#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This plugin graphs the following values of the Motorola SB6141 cable # modem: # # * upstream and downstream power levels # * downstream signal to noise ratio # * downstream signal statistics (codeword counts) # # The values are retrieved from the cable modem's status web pages at # So, this plugin must be installed on a munin node # which can access those pages. # # To install, place this plugin in the node's plugins directory, # /etc/munin/plugins and restart munin-node. # # Developed and tested with firmware SB_KOMODO- # (build time Feb 16 2016 11:28:04), hardware version 7.0, boot # version PSPU-Boot(25CLK) # # Requires the multigraph and dirtyconfig capabilities available in # munin 2.0 and newer. # # Copyright © 2016 Kenyon Ralph # # This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the # extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public # License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See # http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. # # The latest version of this plugin can be found in the munin contrib # repository at https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib. Issues # with this plugin may be reported there. Patches accepted through the # normal github process of forking the repository and submitting a # pull request with your commits. import html.parser import urllib.request import sys class MotorolaHTMLParser(html.parser.HTMLParser): def __init__(self): html.parser.HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.signaldatapage = list() self.downstream_channels = list() self.downstream_SNRs = list() self.downstream_powers = list() self.upstream_channels = list() self.upstream_powers = list() self.unerrored_codewords = list() self.correctable_codewords = list() self.uncorrectable_codewords = list() def handle_data(self, data): data = data.strip() if data != '': self.signaldatapage.append(data) def process(self): # first and last elements are just javascript del self.signaldatapage[0] del self.signaldatapage[-1] di = iter(self.signaldatapage) element = next(di) while element != 'Channel ID': element = next(di) while element != 'Frequency': element = next(di) if element != 'Frequency': self.downstream_channels.append(element) while element != 'Signal to Noise Ratio': element = next(di) while element != 'Downstream Modulation': element = next(di) if element != 'Downstream Modulation': self.downstream_SNRs.append(element.split()[0]) while element != 'The Downstream Power Level reading is a snapshot taken at the time this page was requested. Please Reload/Refresh this Page for a new reading': element = next(di) while element != 'Upstream': element = next(di) if element != 'Upstream': self.downstream_powers.append(element.split()[0]) while element != 'Channel ID': element = next(di) while element != 'Frequency': element = next(di) if element != 'Frequency': self.upstream_channels.append(element) while element != 'Power Level': element = next(di) while element != 'Upstream Modulation': element = next(di) if element != 'Upstream Modulation': self.upstream_powers.append(element.split()[0]) while element != 'Total Unerrored Codewords': element = next(di) while element != 'Total Correctable Codewords': element = next(di) if element != 'Total Correctable Codewords': self.unerrored_codewords.append(element) while element != 'Total Uncorrectable Codewords': element = next(di) if element != 'Total Uncorrectable Codewords': self.correctable_codewords.append(element) while True: try: element = next(di) self.uncorrectable_codewords.append(element) except StopIteration: break def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1] != 'config': print('Error: plugin designed for the dirtyconfig protocol, must be run with the config argument') sys.exit(1) parser = MotorolaHTMLParser() for line in urllib.request.urlopen(""): parser.feed(line.decode()) parser.process() print('multigraph motorola_sb6141_power') print('graph_title Motorola SB6141 Cable Modem Power') print('graph_vlabel Signal Strength (dBmV)') print('graph_info This graph shows the downstream and upstream power reported by a Motorola SB6141 cable modem.') print('graph_category network') for c, p in zip(parser.downstream_channels, parser.downstream_powers): print('ds_power_{0}.label Channel {0} Downstream Power'.format(c)) print('ds_power_{0}.type GAUGE'.format(c)) print('ds_power_{0}.value {1}'.format(c, p)) for c, p in zip(parser.upstream_channels, parser.upstream_powers): print('us_power_{0}.label Channel {0} Upstream Power'.format(c)) print('us_power_{0}.type GAUGE'.format(c)) print('us_power_{0}.value {1}'.format(c, p)) print('multigraph motorola_sb6141_snr') print('graph_title Motorola SB6141 Cable Modem SNR') print('graph_vlabel Signal-to-Noise Ratio (dB)') print('graph_info This graph shows the downstream signal-to-noise ratio reported by a Motorola SB6141 cable modem.') print('graph_category network') for c, snr in zip(parser.downstream_channels, parser.downstream_SNRs): print('snr_chan_{0}.label Channel {0} SNR'.format(c)) print('snr_chan_{0}.type GAUGE'.format(c)) print('snr_chan_{0}.value {1}'.format(c, snr)) print('multigraph motorola_sb6141_codewords') print('graph_title Motorola SB6141 Cable Modem Codewords') print('graph_vlabel Codewords/${graph_period}') print('graph_info This graph shows the downstream codeword rates reported by a Motorola SB6141 cable modem.') print('graph_category network') for c, unerr in zip(parser.downstream_channels, parser.unerrored_codewords): print('unerr_chan_{0}.label Channel {0} Unerrored Codewords'.format(c)) print('unerr_chan_{0}.type DERIVE'.format(c)) print('unerr_chan_{0}.min 0'.format(c)) print('unerr_chan_{0}.value {1}'.format(c, unerr)) for c, corr in zip(parser.downstream_channels, parser.correctable_codewords): print('corr_chan_{0}.label Channel {0} Correctable Codewords'.format(c)) print('corr_chan_{0}.type DERIVE'.format(c)) print('corr_chan_{0}.min 0'.format(c)) print('corr_chan_{0}.value {1}'.format(c, corr)) for c, uncorr in zip(parser.downstream_channels, parser.uncorrectable_codewords): print('uncorr_chan_{0}.label Channel {0} Uncorrectable Codewords'.format(c)) print('uncorr_chan_{0}.type DERIVE'.format(c)) print('uncorr_chan_{0}.min 0'.format(c)) print('uncorr_chan_{0}.value {1}'.format(c, uncorr)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()