#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (C) 2010 Mohammad ALI. All rights reserved. # # munin plugin that logs temperature and humidity from EM01b-STN (Sequoia Websensor) # # To install the plugin, copy or move the plugin to /usr/share/munin/plugins/ set # the chmod to 755 and create a symbolic link: # ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/sequoia_websens /etc/munin/plugins/sequoia_websens # # Configuration variables: # # host - host (default "localhost") # port - port (default "80") # # If your environment has a average temperature which differs from the default # waring and critical value than feel free to configure the warning and critical value # # # Author # Mohammad Ali # # Version 1.0 # March 19, 2010 # 01:17:14 PM # #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf # These variables are defined in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node # Define the host (hostname or IP) and the port host=${host:-localhost} port=${port:-80} # Configuration of Munin for graphs and fetching data if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo "graph_title Sequoia Websensor" echo "graph_info This graph shows the temperature and humidity" echo "graph_category sensor" echo "graph_args -l 0 -u 100 -r" echo "graph.scale no" echo "graph_vlabel % and C°" echo "tempsens.label Temperature" echo "humsens.label Humidity" echo "tempsens.warning 19:24" echo "humsens.warning :50" echo "tempsens.critical 18:25" echo "humsens.critical :60" exit 0 fi # HTTP GET REQUEST to retrieve the data from the WebSensor WEBSENS_DATA_FULL=$(printf "GET $host/index.html?em345678 HTTP/1.0 \n\n" | nc $host $port ) # Selecting line of output (in this case body) WEBSENS_DATA=$(echo "$WEBSENS_DATA_FULL" | grep body) # Custom formatting for each type to trace only necessary WEBSENS_TEMP=$(echo "$WEBSENS_DATA" | cut -d ' ' -f11 | cut -d 'H' -f1) WEBSENS_HUM=$(echo "$WEBSENS_DATA" | cut -d ' ' -f11 | cut -d ':' -f2 | cut -d '%' -f1) # Sending custom formatted data to munin to create the graphs echo "tempsens.value $WEBSENS_TEMP" echo "humsens.value $WEBSENS_HUM"