#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (C) 2008 Gorlow Maxim [Sheridan] # Copyright (C) 2009 Andrey Yakovlev [Freedom] # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, # 1991. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # apc_host_snmp_volt - IO voltage (volt) # apc_host_snmp_freq - IO frequency (hz) # apc_host_snmp_status - UPS status (online, off....) # apc_host_snmp_temp - Temperature (c) # apc_host_snmp_load - UPS and Battery load (%) # apc_host_snmp_curr - Current (ampers) # #%# family=snmpauto # use strict; no strict 'refs'; my $host = $ENV{host} || undef; my $community = $ENV{community} || "public"; my $type = "volt"; my $response; if ($0 =~ /^(?:|.*\/)apc_([^_]*)_snmp_(.+)$/) { $host = $1 until ($1 eq ""); $type = $2; if ($host =~ /^([^:]+):(\d+)$/) { $host = $1; 7 #$port = $2; } } elsif (!defined($host)) { die "# Error: couldn't understand what I'm supposed to monitor."; } my @snmpParam = ($community,$host); my @oidsList; my @modelList = ('','',''); if ($type eq "volt") { @oidsList = ('', '', '', ''); } elsif ($type eq "freq") { @oidsList = ['upsAdvOutputFrequency'], ['upsAdvInputFrequency']; } elsif ($type eq "status") { @oidsList = (' '); } elsif ($type eq "temp") { @oidsList = ('', ''); } elsif ($type eq "load") { @oidsList = ('', ''); } elsif ($type eq "curr") { @oidsList = ('upsAdvOutputCurrent'); } #if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "snmpconf") #{} if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") { my $model; my $vLabel; my $hLabel; my $graph_args; if ($type eq "volt") { $vLabel = "Voltage"; $hLabel = "IO Voltage"; print "graph_order out in inmax inmin\n"; print "in.label Input\n"; print "in.type GAUGE\n"; print "in.info Input voltage.\n"; print "in.colour FFCC99\n"; print "in.draw AREA\n"; print "out.label Output\n"; print "out.type GAUGE\n"; print "out.info Output voltage.\n"; print "out.colour 009BCC\n"; print "out.draw AREA\n"; print "inmax.label Input max\n"; print "inmax.type GAUGE\n"; print "inmax.info Input voltage maximum.\n"; print "inmax.colour FF0033\n"; print "inmax.draw LINE1\n"; print "inmin.label Input min\n"; print "inmin.type GAUGE\n"; print "inmin.info Input voltage minimum.\n"; print "inmin.colour 66FF00\n"; print "inmin.draw LINE1\n"; } elsif ($type eq "freq") { $vLabel = "Frequency"; $hLabel = "IO Frequency"; print "graph_order in out\n"; print "out.label Output\n"; print "out.type GAUGE\n"; print "out.info Output frequency.\n"; print "out.draw LINE2\n"; print "in.label Input\n"; print "in.type GAUGE\n"; print "in.info Input frequency.\n"; print "in.draw LINE2\n"; } elsif ($type eq "status") { $vLabel = "Status"; $hLabel = "Status"; print "state.label Status\n"; print "state.type GAUGE\n"; print "state.draw AREA\n"; print "state.min 1\n"; print "state.max 12\n"; print "unknown.label Unknown\n"; print "unknown.type GAUGE\n"; print "unknown.draw LINE3\n"; print "onLine.label Online\n"; print "onLine.type GAUGE\n"; print "onLine.draw LINE4\n"; print "onLine.min 0\n"; print "onLine.max 1\n"; print "onLine.warning 1:\n"; print "onBattery.label On Battery\n"; print "onBattery.type GAUGE\n"; print "onBattery.draw LINE4\n"; print "onBattery.min 0\n"; print "onBattery.max 1\n"; print "softwareBypass.label Software Bypass\n"; print "softwareBypass.type GAUGE\n"; print "softwareBypass.draw LINE3\n"; print "off.label Off\n"; print "off.type GAUGE\n"; print "off.draw LINE3\n"; print "rebooting.label Rebooting\n"; print "rebooting.type GAUGE\n"; print "rebooting.draw LINE3\n"; print "switchedBypass.label Switched Bypass\n"; print "switchedBypass.type GAUGE\n"; print "switchedBypass.draw LINE3\n"; print "hardwareFailureBypass.label HW Failure Bypass\n"; print "hardwareFailureBypass.type GAUGE\n"; print "hardwareFailureBypass.draw LINE3\n"; } elsif ($type eq "temp") { $vLabel = "Temperature, C"; $hLabel = "Temperature"; $graph_args = "--upper-limit 35 -l 15"; print "graph_order batt sens1\n"; print "batt.label Battery temperature\n"; print "batt.type GAUGE\n"; print "batt.info Battery temperature.