 print_output
This block of code prints out the return values for our graphs. It takes
one parameter $plugin. Returns when completed
$plugin; graph we are calling up to print data values for
Example: print_output($plugin);
sub print_output {
# Lets get our plugin, set our graph information, and print for Munin to process
my ($plugin) = (@_);
my $graph = $graphs{$plugin};
print "graph opentracker_$plugin\n";
# Getting keys to pass to fetch_stats for data retrieval
# call up fetch_stats with the keys we just got.
my @keys = @{$graph->{keys}};
# print the results for the keys with the name for Munin to process
foreach my $dsrc (@{$graph->{datasrc}}) {
my $output = 0;
my %datasrc = %$dsrc;
while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%datasrc)) {
next if ($key ne 'name');
print "$dsrc->{name}.value $graph->{results}->{$value}\n";
=head2 print_config
This subroutine prints out the main config information for all of the graphs.
It takes one parameters, $plugin
$plugin; graph being called up to print config for
Example: print_config($plugin);
sub print_config {
# Lets get our plugin and graph, after that print for Munin to process it.
my ($plugin) = (@_);
my $graph = $graphs{$plugin};
print "graph opentracker_$plugin\n";
# Lets print out graph's main config info.
my %graphconf = %{$graph->{config}};
while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%graphconf)) {
print "graph_$key $value\n";
# Lets print our graphs per graph config info.
foreach my $dsrc (@{$graph->{datasrc}}) {
my %datasrc = %$dsrc;
while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%datasrc)) {
next if ($key eq 'name');
print "$dsrc->{name}.$key $value\n";
=head2 fetch_stats
This subroutine actually fetches data from opentracker with the plugin specified
It will then parse the data using the keys assigned in an array.
Two parameters are passed, $plugin and @keys, and it will return when complete.
$plugin; graph we are calling up, we use this to store the results in the hash
for easy recall later.
@keys; keys we want the values for from opentracker stats url.
Example: fetch_stats($plugin,@keys);
sub fetch_stats {
# Lets get our current plugin and list of keys we want info for, as well as reference our graph
my ($plugin,@keys) = (@_);
my $graph = $graphs{$plugin};
# Lets create our url to fetch
my $url = "http://".$host.":".$port.$uri."\?mode=".$plugin;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response = $ua->get($url);
# Lets print some info since we got back some info
if ($response->is_success) {
my @tmparray = split("\n",$response->content);
foreach my $key (@keys) {
my $value = shift(@tmparray);
$graph->{results}->{$key} = $value;
} else {
print "Unable to Fetch data from URL: $url\n";
exit 1;

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
This plugin is obsolete. Instead, please use apcupsd_pct plugin:
apcupsd_pct plugin

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Check http://aouyar.github.com/PyMunin/ to get the most recent versionof the
PyMunin Multi graph Munin Plugins and documentation.

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Check http://aouyar.github.com/PyMunin/
to get the most recent versionof the PyMunin Multi graph Munin Plugins and documentation.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then
echo "graph_title Transmission seed ratios"
echo "graph_vlabel Seed ratio %"
echo "graph_category Transmission"
echo "graph_info This plugin shows your transmission ratios per torrent"
transmission-remote -n $user:$pass -l | gawk -f /usr/share/munin/plugins/tr_ratios_labels
exit 0
transmission-remote -n $user:$pass -l | gawk -f /usr/share/munin/plugins/tr_ratios_data

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
BEGIN { FIELDWIDTHS = "7 4 13 10 7 9 7 13 40" }
NR > 1 {
split($1,torrentid," ")
if(torrentid[1] != "Sum:") {
split($7,ratio," ")
ratio[1] = ratio[1] * 100
print "ID" torrentid[1] ".value " ratio[1]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
BEGIN { FIELDWIDTHS = "7 4 13 10 7 9 7 13 40" }
NR > 1 {
split($1,torrentid," ")
if(torrentid[1] != "Sum:") {
print "ID" torrentid[1] ".label " $9

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
require LWP::UserAgent;
# Installation / Configuration
# - place munin_xcache.php in a directory on your webserver
# - add the url config to plugin-conf.d/munin-node
# for more info see http://www.ohardt.net/dev/munin/
chomp(my $fqdn=`hostname -f`);
my $URL = exists $ENV{'url'} ? $ENV{'url'} : "http://user:pwd\@$fqdn/munin_xcache_new.php";
$URL = $URL . "?what=mem";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 30);
if ( exists $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" )
$URL = $URL . '&config';
my $response = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new('GET',$URL . '&config' ));
print $response->content;
exit( 0 );
my $response = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new('GET',$URL));
print $response->content;
exit( 0 );

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Check http://aouyar.github.com/PyMunin/ to get the most recent versionof the
PyMunin Multi graph Munin Plugins and documentation.

