#!/bin/sh # # # Munin plugin to show the up- / download stream of the actual # internet connection by reading the top_status.htm from the # Speedport 300 # # # Don't forget zu fill in the following lines into the munin-node # - ormally at /etc/muni/plugin-conf.d/ - an than restart munin # # [speedport_300] # user root # Jo Hartmann (Version 08.0912) # Personal config Section Begin ## router="" # Personal config section End #### # Standard Config Section Begin ## if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then echo yes exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo 'graph_title DSL Up- / Downstream' echo 'graph_args --base 1000 -l 0' echo 'graph_scale no' echo 'graph_vlabel Up- / Downstream in kBit/s' echo 'graph_category Http' echo 'download.label Downstream' echo 'upload.label Upstream' echo 'graph_info Information from the top_status.htm of the Speedport 300' exit 0 fi # Standard Config Section End #### # Measure Section Begin ########## up_down=($(wget -q -O - $router/top_status.htm | grep "+'kBit" | awk -F"(" '{print $2}')) down=${up_down[0]%+*} up=${up_down[1]%+*} if [ "$down" = "" ]; then echo download.value 0 else echo download.value ${up_down[0]%+*} fi if [ "$up" = "" ]; then echo upload.value 0 else echo upload.value ${up_down[1]%+*} fi # Measure Section End ############