#!/bin/sh # # Plugin to monitor total ARP entries # # Parameters understood: # # config (required) # autoconf (optional) # # Made by Sven Hartge (sven AT svenhartge DOT de) # #%# family=contrib #%# capabilities=autoconf if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then # Search for arp which arp >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "no (can't find arp binary)" && exit 1) # ...or success echo yes exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo 'graph_title ARP entries' echo 'graph_args --base 1000 -l 0' echo 'graph_vlabel Entries' echo 'graph_category network' echo 'graph_scale no' echo 'graph_info This graph shows the number of ARP entries registered by the system.' echo 'entries.label ARP entries' echo 'entries.draw LINE2' echo 'entries.type GAUGE' echo 'entries.info Number of ARP entries' exit 0 fi arp -an | awk 'BEGIN { regex="";} { if (!match($4,regex)) { a[$4] }} END{for(i in a){n++};print "entries.value " n}'