#include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #define SYSWARNING 30 #define SYSCRITICAL 50 #define USRWARNING 80 int cpu(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *f; char buff[256], *s; int ncpu=0, extinfo=0, scaleto100=0; if(argc > 1) { if(!strcmp(argv[1], "config")) { s = getenv("scaleto100"); if(s && !strcmp(s, "yes")) scaleto100=1; if(!(f=fopen(PROC_STAT, "r"))) { fputs("cannot open " PROC_STAT "\n", stderr); return 1; } while(fgets(buff, 256, f)) { if(!strncmp(buff, "cpu", 3)) { if(isdigit(buff[3])) ncpu++; if(buff[3] == ' ') { s = strtok(buff+4, " \t"); for(extinfo=0;strtok(NULL, " \t");extinfo++) ; } } } fclose(f); if(ncpu < 1 || extinfo < 4) { fputs("cannot parse " PROC_STAT "\n", stderr); return 1; } puts("graph_title CPU usage"); if(extinfo == 7) puts("graph_order system user nice idle iowait irq softirq"); else puts("graph_order system user nice idle"); if(scaleto100) puts("graph_args --base 1000 -r --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit 100"); else printf("graph_args --base 1000 -r --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit %d\n", 100 * ncpu); puts("graph_vlabel %\n" "graph_scale no\n" "graph_info This graph shows how CPU time is spent.\n" "graph_category system\n" "graph_period second\n" "system.label system\n" "system.draw AREA"); printf("system.max %d\n", 100 * ncpu); puts("system.min 0\n" "system.type DERIVE"); printf("system.warning %d\n", SYSWARNING * ncpu); printf("system.critical %d\n", SYSCRITICAL * ncpu); puts("system.info CPU time spent by the kernel in system activities\n" "user.label user\n" "user.draw STACK\n" "user.min 0"); printf("user.max %d\n", 100 * ncpu); printf("user.warning %d\n", USRWARNING * ncpu); puts("user.type DERIVE\n" "user.info CPU time spent by normal programs and daemons\n" "nice.label nice\n" "nice.draw STACK\n" "nice.min 0"); printf("nice.max %d\n", 100 * ncpu); puts("nice.type DERIVE\n" "nice.info CPU time spent by nice(1)d programs\n" "idle.label idle\n" "idle.draw STACK\n" "idle.min 0"); printf("idle.max %d\n", 100 * ncpu); puts("idle.type DERIVE\n" "idle.info Idle CPU time"); if(scaleto100) printf("system.cdef system,%d,/\n" "user.cdef user,%d,/\n" "nice.cdef nice,%d,/\n" "idle.cdef idle,%d,/\n", ncpu, ncpu, ncpu, ncpu); if(extinfo == 7) { puts("iowait.label iowait\n" "iowait.draw STACK\n" "iowait.min 0"); printf("iowait.max %d\n", 100 * ncpu); puts("iowait.type DERIVE\n" "iowait.info CPU time spent waiting for I/O operations to finish\n" "irq.label irq\n" "irq.draw STACK\n" "irq.min 0"); printf("irq.max %d\n", 100 * ncpu); puts("irq.type DERIVE\n" "irq.info CPU time spent handling interrupts\n" "softirq.label softirq\n" "softirq.draw STACK\n" "softirq.min 0"); printf("softirq.max %d\n", 100 * ncpu); puts("softirq.type DERIVE\n" "softirq.info CPU time spent handling \"batched\" interrupts"); if(scaleto100) printf("iowait.cdef iowait,%d,/\n" "irq.cdef irq,%d,/\n" "softirq.cdef softirq,%d,/\n", ncpu, ncpu, ncpu); } return 0; } if(!strcmp(argv[1], "autoconf")) { if(0 == access(PROC_STAT, R_OK)) return writeyes(); else return writeno(PROC_STAT " not readable"); } } if(!(f=fopen(PROC_STAT, "r"))) { fputs("cannot open " PROC_STAT "\n", stderr); return 1; } while(fgets(buff, 256, f)) { if(!strncmp(buff, "cpu ", 4)) { fclose(f); if(!(s = strtok(buff+4, " \t"))) break; printf("user.value %s\n", s); if(!(s = strtok(NULL, " \t"))) break; printf("nice.value %s\n", s); if(!(s = strtok(NULL, " \t"))) break; printf("system.value %s\n", s); if(!(s = strtok(NULL, " \t"))) break; printf("idle.value %s\n", s); if(!(s = strtok(NULL, " \t"))) return 0; printf("iowait.value %s\n", s); if(!(s = strtok(NULL, " \t"))) return 0; printf("irq.value %s\n", s); if(!(s = strtok(NULL, " \t"))) return 0; printf("softirq.value %s\n", s); return 0; } } fclose(f); fputs("no cpu line found in " PROC_STAT "\n", stderr); return 1; }