#!/usr/bin/perl -w # -*- cperl -*- =head1 NAME snmp__gsa_docs - SNMP wildcard plugin to monitor Google Search Appliance (GSA) document statistics =head1 APPLICABLE SYSTEMS A GSA running software version 5.0 or above. See [1] for counters exported via SNMP. Usage of SNMPv3 is recommended, with AuthPriv, and the SHA authentication scheme. [1]: https://developers.google.com/search-appliance/documentation/50/help_gsa/admin_snmp =head1 CONFIGURATION Create a "Munin" user on the GSA SNMP configuration, and then use something similar to the following: [snmpv3_gsa.host.name_*] env.v3username munin env.v3authprotocol sha env.v3authpassword your-auth-passwd env.v3privprotocol des env.v3privpassword your-priv-passwd Please see 'perldoc Munin::Plugin::SNMP' for further configuration information. =head1 INTERPRETATION The graph shows statistics about the documents index and queries per minute. =head1 MIB INFORMATION This plugin requires the GOOGLE-MIB and GSA-MIB and will report GSA-MIB::docsServed.0 = INTEGER: .. GSA-MIB::docErrors.0 = INTEGER: ... GSA-MIB::docsFound.0 = INTEGER: ... GSA-MIB::docBytes.0 = INTEGER: .... GSA-MIB::qpm.0 = INTEGER: ......... =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=snmpauto #%# capabilities=snmpconf =head1 VERSION $Id$ =head1 BUGS None known. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2013 Marcello Barnaba based on snmp__if_, Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Jimmy Olsen, Daginn Ilmari Mannsaaker. =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =cut use strict; use Munin::Plugin; use Munin::Plugin::SNMP; need_multigraph(); # This is the snmpwalk: # . = INTEGER: Running(1) ## GSA-MIB::crawlRunning.0 = INTEGER: Running(1) # . = INTEGER: 855802 ## GSA-MIB::docsServed.0 = INTEGER: 855802 # . = INTEGER: 0 ## GSA-MIB::crawlingRate.0 = INTEGER: 0 # . = INTEGER: 501606 ## GSA-MIB::docBytes.0 = INTEGER: 501606 # . = INTEGER: 1 ## GSA-MIB::todayDocsCrawled.0 = INTEGER: 1 # . = INTEGER: 0 ## GSA-MIB::docErrors.0 = INTEGER: 0 # . = INTEGER: 860683 ## GSA-MIB::docsFound.0 = INTEGER: 860683 # . = INTEGER: Off(0) ## GSA-MIB::batchCrawlRunning.0 = INTEGER: Off(0) # . = INTEGER: 0 ## GSA-MIB::batchCrawlStartTime.0 = INTEGER: 0 # . = INTEGER: 0 ## GSA-MIB::batchCrawlEndTime.0 = INTEGER: 0 # . = INTEGER: 0 ## GSA-MIB::qpm.0 = INTEGER: 0 # . = INTEGER: green(0) ## GSA-MIB::diskHealth.0 = INTEGER: green(0) # . = STRING: ## GSA-MIB::diskErrors.0 = STRING: # . = INTEGER: green(0) ## GSA-MIB::temperatureHealth.0 = INTEGER: green(0) # . = STRING: ## GSA-MIB::temperatureErrors.0 = STRING: # . = INTEGER: green(0) ## GSA-MIB::machineHealth.0 = INTEGER: green(0) # . = STRING: ## GSA-MIB::machineErrors.0 = STRING: my $entryDocsServed = ""; my $entryDocBytes = ""; my $entryDocErrors = ""; my $entryDocsFound = ""; my $entryQPM = "" ; # Queries per Minute if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "snmpconf") { print "require $entryDocsServed\n"; print "require $entryDocErrors\n"; print "require $entryDocsFound\n"; print "require $entryDocBytes\n"; print "require $entryQPM\n"; exit 0; } # SNMP needed for both config and fetch. my $session = Munin::Plugin::SNMP->session(); my $response; if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") { my ($host,undef,$version) = Munin::Plugin::SNMP->config_session(); print "host_name $host\n" unless $host eq 'localhost'; print "multigraph gsa_documents\n"; print "graph_title GSA documents statistics\n"; print "graph_order found served errors\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000\n"; print "graph_vlabel Documents\n"; print "graph_category search\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows document statistics for the GSA\n"; print "served.label served\n"; print "served.type GAUGE\n"; print "served.graph yes\n"; print "errors.label errors\n"; print "errors.type GAUGE\n"; print "errors.graph yes\n"; print "found.label found\n"; print "found.type GAUGE\n"; print "found.graph yes\n"; print "multigraph gsa_storage\n"; print "graph_title GSA storage statistics\n"; print "graph_order bytes\n"; print "graph_vlabel Megabytes Filtered\n"; print "graph_category search\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows the GSA index size\n"; print "bytes.label bytes\n"; print "bytes.type GAUGE\n"; print "bytes.graph yes\n"; print "multigraph gsa_qpm\n"; print "graph_title GSA Queries Per Minute\n"; print "graph_order qpm\n"; print "graph_vlabel Queries per minute\n"; print "graph_category search\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows how many Queries Per Minute the GSA receives\n"; print "qpm.label count\n"; print "qpm.type DERIVE\n"; print "qpm.graph yes\n"; exit 0; } print "multigraph gsa_documents\n"; if (defined ($response = $session->get_single($entryDocsServed))) { print "served.value ", $response, "\n"; } if (defined ($response = $session->get_single($entryDocErrors))) { print "errors.value ", $response, "\n"; } if (defined ($response = $session->get_single($entryDocsFound))) { print "found.value ", $response, "\n"; } print "multigraph gsa_storage\n"; if (defined ($response = $session->get_single($entryDocBytes))) { print "bytes.value ", $response, "\n"; } print "multigraph gsa_qpm\n"; if (defined ($response = $session->get_single($entryQPM))) { print "qpm.value ", $response, "\n"; }