This plugin shows graphs of numbers of documents in Sphinxsearch indexes. ## Requirements This plugin requires pythons sphinxsearch module which can be installed via easy_install. ## Installation Copy file to directory /usr/share/munin/pligins/ and create symbolic links for each index you wish to monitor. For example, if you've got indexex called index1 and index2 create these symlinks: ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/sphindex_ /etc/munin/plugins/sphindex_index1 ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/sphindex_ /etc/munin/plugins/sphindex_index2 If you run munin-node at different box than Sphinxsearch you can specify hostname and port options in munin-node.conf: [sphindex_*] env.server env.port 9312