\n"; print "batt.draw LINE2\n"; print "batt.warning 15:30\n"; print "sens1.label Sensor temperature\n"; print "sens1.type GAUGE\n"; print "sens1.info Sensor temperature.\n"; print "sens1.draw LINE2\n"; print "sens1.warning 15:30\n"; print "sens1.critical 10:40\n"; } elsif ($type eq "load") { $vLabel = "Percent"; $hLabel = "UPS load and Batt. capacity "; $graph_args = "--upper-limit 110 -l 0"; # --rigid print "graph_order load bcap\n"; print "load.label UPS load\n"; print "load.type GAUGE\n"; print "load.info UPS load.\n"; print "load.draw AREA\n"; print "load.warning 85\n"; print "load.critical 95\n"; print "bcap.label Battery capacity\n"; print "bcap.type GAUGE\n"; print "bcap.info Battery capacity.\n"; print "bcap.draw LINE2\n"; print "bcap.warning 20:\n"; print "bcap.critical 10:\n"; } elsif ($type eq "curr") { $vLabel = "Ampers"; $hLabel = "Current"; print "out.label Output\n"; print "out.type GAUGE\n"; print "out.info Output current\n"; print "out.draw LINE2\n"; } ## common part print "host_name $host\n" unless $host eq 'localhost'; my @response = getSnmpValueArr (\@snmpParam,\@modelList); $response[0] =~ s/[\" ]//g; # Ditch the quotes. $response[1] =~ s/[\" ]//g; my $rest = $response[2] /6000; $model = "$response[0] [$response[1]] "; print "graph_title $hLabel, $response[0]\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000 $graph_args\n"; print "graph_vlabel $vLabel\n"; print "graph_category Ups\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows the $hLabel ($vLabel) of $model
Onbattery remaining runtime $rest minutes.\n"; #all ok exit 0; } # Get results my @response = getSnmpValueArr (\@snmpParam,\@oidsList); if ($type eq "volt") { print "out.value $response[0]\n"; print "in.value $response[1]\n"; print "inmax.value $response[2]\n"; print "inmin.value $response[3]\n"; } elsif ($type eq "freq") { print "out.value $response[0]\n"; print "in.value $response[1]\n"; } elsif ($type eq "status") { my $unknown = $response[0]==1 || 0; my $onLine = $response[0]==2 || 0; my $onBattery = $response[0]==3 || 0; my $softwareBypass = $response[0]==6 || 0; my $off = $response[0]==7 || 0; my $rebooting = $response[0]==8 || 0; my $switchedBypass = $response[0]==9 || 0; my $hardwareFailureBypass = $response[0]==10 || 0; print "state.value $response[0]\n"; print "unknown.value $unknown\n"; print "onLine.value $onLine\n"; print "onBattery.value $onBattery\n"; print "softwareBypass.value $softwareBypass\n"; print "off.value $off\n"; print "rebooting.value $rebooting\n"; print "switchedBypass.value $switchedBypass\n"; print "hardwareFailureBypass.value $hardwareFailureBypass\n"; } elsif ($type eq "temp") { print "batt.value $response[0]\n"; print "sens1.value $response[1]\n"; } elsif ($type eq "load") { print "load.value $response[0]\n"; print "bcap.value $response[1]\n"; } elsif ($type eq "curr") { print "out.value $response[0]\n"; } sub getSnmpValueArr { my ($param, $oidlist ) = @_; my @result; foreach my $oid (@$oidlist) { push ( @result, getSnmpValue($param,$oid) ); } chomp @result; return @result; } # # (\(community,IP),OID) sub getSnmpValue { my ($param, $oid) = @_; my ($comm, $ip) = @$param; return `/usr/local/bin/bsnmpget -n -o quiet -s ${comm}\@${ip} -v 1 $oid`; } __END__