#!/usr/bin/env ruby # by Helder Ribeiro 2009 # # Plugin to monitor delayed_jobs' queue size # Gives updates with number of jobs that haven't been started yet # plus the ones that failed and are still rescheduled for another run # # Parameters supported: # # config require 'rubygems' require 'mysql' require 'yaml' class Grapher def initialize(db_conf) @db_conf = db_conf end def config puts <<-END_CONFIG graph_title Delayed_Jobs Queue Size graph_args -l 0 graph_vlabel jobs to be run jobs.label jobs jobs.type GAUGE END_CONFIG end def get_data mysql = Mysql.new(@db_conf['host'] || 'localhost', @db_conf['username'] || 'root', @db_conf['password'], @db_conf['database'], @db_conf['port'], @db_conf['socket']) result = mysql.query("SELECT count(*) FROM delayed_jobs WHERE \ first_started_at IS NULL OR run_at > NOW()") value = result.fetch_hash.values.first puts "jobs.value #{value}" end end if __FILE__ == $0 environment = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'production' db_conf = YAML.load(File.read(ENV['DATABASE_YML']))[environment] grapher = Grapher.new(db_conf) case ARGV.first when 'config' grapher.config else grapher.get_data end end