#!/bin/sh # # Munin plugin for HFSC Traffic Shaping Statistics UP/DOWN # # It shows the download and upload statistic graph of a used net bandwidth per a user. # # This plugin was tailored to the HFSC solution # presented at http://www.elessar.one.pl/article_kernel2.6.php # # You can find the plugin description and the installation notes here: # http://www.elessar.one.pl/article_munin.php # ### # Written by Rafal Rajs # Date: 2007/06/19 # Email: elessar1@poczta.wp.pl # WWW: http://www.elessar.one.pl ### # path to the file with global defs . /etc/scripts/globals # imported from HFSC script # set class numbers N_CLASS_D_1=70 N_CLASS_D_2=100 N_CLASS_U_1=130 N_CLASS_U_2=160 SH_TMP="/etc/scripts/tmp1.txt" if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo "graph_title HFSC Traffic Shaping Stats - UP/DOWN" echo 'graph_vlabel bytes DOWN(-)/UP(+) per ${graph_period}' echo 'graph_width 450' echo 'graph_category network' j=1 while [ $j -le $L_USERS ] do echo "${USERNAMES[${j}]}_down.label ${USERNAMES[${j}]}" echo "${USERNAMES[${j}]}_down.type COUNTER" echo "${USERNAMES[${j}]}_down.graph no" if [ $j == 1 ]; then echo "${USERNAMES[${j}]}_down.draw AREA" else echo "${USERNAMES[${j}]}_down.draw STACK" fi; echo "${USERNAMES[${j}]}_down.info Stats for ${USERNAMES[${j}]} - ${USER_IP[${j}]}" echo "${USERNAMES[${j}]}_down.min 0" echo "${USERNAMES[${j}]}_down.max 130000" echo "${USERNAMES[${j}]}_up.label ${USERNAMES[${j}]}" echo "${USERNAMES[${j}]}_up.type COUNTER" echo "${USERNAMES[${j}]}_up.negative ${USERNAMES[${j}]}_down" if [ $j == 1 ]; then echo "${USERNAMES[${j}]}_up.draw AREA" else echo "${USERNAMES[${j}]}_up.draw STACK" fi; echo "${USERNAMES[${j}]}_up.info Stats for ${USERNAMES[${j}]} - ${USER_IP[${j}]}" echo "${USERNAMES[${j}]}_up.min 0" echo "${USERNAMES[${j}]}_up.max 30000" j=$[$j+1] done; #customized colours echo 'Serwer_down.colour 000000' echo 'Serwer_up.colour 000000' exit 0 fi; #### DOWNLOAD temp1=`/sbin/tc -s class show dev imq0 > $SH_TMP` while read line do test_hfsc=`echo $line | grep "hfsc"` j=1 while [ $j -le $L_USERS ] do case $test_hfsc in *hfsc[\ ]1:$[$N_CLASS_D_1+$j]*) # check N_CLASS_D_1 stats for every user read line temp1=`echo $line | awk '{ print $2; }'` STAT_USER[$j]=$[${STAT_USER[$j]}+$temp1] # echo "N_CLASS_D_1="$temp1 # echo "N_CLASS_D_1_SUM "$j" ="${STAT_USER[$j]} ;; *hfsc[\ ]1:$[$N_CLASS_D_2+$j]*) # check N_CLASS_D_2 stats for every user read line temp1=`echo $line | awk '{ print $2; }'` STAT_USER[$j]=$[${STAT_USER[$j]}+$temp1] # echo "N_CLASS_D_2="$temp1 # echo "N_CLASS_D_2_SUM "$j" ="${STAT_USER[$j]} ;; esac j=$[$j+1] done; done < $SH_TMP #### j=1 while [ $j -le $L_USERS ] do echo ${USERNAMES[${j}]}"_down.value "${STAT_USER[$j]} j=$[$j+1] done; #reset values j=1 while [ $j -le $L_USERS ] do STAT_USER[$j]=0 j=$[$j+1] done; #### UPLOAD temp1=`/sbin/tc -s class show dev imq1 > $SH_TMP` while read line do test_hfsc=`echo $line | grep "hfsc"` j=1 while [ $j -le $L_USERS ] do case $test_hfsc in *hfsc[\ ]1:$[$N_CLASS_U_1+$j]*) # check N_CLASS_U_1 stats for every user read line temp1=`echo $line | awk '{ print $2; }'` STAT_USER[$j]=$[${STAT_USER[$j]}+$temp1] # echo "N_CLASS_U_1="$temp1 # echo "N_CLASS_U_1_SUM "$j" ="${STAT_USER[$j]} ;; *hfsc[\ ]1:$[$N_CLASS_U_2+$j]*) # check N_CLASS_U_2 stats for every user read line temp1=`echo $line | awk '{ print $2; }'` STAT_USER[$j]=$[${STAT_USER[$j]}+$temp1] # echo "N_CLASS_U_2="$temp1 # echo "N_CLASS_U_2_SUM "$j" ="${STAT_USER[$j]} ;; esac j=$[$j+1] done; done < $SH_TMP j=1 while [ $j -le $L_USERS ] do echo ${USERNAMES[${j}]}"_up.value "${STAT_USER[$j]} j=$[$j+1] done; ## clean temp file temp1=`echo "" > $SH_TMP`