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# toshiba_5520c_print_ munin grabber script
# 2009.01 by steve@kosada.com
destination=`basename $0 | sed 's/^toshiba_5520c_print_//g'`
if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then
echo "graph_title Toshiba 5520C: Pages Printed"
echo 'graph_vlabel Pages'
echo 'graph_args --lower-limit 0'
echo 'graph_category printer'
echo "printBlack.label Black"
echo "printBlack.draw AREA"
echo "printFullColor.label Full Color"
echo "printFullColor.draw STACK"
echo "printTwinColor.label Twin Color"
echo "printTwinColor.draw STACK"
infopage=`wget -q -O - http://$destination:8080/TopAccess/Counter/TotalCount/List.htm | dos2unix | perl -p -e 's/\n/ /m'`
echo printFullColor.value `echo $infopage | perl -p -e 's/^.+\<B\>Print Counter\<\/B\>.+?\{Full\ Color[^}]+\,([0-9]+)\}.+$/$1/'`
echo printTwinColor.value `echo $infopage | perl -p -e 's/^.+\<B\>Print Counter\<\/B\>.+?\{Twin\ Color[^}]+\,([0-9]+)\}.+$/$1/'`
echo printBlack.value `echo $infopage | perl -p -e 's/^.+\<B\>Print Counter\<\/B\>.+?\{Black[^}]+\,([0-9]+)\}.+$/$1/'`

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
: << =cut
=head1 NAME
snmp_HPLJ2015 - Consumables level on HP LaserJet 2015n reported over SNMP
=head1 AUTHOR
Oleksiy Kochkin
=head1 LICENSE
As is.
#%# family=contrib
#%# capabilities=autoconf
case $1 in
echo "graph_title Consumables level @ $HOST"
echo 'graph_args --upper-limit 100 -l 0'
echo 'graph_vlabel %'
echo 'graph_category printers'
echo 'graph_scale no'
echo 'black.label Black toner level'
echo 'black.draw LINE2'
echo 'black.type GAUGE'
echo 'black.colour 000000'
echo 'black.warning 5:'
echo 'black.critical 1:'
echo 'black.min 0'
echo 'black.max 100'
exit 0;;
BLACK_MAX=`snmpget -v 1 -c public -Ov -Oq $HOST $BLACK_MAX_OID`
BLACK_LVL=`snmpget -v 1 -c public -Ov -Oq $HOST $BLACK_LVL_OID`
echo -n "black.value "

plugins/snmp/snmp__apc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-
=head1 NAME
snmp__apc - SNMP plugin to monitor APC metered and managed PDUs.
This has been tested with AP7830 metered PDUs, but should work with
most other PDUs that follow the PowerNet-MIB published by APC.
Most likely you want to use SNMP version 3 to connect to the PDUs, as
they don't support version 2 (only 1 or 3). This can be achieved by
env.version 3
Please see 'perldoc Munin::Plugin::SNMP' for further configuration
This plugin requires the PowerNet-MIB from APC.
#%# family=snmpauto
#%# capabilities=snmpconf
=head1 BUGS
None known.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 2012 Diego Elio Pettenò.
=head1 LICENSE
use strict;
use Munin::Plugin;
use Munin::Plugin::SNMP;
# This is the data we care about:
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDUIdentModelNumber.0 -> .
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDUIdentSerialNumber.0 -> .
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDULoadDevNumPhases.0 -> .
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDULoadPhaseConfigNearOverloadThreshold.phase1 -> .
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDULoadPhaseConfigOverloadThreshold.phase1 -> .
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDULoadStatusLoad.1 -> .
if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "snmpconf") {
print "index\n";
print "require[1-9]"; # Load
my $oidModelNo = '';
my $oidSerialNo = '';
my $oidNumPhases = '';
my $oidNearOverloadThreshold = '';
my $oidOverloadThreshold = '';
my $oidPhaseLoad = '';
# SNMP needed for both config and fetch.
my $session = Munin::Plugin::SNMP->session();
my $numPhases = $session->get_single($oidNumPhases);
if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") {
my ($host,undef,$version) = Munin::Plugin::SNMP->config_session();
print "host_name $host\n" unless $host eq 'localhost';
my $modelNo = $session->get_single($oidModelNo);
my $serialNo = $session->get_single($oidSerialNo);
print "graph_title PDU $modelNo ($serialNo)\n";
print "graph_vlabel Current drained (A)\n";
print "graph_category Sensors\n";
for( my $phaseIndex = 1; $phaseIndex <= $numPhases; $phaseIndex++ ) {
my $nearOverloadThreshold = $session->get_single($oidNearOverloadThreshold . $phaseIndex);
my $overloadThreshold = $session->get_single($oidOverloadThreshold . $phaseIndex);
print "phase$phaseIndex.label Phase $phaseIndex load\n";
print "phase$phaseIndex.warning $nearOverloadThreshold\n";
print "phase$phaseIndex.critical $overloadThreshold\n";
print "phase$phaseIndex.min 0\n";
exit 0;
for( my $phaseIndex = 1; $phaseIndex <= $numPhases; $phaseIndex++ ) {
# the phaseLoad value is defined in dA — we might as well convert to full Amperes
my $phaseLoad = $session->get_single($oidPhaseLoad . $phaseIndex) / 10.0;
print "phase$phaseIndex.value $phaseLoad\n";

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