#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # HTTP response times for either entire page views # or just the index, depending on configuration. # Full or index resource pulling is determined by the suffix of the # script name. ie. http_response_full or http_response_index # # Parameters: # # config # # Configuration variables: # # domain - domain of the server to measure (default takelessons.com) # url[1..n] - url to measure against my $domain = $ENV{'domain'} || 'http://takelessons.com'; # determine the intended "action" of the script # this is determined by the end of the script name # http_response_full or http_response_index my ($action) = ($0 =~ m/http_response_(\S+)$/); $ENV{'action'} = $action; if (! $ENV{'action'} =~ m/(full|index)/) { die "invalid action (determined by script suffix)"; } my @urls; #debug mode #build urls manually if ($ARGV[0] eq "debug") { push(@urls, ( "/", "/san-diego-ca-92106/piano-lessons", "/category/browse", "/cities-music-lessons", "/new-york-music-lessons", "/category/singing-lessons")); } #get the urls - build from configuration variables my $i = 1; while (defined ($ENV{"url$i"})) { push(@urls, $ENV{"url$i"}); $i++; } if (! @urls) { die "No urls defined\n"; } #output configuration and exit - required by Munin if (exists $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") { print "graph_title $domain Site Response Times - $ENV{'action'}\n"; print "graph_category apache\n"; print "graph_vlabel request time (seconds)\n"; print "graph_info Response times for public areas of $domain.\n"; foreach my $url (@urls) { my $label = $url; #fix up our label name to be a valid variable name $label =~ s@[^A-Za-z0-9_]@_@g; print "$label.label $url\n"; print "$label.type GAUGE\n"; } exit 0; } #function to make the request and get the response time sub req_time { my $url = shift; my $time; my $outdir = '/tmp/munin/' . int(rand(32000)); system("mkdir -p $outdir"); if ($ENV{'action'} eq "full") { $time = `/usr/bin/time -f "%e" wget -pq -P $outdir --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate" "$url" 2>&1`; } elsif ($ENV{'action'} eq "index") { $time = `/usr/bin/time -f "%e" wget -q -P $outdir --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate" "$url" 2>&1`; } system("rm -rf $outdir"); return $time; } #loop over every url and output the responses foreach my $url (@urls) { my $label = $url; #fix up our label name to be a valid name $label =~ s@[^A-Za-z0-9_]@_@g; print "$label.value " . req_time($domain.$url); } exit 0;