#!/bin/bash # Simple munin plugin to find the google rank for a URL/WORD combination # # THIS SCRIPT BREAKS THE TOS OF GOOGLE SO USE WITH CARE AND DON'T BLAME ME IF THINGS GO WRONG # # (c) 2009 i.dobson@planet-ian.com # # For each url/words that you want to watch you need to create a variable/word pair in your # munin-node configuration file for example # #[google_rank] #user root #timeout 60 #env.URL1 http://www.plant-ian.com #env.WORD1 avr webcam #env.URL2 http://www.plant-ian.com #env.WORD2 bascom # # Version 0.5 24.1.2009 # Added loop to check the first 500 pages. Note the script sleeps 5 seconds beween each page grab so # If the word/url your looking for is in the higher positions then you need to increase the timeout # # Version 0.5 21.1.2009 # Dump each page grabbed from google into seperate files (helps with debugging) # # Version 0.4 19.1.2009 # Fixed corrupt then empty cache file bug # # Version 0.3 19.1.2009 # The script now grabs the google page based on the LASTHIT counter. # The script grabs the google page for URL1, then the next time it's called URL2 etc. If the url/word pair doesn't exist for LASTHIT then the script just dumps the cached data # # Version 0.2 18.01.2009 # Cache added, the script only grabs the pages from google every 10 calls # The script still only checks to first 100 pages returned by google # # Version 0.1 17.01.2009 Initial release # The script only checks to first 100 pages returned by google # # Auto Configure, Check it word 1 is defined if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then if [ "$URL1" != "" ]; then if [ "$WORD1" != "" ]; then echo yes exit 0 fi fi echo no exit 1 fi #Configure, loop through each variable defined WORDx URLx dumping it to munin if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then iLoop=1 echo 'graph_title Google page rank' echo 'graph_args --upper-limit 100 -l 0' echo 'graph_category other' echo 'graph_scale no' echo 'graph_info Google page rank for URLs & Words' URL="xxx" until [ "$URL" = "" ]; do TMPURL=URL$iLoop URL="${!TMPURL}" TMPWORD=WORD$iLoop WORD="${!TMPWORD}" if [ "$URL" = "" ]; then exit 0 fi if [ "$WORD" = "" ]; then exit 0 fi VAR=`echo $URL.$WORD | sed -e "s/http:\/\///g"| sed -e "s/ /_/g"| sed -e "s/\./_/g"| sed -e "s/\-/_/g"` URL=`echo $URL| sed -e "s/http:\/\///g"` echo $VAR.label Pagerank $URL - $WORD let iLoop="$iLoop +1" done exit 0 fi #Meat of the program, grabs data from google for one word/url pair using LASTHIT as the pointer to which url/word pair to read #Read update & save counter LASTHIT=0 if [ -f /tmp/google_rank.status ]; then LASTHIT=`cat /tmp/google_rank.status | awk '{print $1}'` fi let LASTHIT="$LASTHIT + 1" echo $LASTHIT > /tmp/google_rank.status #Find URL/WORD PAIR for loop counter TMPURL=URL$LASTHIT URL="${!TMPURL}" TMPWORD=WORD$LASTHIT WORD="${!TMPWORD}" if [ "$URL" != "" ]; then #Setup defaults base=0 num=1 start=0 FOUND=0 #Clean up URL/WORD pair, removing http:// replacing " " with "_", "." with "_", "-" with "-" VAR=`echo $URL.$WORD | sed -e "s/http:\/\///g"| sed -e "s/ /_/g"| sed -e "s/\./_/g"| sed -e "s/\-/_/g"` SEARCHWORD=`echo $WORD| sed -e "s/ /%20/g"` until [ "$FOUND" -ne "0" ]; do #Grab page from google for the WORD/PAGE combination.Pipe it into awk to pull out the url's only, one per line. Then dump only the lines containing the URL defined wget -q --user-agent=Firefox -O - http://www.google.com/search?q=$SEARCHWORD\&num=100\&hl=en\&safe=off\&pwst=1\&start=$start\&sa=N > /tmp/google_rank.$LASTHIT.data VALUE=`cat /tmp/google_rank.$LASTHIT.data|sed 's//\n\1\n/g'|awk -v num=$num -v base=$base '{ if ( $1 ~ /^http/ ) print base,num++,$NF }'|awk '{ print $2 " " $3}'|grep -i $URL| awk '{ print $1}'` VALUE=`echo $VALUE| awk '{ print $1}'` if [ "$VALUE" = "" ]; then VALUE=-1 let start="start + 100" sleep 5 else FOUND=1 let VALUE="$VALUE + $start" fi ### echo Start=$start Value=$VALUE Found=$FOUND if [ "$start" -gt 500 ];then FOUND=-1 VALUE=-1 fi done #Read through cache file saving to array iLoop=1 while read line ;do Data[$iLoop]=$line let iLoop="$iLoop +1" done < /tmp/google_rank.cache #replace one line with the new value grabbed from google Data[$LASTHIT]="$VAR.value $VALUE" #write data back rm /tmp/google_rank.cache for iLoop in `seq 1 10`; do echo ${Data[$iLoop]} >> /tmp/google_rank.cache done fi #Reset counter to start if [ "$LASTHIT" -gt 30 ]; then echo 0 > /tmp/google_rank.status fi #Dump data to munin while read line ;do if [ "$line" != "" ]; then echo $line fi done < /tmp/google_rank.cache exit 0