#!/bin/sh # -*- sh -*- : << =cut =head1 NAME ssl-certificate-expiry - Plugin to monitor CERTificate expiration on multiple services and ports =head1 CONFIGURATION [ssl-certificate-expiry] env.services www.service.tld blah.example.net_PORT To set warning and critical levels do like this: [ssl-certificate-expiry] env.services ... env.warning 30: Alternatively, if you want to monitor hosts separately, you can create multiple symlinks named as follows. ssl-certificate-expiry_HOST_PORT For example: ssl-certificate-expiry_www.example.net ssl-certificate-expiry_www.example.org_443 ssl-certificate-expiry_192.0.2.42_636 ssl-certificate-expiry_2001:0DB8::badc:0fee_485 =head1 AUTHOR Pactrick Domack (ssl_) Olivier Mehani (ssl-certificate-expiry) Copyright (C) 2013 Patrick Domack Copyright (C) 2017 Olivier Mehani =head1 LICENSE =cut . "${MUNIN_LIBDIR}/plugins/plugin.sh" if [ "${MUNIN_DEBUG}" = 1 ]; then set -x fi HOSTPORT=${0##*ssl-certificate-expiry_} if [ "${HOSTPORT}" != "${0}" ] \ && [ ! -z "${HOSTPORT}" ]; then services="${HOSTPORT}" fi case $1 in config) echo "graph_title SSL Certificates Expiration" echo 'graph_args --base 1000' echo 'graph_vlabel days left' echo 'graph_category security' echo "graph_info This graph shows the days left for the certificate" for service in $services; do fieldname=$(clean_fieldname "$service") echo "${fieldname}.label $(echo "${service}" | sed 's/_/:/')" print_thresholds "${fieldname}" done exit 0 ;; esac get_expire() { SITE="$(echo "${1}" | sed 's/_.*//')" PORT="$(echo "${1}" | sed 's/.*_//')" VAR="$(clean_fieldname "$1")" if [ "$PORT" = "$SITE" ]; then PORT=443 fi if echo "$SITE" | grep -q ':'; then # Wrap IPv6 addresses in square brackets SITE="[${SITE}]" fi CERT=$(echo "" | openssl s_client -CApath /etc/ssl/certs -servername "${SITE}" -connect "${SITE}:${PORT}" 2>/dev/null); if echo "${CERT}" | grep -q -- "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"; then echo "${CERT}" \ | openssl x509 -noout -enddate \ | awk -F= 'BEGIN { split("Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec", month, " "); for (i=1; i<=12; i++) mdigit[month[i]] = i; } /notAfter/ { split($0,a,"="); split(a[2],b," "); split(b[3],time,":"); datetime=b[4] " " mdigit[b[1]] " " b[2] " " time[1] " " time[2] " " time[3]; days=(mktime(datetime)-systime())/86400; print "VAR.value " days; }' \ | sed "s/VAR/${VAR}/g" fi } for service in $services; do get_expire "$service" done