#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright Jean-Samuel Reynaud # Licenced under GPL v2 # # We use this script to produce graph with munin for dns requests # This script must have his name start with bind_ # bind_ : Global bind statistic # bind_test.com : Bind statistic for test.com zone # # "env.bind_stat_file" is the path to the bind statistic file # (/var/cache/bind/named.stats by default). # # "env.bind_rndc" is the path to the rndc tool # (/usr/sbin/rndc by default). # # Thanks for Benjamin Pineau for perl cleaning and correction in non root # running # Thanks to Immanuel Klinkenberg for adding config parameter by using munin config # # Magic markers #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf use strict; use warnings; # change those to reflect your bind configuration # stat file my $stat_file = # DB directory defined $ENV{'bind_stat_file'} ? $ENV{'bind_stat_file'} : '/var/cache/bind/named.stats'; # rndc path my $rndc = # rndc path defined $ENV{'bind_rndc'} ? $ENV{'bind_rndc'} : '/usr/sbin/rndc'; my $lst = { "success" => 1, "referral" => 1, "nxrrset" => 1, "nxdomain" => 1, "recursion" => 1, "failure" => 1}; my $domain = $0; $domain =~ s/^.*bind_([\w\d\._\-]*)$/$1/; # Parse the statistic file sub parseFile { my $dom = shift @_; open(IN,"<$stat_file") or die "Can't open $stat_file : $!"; while () { chomp; my ($type,$count,$zone) = split(/ /,$_); $zone = defined($zone) ? $zone : ""; if ($zone eq $dom) { if (defined $lst->{$type}) { # only keep the latest occurrence for each value $lst->{$type} = $count; } } } close(IN); printf "%s.value %u\n", $_, $lst->{$_} foreach (keys %$lst); } # Config mode if ( defined($ARGV[0]) && $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) { printf "graph_title Dns requests %s\n",($domain eq "" ? " all domains":$domain); printf "graph_vlabel requests/s\n"; printf "graph_category dns\n"; printf "graph_info This graph display dns requests for %s\n",($domain eq "" ? " all domains":$domain); printf "success.label Success\n"; printf "success.type COUNTER\n"; printf "referral.label Referral\n"; printf "referral.type COUNTER\n"; printf "nxrrset.label Nx RR set\n"; printf "nxrrset.type COUNTER\n"; printf "nxdomain.label NX domain\n"; printf "nxdomain.type COUNTER\n"; printf "recursion.label Recursion\n"; printf "recursion.type COUNTER\n"; printf "failure.label Failure\n"; printf "failure.type COUNTER\n"; exit 0; } if ( defined($ARGV[0]) && $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf" ) { if (! -f $stat_file) { printf "Unable to file bind stat file on %s",$stat_file; exit 1; } if (! -f $rndc) { printf "Unable to file rndc tool (configured : %s)",$rndc; exit 1; } exit 0; } # Remove old stat file unlink ($stat_file); # Ask to bind to build new one `$rndc stats`; # Parse the stat file and return result parseFile($domain);