#!/usr/bin/perl =head1 NAME snmp__netapp_nfs3calls - Munin plugin to retrieve NFSv3 calls types stats from NetApp storage appliances. =head1 APPLICABLE SYSTEMS NFSv3 calls stats should be reported by any NetApp storage appliance with SNMP agent daemon activated. See na_snmp(8) for details. =head1 CONFIGURATION Unfortunately, SNMPv3 is not fully supported on all NetApp equipments. For this reason, this plugin will use SNMPv2 by default, which is insecure because it doesn't encrypt the community string. The following parameters will help you get this plugin working : [snmp_*] env.community MyCommunity If your community name is 'public', you should really worry about security and immediately reconfigure your appliance. Please see 'perldoc Munin::Plugin::SNMP' for further configuration. =head1 INTERPRETATION The plugin reports various NFSv3 calls by type. This can help you determine what calls types are killing your appliance under heavy loads. =head1 MIB INFORMATION This plugin requires support for the NETWORK-APPLIANCE-MIB issued by Network Appliance. It reports the content of the v3Calls OID. =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=snmpauto #%# capabilities=snmpconf =head1 VERSION v1.0 - 06/19/2009 18:36:02 CEST Initial revision =head1 AUTHOR This plugin is copyright (c) 2009 by Guillaume Blairon. NetApp is a registered trademark and Network Appliance is a trademark of Network Appliance, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. =head1 BUGS This plugin wasn't tested on many hardware. If you encounter bugs, please report any to Guillaume Blairon ELE. =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 or (at your option) any later version. =cut use strict; use warnings; use Munin::Plugin::SNMP; use vars qw($DEBUG); $DEBUG = $ENV{'MUNIN_DEBUG'}; my @palette = #Better colours from munin 1.3.x #Greens Blues Oranges Dk yel Dk blu Purple Lime Reds Gray qw(00CC00 0066B3 FF8000 FFCC00 330099 990099 CCFF00 FF0000 808080 008F00 00487D B35A00 B38F00 6B006B 8FB300 B30000 BEBEBE 80FF80 80C9FF FFC080 FFE680 AA80FF EE00CC FF8080 666600 FFBFFF 00FFCC CC6699 999900); my %oids = ( nulls => 'NFSPROC3_NULL (Do Nothing)', getattrs => 'NFSPROC3_GETATTR (Get File Attributes)', setattrs => 'NFSPROC3_SETATTR (Set File Attributes)', lookups => 'NFSPROC3_LOOKUP (Lookup Filename)', accesss => 'NFSPROC3_ACCESS (Check Access Permission)', readlinks => 'NFSPROC3_READLINK (Read from Symbolic Link)', reads => 'NFSPROC3_READ (Read from File)', writes => 'NFSPROC3_WRITE (Write to File)', creates => 'NFSPROC3_CREATE (Create a File)', mkdirs => 'NFSPROC3_MKDIR (Create a Directory)', symlinks => 'NFSPROC3_SYMLINK (Create a Symbolic Link)', mknods => 'NFSPROC3_MKNOD (Create a Special Device)', removes => 'NFSPROC3_REMOVE (Remove a File)', rmdirs => 'NFSPROC3_RMDIR (Remove a Directory)', renames => 'NFSPROC3_RENAME (Rename a File or Directory)', links => 'NFSPROC3_LINK (Create Link to an Object)', readdirs => 'NFSPROC3_READDIR (Read from Directory)', readdirpluss => 'NFSPROC3_READDIRPLUS (Extended Read from Directory)', fsstats => 'NFSPROC3_FSSTAT (Get Dynamic File System Information)', fsinfos => 'NFSPROC3_FSINFO (Get Static File System Information)', pathconfs => 'NFSPROC3_PATHCONF (Retrieve POSIX Information)', commits => 'NFSPROC3_COMMIT (Commit Cached Data on a Server to Stable Storage)', ); if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq 'snmpconf') { print "require [0-9]\n"; exit 0; } my $session = Munin::Plugin::SNMP->session(); if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") { my ($host, undef, undef, undef) = Munin::Plugin::SNMP->config_session(); print "host_name $host\n" unless $host eq 'localhost'; print "graph_title $host NFSv3 calls\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000\n"; print "graph_vlabel calls / \${graph_period}\n"; # graph_category san # To show plugin in Gallery also in this category print "graph_category nfs\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows NFSv3 calls for the $host NetApp equipment.\n"; print "graph_order "; foreach (sort keys %oids) { print "$_ "; } print "\n"; my $c = 0; foreach my $k (sort keys %oids) { my $i = $oids{$k}; my $l = $k; $l =~ s/s$//g; print "$k.info The number of NFS Version 3 calls received for the $i procedure, since the last time the statistics were cleared.\n"; print "$k.type DERIVE\n"; print "$k.label $l\n"; print "$k.min 0\n"; print "$k.colour $palette[$c]\n"; $c++; } exit 0; } my $values = $session->get_hash( -baseoid => '', -cols => { 1 => 'nulls', 2 => 'getattrs', 3 => 'setattrs', 4 => 'lookups', 5 => 'accesss', 6 => 'readlinks', 7 => 'reads', 8 => 'writes', 9 => 'creates', 10 => 'mkdirs', 11 => 'symlinks', 12 => 'mknods', 13 => 'removes', 14 => 'rmdirs', 15 => 'renames', 16 => 'links', 17 => 'readdirs', 18 => 'readdirpluss', 19 => 'fsstats', 20 => 'fsinfos', 21 => 'pathconfs', 22 => 'commits', }, ); foreach my $k (keys %oids) { my $v = 'U'; $v = $values->{0}->{$k} if (defined $values); print "$k.value $v\n"; } exit 0; __END__