#!/usr/bin/ruby # # Plugin author: Gunnar Wolf # # You are hereby granted authorization to copy, use, modify, distribute, # and in general do anything you please with this plugin. It is too simple # even to GPL-protect it. # # This plugin expects to receive via environment variables: # # icecast_host - Which host to monitor (default: # icecast_username - Username to connect with (default: admin) # icecast_password - Password to connect with (default: hackme) # icecast_realm - Realm to connect with (default: 'Icecast2 server') # require 'hpricot' require 'open-uri' def get_conf # Default values conf = {:host => '', :port => 8000, :username => 'admin', :password => 'hackme' } conf.keys.each do |key| env_key = sprintf('icecast_%s', key) conf[key] = ENV[env_key] if ENV.has_key?(env_key) end conf end def get_data(conf) begin data = Hpricot(open(sprintf('http://%s:%s/admin/stats', conf[:host], conf[:port]), :http_basic_authentication=>[conf[:username], conf[:password]])) rescue OpenURI::HTTPError puts "Cannot connect: HTTP connection error" exit 1 end data end def get_values(data) vals = {} [:sources, :clients].each do |key| elem = data/key if elem.nil? vals[key] = 0 else vals[key] = elem.innerHTML end end vals end data = get_data(get_conf) vals = get_values(data) if ARGV[0] == 'autoconf' puts 'yes' elsif ARGV[0] == 'config' puts "graph_title Total sources and clients for Icecast" puts "graph_vlabel listeners" puts "graph_category Icecast" puts "sources.label Total number of sources" puts "clients.label Total number of clients" else puts "sources.value " + vals[:sources] puts "clients.value " + vals[:clients] end