#!/usr/bin/perl -w # -*- perl -*- =head1 NAME postfix_mailvolume - Plugin to monitor the volume of mails delivered by multiple postfix and stores per postfix delivered data. =head1 APPLICABLE SYSTEMS Any postfix. =head1 CONFIGURATION The following shows the default configuration. [postfix*] env.logdir /var/log env.logfile syslog =head2 Needed additional configuration To correctly get all the postfix log data, the postfix system_log prefix names need to be defined with the env.postfix config setting. If this is not set, the script tries to find all the postfix config folders in /etc/postfix* and get the syslog names from there env.postfix postfix10 postfix11 postfix12 =head1 INTERPRETATION The plugin shows the number of bytes of mail that has passed through the postfix installation per postfix mailer running. =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf =head1 BUGS None known =head1 VERSION $Id: postfix_mailvolume.in 2314 2009-08-03 11:28:34Z ssm $ =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2011. Clemens Schwaighofer (gullevek@gullevek.org) =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =cut use strict; use Munin::Plugin; my $pos = undef; my $syslog_name = ''; my @postfix_syslog_name = (); my %volume = (); my @restore_state = (); my $i = 1; my $LOGDIR = $ENV{'logdir'} || '/var/log'; my $LOGFILE = $ENV{'logfile'} || 'syslog'; my $POSTFIX = $ENV{'postfix'} || ''; # get the postfix syslog_name from the POSTFIX env var, if not set, find them in the /etc/postfix* type if (!$POSTFIX) { foreach my $dir (grep -d, glob "/etc/postfix*") { # remove the leading etc $dir =~ s/\/etc\///g; # add data to the postfix string $POSTFIX .= ' ' if ($POSTFIX); $POSTFIX .= $dir; } } if ($POSTFIX) { foreach my $config (split(/ /, $POSTFIX)) { # find the syslog name $syslog_name = `postconf -c /etc/$config | grep "syslog_name"`; # remove any pending whitespace or line breaks chomp($syslog_name); $syslog_name =~ s/syslog_name = //g; # add this to the postfix syslog name array push(@postfix_syslog_name, $syslog_name); # also init set the syslog name 0 $volume{$syslog_name} = 0; } } else { print "Cannot get any postfix syslog_name data\n"; exit 1; } sub parseLogfile { my ($fname, $start) = @_; my ($LOGFILE, $rotated) = tail_open($fname, $start); my $line; while ($line =<$LOGFILE>) { chomp ($line); # get the postfix syslog name and the size if ($line =~ /\ (\w+)\/qmgr.*from=.*size=([0-9]+)/) { $volume{$1} += $2; } } return tail_close($LOGFILE); } if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf") { my $logfile; `which postconf >/dev/null 2>/dev/null`; if (!$?) { $logfile = "$LOGDIR/$LOGFILE"; if (-f $logfile) { if (-r "$logfile") { print "yes\n"; exit 0; } else { print "no (logfile '$logfile' not readable)\n"; } } else { print "no (logfile '$logfile' not found)\n"; } } else { print "no (postfix not found)\n"; } exit 0; } if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") { print "graph_title Postfix bytes throughput per postfix\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n"; print "graph_vlabel bytes / \${graph_period}\n"; print "graph_scale yes\n"; print "graph_category postfix\n"; print "graph_total Throughput sum\n"; # loop through the postfix names and create per config an entry foreach $syslog_name (@postfix_syslog_name) { print $syslog_name."_volume.label ".$syslog_name." throughput\n"; print $syslog_name."_volume.type DERIVE\n"; print $syslog_name."_volume.min 0\n"; } exit 0; } my $logfile = "$LOGDIR/$LOGFILE"; if (! -f $logfile) { print "delivered.value U\n"; exit 1; } @restore_state = restore_state(); # first is pos, rest is postfix entries $pos = $restore_state[0]; # per postfix values are store: postfix config,value for ($i = 1; $i < @restore_state; $i ++) { my ($key, $value) = split(/,/, $restore_state[$i]); $volume{$key} = $value; } if (!$pos) { # No state file present. Avoid startup spike: Do not read log # file up to now, but remember how large it is now, and next # time read from there. $pos = (stat $logfile)[7]; # File size foreach $syslog_name (@postfix_syslog_name) { $volume{$syslog_name} = 0; } } else { $pos = parseLogfile($logfile, $pos); } @restore_state = ($pos); foreach $syslog_name (sort keys %volume) { print $syslog_name."_volume.value ".$volume{$syslog_name}."\n"; push(@restore_state, $syslog_name.','.$volume{$syslog_name}); } # save the current state save_state(@restore_state); # vim:syntax=perl __END__