#!/usr/bin/perl # # Script by Simon Avery ( http://digdilem.org / digdilem@gmail.com ) to query munin.conf and collate various types of graphs on the same page from different machines. # Eg - show all the load daily graphs for all your machines on one page. Review ALL your machines' disk space, memory, cpu, loads for the past day, week, month or year - one click! # Reason: Makes it easier (for me!) to review a lot of machines (I have 28) for unusual patterns. # # Options - supply on the url: # period=day / week (default: day) # type = df / whatever (default:df) - which reporting type to use. # scale=pixel (How many pixels wide to scale the graphs, override default with $cellwidth below # # Installation: # 1. Copy this script to a webfolder of your choice, ensuring CGI is allowed there. # 2. Edit the four variables below to suit your configuration. # 3. Visit the script in your web browser. # # History: # v.1 - 30 August, 2010: Initial release. my $htmldir = '/internal/munin'; # What's the web address for munin's html dir? (Hint - where you normally go to see munin's overview) my $cfgfile = '/etc/munin/munin.conf'; # Where's the config file - must be readable my $numwide=5; # How many graphs to go wide per row? my $default_cellwidth=350; # How many pixels wide for the graphs? (Default) use CGI qw/:standard/; my $q = CGI->new; print $q->header() , $q->start_html('Morenin - Multiple server graphing tool'); my $type = param("type") || 'df'; # Default type my $period = param("period") || 'day'; # Default period my $cellwidth = param("scale") || $default_cellwidth; # Default image scale my @list; # list of names my $imgdir; # find from munin's conf open(CFG,"<$cfgfile") or die("Can't open munin config file: $cfgfile - $!\n"); while() { my $tidy = trim($_); if ($tidy =~ /htmldir/i) { # Guess where the images are, so I can test whether to try and display them or not. $tidy =~ s/\t/ /g; ($junk,$imgdir) = split(/ /,$tidy); } # search for identifier, Not very elegant, doesn't account for horribly done config files. if ($tidy =~ m/^\[(.*)\]/) { push(@list,$1); } } close(CFG); sort(@list); # Sort it alpha-numerically print "Morenin - graphing ".scalar(@list)." Munin graphs for type $type, period $period:\n"; # Some default links - add more here if you want 'em print qq~ Daily :: Weekly :: Monthly :: Yearly ...::... Load :: CPU :: DiskUse :: Memory :: MySql ~; if (! defined $htmldir) { print "
Error: Can't find htmldir from config, this isn't going to work..."; } # Now output the frames and links my $widcnt=1; # Temp counter print "
\n"; foreach $i (@list[1..$#list]) # Step through each entry { next if (! -e "$imgdir/$i/$i-$type-$period.png"); # First check an image is there and not a null entry; print "\n"; if ($widcnt++ >= $numwide) { print "\n"; $widcnt=1; } # wrap the cells } print "
"; print "\n"; print "\"$i-$type-$period.png\""; print "\n"; print "
\n"; $q->end_html; sub trim($) { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/^\s+//; $string =~ s/\s+$//; return $string; }