#!/bin/sh # # Plugin to monitor auth.log for sshd server events. # # Require read permitions for $LOG # (set in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node on debian) # On busy servers you can change value type to COUNTER and set min to 0 to avoid minus peaks at logrotate # # $Log$ # Revision 1.2 2010/03/19 15:03:00 pmoranga # Revision 1.1 2009/04/26 23:28:00 ckujau # Revision 1.0 2009/04/22 22:00:00 zlati # Initial revision # # Parameters: # # config (required) # autoconf (optional - used by munin-config) # # Magick markers (optional): #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf # config example for /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node #[sshd_log] #user root #group root #env.logfile /var/log/messages #env.category users # LOG=${logfile:-/var/log/secure} CATEGORY=${category:-system} if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then if [ -r "$LOG" ]; then echo yes exit 0 else echo no exit 1 fi fi if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo 'graph_title SSHD login stats from' $LOG echo 'graph_args --base 1000 -l 0' echo 'graph_vlabel logins' echo 'graph_category' $CATEGORY echo 'LogPass.label Successful password logins' echo 'LogPassPAM.label Successful login via PAM' echo 'LogKey.label Successful PublicKey logins' echo 'NoID.label No identification from user' echo 'rootAttempt.label Root login attempts' echo 'InvUsr.label Invalid user login attepmts' echo 'NoRDNS.label No reverse DNS for peer' echo 'Breakin.label Potential Breakin Attempts' exit 0 fi awk 'BEGIN{c["LogPass"]=0;c["LogKey"]=0;c["NoID"]=0;c["rootAttempt"]=0;c["InvUsr"]=0;c["LogPassPAM"]=0;c["Breakin"]=0;c["NoRDNS"]=0; } /sshd\[.*Accepted password for/{c["LogPass"]++} /sshd\[.*Accepted publickey for/{c["LogKey"]++} /sshd\[.*Did not receive identification string/{c["NoID"]++} /sshd\[.*Failed password for root/{c["rootAttempt"]++} /sshd\[.*Invalid user/{c["InvUsr"]++} /sshd\[.*POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT!/{c["Breakin"]++} /sshd\[.*keyboard-interactive\/pam/{c["LogPassPAM"]++} /sshd\[.*reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo/{c["NoRDNS"]++}a END{for(i in c){print i".value " c[i]} }' < $LOG