#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (C) 2009 Alexey Illarionov # # Wildcard plugin to monitor ipfw rules counters # Usage: # # Method 1: # # Link ipfwcnt_ to this file. E.g. # # ln -s ipfwcnt_ ipfwcnt_100 # # ... will monitror ipfw rule 100 # # Method 2: # # 1. Add count rules to ipfw E.g. # # ipfw add 100 count ip from any to table(1,0) in via rl0 # ipfw add 200 count ip from any to table(1,1) in via rl0 # ipfw add 300 count ip from any to table(1,2) in via rl0 # ipfw add 400 count ip from any to not table(1) in via rl0 # # 2. Link ipfwcnt_ to this file. E.g. # ln -s ipfwcnt_ ipfwcnt_rl0-in # # 3. Add rules configuration to plugins.conf: # [ipfwcnt_rl0-in] # user root # env.rules group0 group1 group2 nogroup # env.rule_group0 100 # env.rule_group0_label group0 # env.rule_group0_info Incoming traffic of group 0 # env.rule_group1 200 # env.rule_group1_label group1 # env.rule_group1_info Incoming traffic of group 1 # env.rule_group2 300 # env.rule_group2_label group2 # env.rule_group2_info Incoming traffic of group 2 # env.rule_nogroup 400 # env.rule_nogroup_label nogroup # env.rule_nogroup_info Incoming traffic of no group # # ... will monitor ipfw rules 100,200,300,400 # # This plugin needs to be run as root. # # Magic markers (optional - used by munin-config and some installation # scripts): # #%# family=manual NAME=`basename $0 | sed 's/^ipfwcnt_//g'` if [ -z "$rules" ]; then if [ -z "$NAME" ]; then exit 1; fi rules="r$NAME" eval "rule_r$NAME=$NAME" fi if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo "graph_title Ipfw rules counters $NAME" echo 'graph_args --base 1000 -l 0' echo 'graph_vlabel bits / ${graph_period}' echo 'graph_category network' draw="AREA" for rule in $rules; do eval "label0=\$rule_${rule}_label" eval "info0=\$rule_${rule}_info" label=${label0:-$rule} info=${info0:-$rule} echo "$rule.label $label" echo "$rule.draw $draw" echo "$rule.type DERIVE" echo "$rule.min 0" echo "$rule.cdef $rule,8,*" echo "$rule.info $info" draw="STACK" done echo "graph_info Ipfw rules counters $NAME" exit 0 fi for rule in $rules; do eval "num=\$rule_$rule" if [ -z $(echo "$num" | sed 's/[0-9]//g') ]; then val0=$(/sbin/ipfw show $num 2>/dev/null | awk '{res+=$3;} END{print res;}') fi val=${val0:-"U"} echo "$rule.value $val" done