#!/usr/bin/perl use Carp; use strict; use Asterisk::AMI; my $ret = undef; if ( ! eval "require Asterisk::AMI;" ) { $ret = "Asterisk::AMI not found"; }; if ( $ARGV[ 0 ] and $ARGV[ 0 ] eq "config" ) { print "graph_title Asterisk Fax - Cancelled Faxes (T.38 and G.711)\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n"; print "graph_vlabel Number of Cancelled Faxes\n"; print "graph_category voip\n"; print "t38_cancelled.draw AREA\n"; print "t38_cancelled.label Cancelled T.38 Faxes\n"; print "g711_cancelled.draw AREA\n"; print "g711_cancelled.label Cancelled G.711 Faxes\n"; exit ( 0 ); }; #my $host = exists $ENV{ 'host' } ? $ENV{ 'host' } : ""; #my $port = exists $ENV{ 'port' } ? $ENV{ 'port' } : "5038"; #my $username = $ENV{ 'username' }; #my $secret = $ENV{ 'secret' }; my $username = 'manager'; my $host = ''; my $port = '5038'; my $secret = 'insecure'; my $timeout = '5'; my $astman = Asterisk::AMI->new(PeerAddr => "$host", PeerPort => "$port", Username => "$username", Secret => "$secret" ); croak "Unable to connect to asterisk" unless ( $astman ); my $actionid = $astman->send_action({ Action => 'Command', Command => 'fax show stats', $timeout}); my $response = $astman->get_response( $actionid ); my $arrayref = $response->{CMD}; my $null = qq{}; my ( %faxstats, $section ); foreach my $line ( @$arrayref ) { next if ( ( ! $line ) || ( $line =~ /-----------/ ) ); my ( $key, $value ) = split( ':', $line ); $section = $key if ( $value eq $null ); $key =~ s/\s+$//g; $value =~ s/^\s+//g; $faxstats{ "$section" }{ "$key" } = $value if ( $value ne $null ); }; $astman->disconnect; print "t38_cancelled.value $faxstats{'Digium T.38'}{'Canceled'}\n"; print "g711_cancelled.value $faxstats{'Digium G.711'}{'Canceled'}\n"; exit( 0 );