#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Sun JVM memory statistics. Parses a verbose log of minor GC and # tenured GC stats. # To determine the totalheap value it looks for maxmem stats (from a # tenured gc) in the last 5 minutes of the log file. If there are no # log lines in the last 5 minutes the value will be U(ndefined). # Since the log lines are timestamped with seconds since the JVM # started we look at the last line of the log to determine when "now" # is for the JVM. In a reasonably active JVM there will be several # minor GCs a minute so the "now" approximation based on these log # lines are close enough. # Configuration (common with the other sun_jvm_* plugins in this family): # [jvm_sun_*] # env.logfile /var/foo/java.log (default: /var/log/app/jvm/gc.log) # env.graphtitle (default: "Sun Java") # You need to configure your Sun JVM with these options: # -verbose:gc # -Xloggc:/var/log/app/jvm/gc.log # -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps # -XX:+PrintGCDetails # History: # This plugin was developed by various people over some time - no logs # of this has been found. - In 2006 significant contributions was # financed by NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Coproration) and performed # by Nicolai Langfeldt of Linpro AS in Oslo, Norway. # $Id: $ use strict; use warnings; use Fcntl qw(:seek); # Full path to jvm log file my $logfile = $ENV{logfile} || "/var/log/app/jvm/gc.log"; my $grtitle = $ENV{graphtitle} || "Sun Java"; # Title that appears on munin graph my $title = "$grtitle memory usage"; # Extended information that appears below munin graph my $info = "Write som info about this graph..."; sub analyze_record { # Match all interesting elements of a record and insert them # into a hash my $record = shift; my %elements; if ( $record =~ m/(\d+\.\d+).+?(\d+\.\d+).+?DefNew: (\d+).+?(\d+).+?(\d+).+?(\d+\.\d+).+?(\d+\.\d+): \[Tenured(\[U.+\])*: (\d+).+?(\d+).+?(\d+).+?(\d+\.\d+).+?(\d+).+?(\d+).+?(\d+).+?(\d+\.\d+).+/ ) { %elements = ( total_timestamp => $1, defnew_timestamp => $2, defnew_mem_from => $3*1024, defnew_mem_to => $4*1024, defnew_mem_max => $5*1024, defnew_time_used => $6, tenured_timestamp => $7, tenured_mem_from => $9*1024, tenured_mem_to => $10*1024, tenured_mem_max => $11*1024, tenured_time_used => $12, total_mem_from => $13*1024, total_mem_to => $14*1024, total_mem_max => $15*1024, total_time_used => $16 ); } return %elements; } my $record=''; # Print config information to munin server if ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) { print "graph_title $title\n"; print "graph_vlabel Bytes Memory\n"; print "graph_category Java\n"; print "graph_args --lower-limit 0\n"; print "graph_info Show heap memory usage of JVM\n"; print "graph_order defnew_max tenured_max tenured_start tenured_end defnew_start defnew_end totalheap totalheapmax\n"; print "defnew_max.label DefNew max\n"; print "defnew_max.draw AREA\n"; print "tenured_max.label Tenured max\n"; print "tenured_max.draw STACK\n"; print "tenured_max.info DefNew max and Tenured max are stacked to show the total heap memory usage\n"; print "tenured_start.label Tenured start\n"; print "tenured_start.info Tenured (long term) memory used at start of GC\n"; print "tenured_end.label Tenured end\n"; print "tenured_end.info Tenured (long term) memory used at end of GC\n"; print "defnew_start.label DefNew start\n"; print "defnew_start.info Short term memory used by objects at start of GC\n"; print "defnew_end.label DefNew end\n"; print "defnew_end.info Short term memory claimed by objects that survived the GC\n"; print "totalheapmax.label Maximum total heap\n"; print "totalheapmax.info Maximum used total heap last 5 minutes\n"; print "totalheaptomax.label Total heap end\n"; print "totalheaptomax.info Heapsize at maximum after GC\n"; exit 0; } # Scan through the log file and keep the last instance of a # Tenured record in $record. my %last; # We can't be sure that there is a totalmemto in the log. my $totalmemto_atmax = 0; my $totalmemfrom_max = 0; open( FILE, "< $logfile" ) or die "Can't open $logfile: $!\n"; # We want to collect the highest total_mem_max in the last 5 minute period. seek(FILE,-4096,SEEK_END); my $now; my $lastnow = 0; while () { chomp; if (/:/) { ($now,undef) = split(/:/,$_,2); $now = $lastnow unless $now; } } my $noolderthan = $now - 300; # print "Latest time is: $now. 5 min ago is $noolderthan\n"; seek(FILE,0,SEEK_SET); $lastnow = 0; $now=0; while () { chomp; if (/:/) { ($now,undef) = split(/:/,$_,2); $now = $lastnow unless $now; } if (/.+Tenured.+/) { $record = $_; } elsif (/^:.+/) { $record .= $_; } if ($record =~ /Tenured.+secs\]$/) { %last = analyze_record($record); #print "($now > $noolderthan and $last{total_mem_from} > $totalmemfrom_max)\n"; if ($now > $noolderthan and $last{total_mem_from} > $totalmemfrom_max) { $totalmemfrom_max = $last{total_mem_max}; $totalmemto_atmax = $last{total_mem_to}; # print "New larger at $now: $totalmemto_max\n"; } $record = ''; } $lastnow=$now; } close FILE; $totalmemfrom_max=$totalmemto_atmax='U' if $totalmemfrom_max==0; # Print the values to be represented in the munin graph print "tenured_max.value $last{total_mem_max}\n"; print "tenured_start.value $last{total_mem_from}\n"; print "tenured_end.value $last{total_mem_to}\n"; print "defnew_max.value $last{defnew_mem_max}\n"; print "defnew_start.value $last{defnew_mem_from}\n"; print "defnew_end.value $last{defnew_mem_to}\n"; print "totalheapmax.value $totalmemfrom_max\n"; print "totalheaptomax.value $totalmemto_atmax\n";