#!/usr/bin/python # Written by Bertrand Grelot # requires python-beautifulsoup import os import re import sys import urllib from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup url = 'http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=osstats' code = os.environ.get('code', sys.argv[0][(sys.argv[0].rfind('_') + 1):]) if code == None: sys.exit(1) if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "autoconf": print "yes" elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "config": print 'graph_title Active CPU in FoldingAtHome project' print 'graph_vlabel Systems' print 'graph_category other' print 'windows.label Windows' print 'ppc.label MacOS/PowerPC' print 'intel.label MacOS/Intel' print 'linux.label Linux' print 'ati.label ATI_gpu' print 'nvidia.label NVIDIA_gpu' print 'ps3.label Playstation3' print 'graph_args --base 1000 -l 0' else: u = urllib.urlopen(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(u) u.close() l=[] i=0 table = soup.find('table') rows = table.findAll('tr', bgcolor="#f5f5dc") for tr in rows: cols = tr.findAll('td') l.append([]) for td in cols: l[i].append(td.find(text=True)) i+=1 WIN=l[0][3] MPPC=l[1][3] MINTEL=l[2][3] LINUX=l[3][3] ATI=l[4][3] NVIDIA=l[5][3] PS3=l[6][3] print 'windows.value %s' % WIN print 'ppc.value %s' % MPPC print 'intel.value %s' % MINTEL print 'linux.value %s' % LINUX print 'ati.value %s' % ATI print 'nvidia.value %s' % NVIDIA print 'ps3.value %s' % PS3