#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- perl -*- # ---------------------------------------------------- # # File : netscaler_cpu # Author: Sandro Wefel # based on Script by Damien SIAUD # Date : 05/05/2011 # Modified : 05/05/2011 # ---------------------------------------------------- # # This script require Net::SNMP # # Netscaler plugin for munin # # License Information: # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # ---------------------------------------------------- # =head1 NAME netscaler_cpu - Munin plugin to monitor CPU usage =head1 CONFIGURATION Make a symlink from netscaler_cpu_ to /etc/munin/plugins/netscaler_cpu_. You can omit , then you need the env variable B. To configure the plugin, use ENV variables. Add something lile this to /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/ [netscaler_cpu_*] env.community CommunityName Variables: =over =item ENV B netscaler host as FQDN or IP I =item ENV B I =item ENV B I =item ENV B in seconds I =back =head1 AUTHORS =over =item Sandro Wefel =item based on scripts by Jimmy Olsen, Damien SIAUD =back =head1 LICENSE GNU General Public License =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf =cut use Net::SNMP; use Munin::Plugin; use vars qw($script_name $script_version $o_host $o_community $o_port $o_timeout); use strict; # --------------------------- globals -------------------------- # $script_name = "netscaler_cpu"; $script_version = "0.1"; $o_host = undef; $o_community = undef; $o_port = 161; my $return_str = ""; my @cpu_name = (); # ---------------------------- snmp ---------------------------- # my $oid_prefix = ""; my $oid_build_version = $oid_prefix."."; my $oid_avgcpu_usage = $oid_prefix."."; # cpu utilization (%) my $oid_cpu_name = $oid_prefix."."; # name of cpu in NetScaler my $oid_cpu_usage = $oid_prefix."."; # usage per cpu (%) # ---------------------------- main ----------------------------- # my $DEBUG = 0; my $o_host = $ENV{host} || undef; my $o_port = $ENV{port} || 161; my $o_community = $ENV{community} || "public"; my $o_timeout = $ENV{timeout} || 5; if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf") { print "yes\n"; exit 0; } if (! defined $o_host ) { $0 =~ /netscaler_cpu_(.+)*$/; $o_host = $1; die "No host provided" unless defined $o_host; } # open session my $session = &open_session(); if (!defined($session)) { print "ERROR opening session\n"; exit 1; } # CPU names if (&get_cpus($session) lt 1) { print "ERROR getting number of CPUs\n"; exit 1; }; if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") { print "graph_args --base 1024 -l 0 --upper-limit 100\n"; print "graph_vlabel %\n"; print "graph_scale no\n"; print "graph_title CPU usage for $o_host\n"; print "graph_category loadbalancer\n"; print "graph_period second\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows how CPU time is spent.\n"; print "avg.label avg\n"; print "avg.draw AREA\n"; print "avg.info Average load.\n"; foreach my $v (@cpu_name){ print $v.".label ".$v."\n"; print $v.".draw LINE2\n"; print $v.".info CPU usage of ".$v."\n"; print_thresholds($v); } for my $field qw(avg) { print_thresholds($field); } &close_session($session); exit 0; } # Average &get_avgcpu_usage($session); # per CPU usage &get_cpu_usage($session); &close_session($session); print "$return_str"; exit 0; # --------------------------- functions ------------------------- # sub open_session { my ($sess, $str) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $o_host, -community => $o_community, -port => $o_port, -timeout => $o_timeout ); $return_str = $str; return $sess; } sub close_session { my ($sess) = @_; if(defined($sess)){ $session->close; } } sub get_buildversion { my ($session) = @_; my $build_version; my $result = $session->get_request( -varbindlist => [$oid_build_version] ); if (!defined($result)) { return "na"; } else { $build_version = $result->{$oid_build_version}; return"Build version : ".$build_version; } } sub get_avgcpu_usage { my ($session) = @_; my $cpu_usage; my $result = $session->get_request( -varbindlist => [$oid_avgcpu_usage] ); if (!defined($result)) { $return_str = "na"; } else { $cpu_usage = $result->{$oid_avgcpu_usage}; $return_str .= "avg.value ".$cpu_usage."\n"; } } sub get_cpu_usage { my ($session) = @_; my %cpu_usage; my $index=0; my $result = $session->get_table(-baseoid => $oid_cpu_usage); if (!defined($result)) { return "na"; } else { foreach my $v ($session->var_bind_names()){ $cpu_usage{$cpu_name[$index]} = $session->var_bind_list()->{$v}; $return_str .= $cpu_name[$index] . ".value ".$cpu_usage{$cpu_name[$index]}."\n"; $index++; } } } sub get_cpus { my ($session) = @_; my %cpu_usage; my $result = $session->get_table(-baseoid => $oid_cpu_name); if (!defined($result)) { return 0; } else { @cpu_name = (); foreach my $n ($session->var_bind_names()) { push @cpu_name, $session->var_bind_list()->{$n}; } } my $number=@cpu_name; return $number; }