#!/bin/bash # (c) 2012 - Bushmills # License : GPLv2 #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf interval=1 # mpstat sampling interval timeout=1200 # 20 minutes daemon watchdog timeout watchdog=60 # test for timeout every $watchdog seconds pluginfull="$0" # full name of plugin plugin="${0##*/}" # name of plugin pidfile="$MUNIN_PLUGSTATE/munin.$plugin.pid" cache="$MUNIN_PLUGSTATE/munin.$plugin.value" graph="$plugin" section="system:cpu" style="AREA" cpus=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) run_watchdog() { # should also trap kill and term signals kill -0 $(cat $pidfile) 2> /dev/null || rm -f $pidfile } run_acquire() { echo "$$" > $pidfile LANG=C mpstat -P ALL $interval | awk -v cpus=$cpus '$2>=0&&$2<99 {print $2, systime(), (100-$11)/cpus; system("");}' >> $cache rm -f $pidfile $cache } run_daemon() { run_watchdog if [ -f $pidfile ]; then touch $pidfile else $pluginfull acquire & fi } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- run_autoconf() { run=(yes no) type -t mpstat > /dev/null echo "${run[$?]}" } run_config() { run_daemon cat << EOF graph_title $graph graph_category $section graph_vlabel average cpu use % graph_scale no graph_total All CPUs update_rate 1 graph_data_size custom 1d, 10s for 1w, 1m for 1t, 5m for 1y EOF cpun=0 for ((i=0; i<$cpus; i++)); do cat << EOF cpu${cpun}.label CPU $cpun cpu${cpun}.draw $style cpu${cpun}.min 0 EOF style=STACK ((cpun++)) done } run_fetch() { run_daemon awk 'NF==3 {print "cpu" $1 ".value " $2 ":" $3}' $cache > $cache } run_${1:-fetch} exit 0 # export -f functionname export functionname to subshell, avoiding the need # for locating plugin for subshell calling, when process needs a different # pid. Instead, $SHELL -c functionname can be used. useful for calling # acquire which needs a different pid than watchdog, otherwise watchdog # could/will kill itself when expiring before the watched process is killed. # not a POSIX feature. # for Munin Plugin Gallery # graph_category 1sec