#! @@PERL@@ -w # -*- perl -*- =head1 NAME sendmail_mailq =head1 APPLICABLE SYSTEMS Systems running sendmail as MTA =head1 CONFIGURATION [sendmail_mailq] # shall run as root in order to get access to sendmail queues user root # warning and critical thresholds env.warning 200 env.critical 300 # include total and/or detail of MTA queues # rem : mtatotal is changed to "yes" if both are "no" # in case of just one queue only one is shown env.mtatotal yes env.mtadetail yes # include total and/or detail of MSP queues # rem : mtatotal is changed to "yes" if both are "no" # in case of just one queue only one is shown env.msptotal yes env.mspdetail yes =head1 BUGS/GOTCHAS If you find one, drop a message to the author * The autoconfiguration returns yes if it finds both sendmail mailq and sendmail.cf configuration files. This may be wrong if the system has both postfix and sendmail installed but the enabled MTA is postfix. =head1 AUTHOR Jose-Marcio Martins da Cruz - mailto:Jose-Marcio.Martins@mines-paristech.fr Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris =head1 VERSION 1.0 - Jan, 04, 2014 =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=contrib #%# capabilities=autoconf =cut use strict; use warnings; my $MAILQ = "mailq"; my $SMCF = "/etc/mail/sendmail.cf"; my %EnvConf = ( 'warning' => defined $ENV{'warning'} ? $ENV{'warning'} : '200', 'critical' => defined $ENV{'critical'} ? $ENV{'critical'} : '300' ); foreach my $k (qw(mtatotal mtadetail msptotal mspdetail)) { if (exists $ENV{$k}) { $EnvConf{$k} = $ENV{$k} =~ /^(yes|true|oui|vrai|1)$/i; } else { $EnvConf{$k} = 1; } } if ($#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf") { unless (-f $SMCF) { print "no\n"; exit 0; } unless (system("$MAILQ > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0) { print "no\n"; exit 0; } print "yes\n"; exit 0; } if ($#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] eq "config") { my %MTAQueue = (); my %MSPQueue = (); GetQueue(\%MTAQueue, "", $EnvConf{mtadetail}, $EnvConf{mtatotal}); GetQueue(\%MSPQueue, "-Ac", $EnvConf{mspdetail}, $EnvConf{msptotal}); print </dev/null`; my $totsz = 0; my $ndetail = 0; foreach my $qline (@QUEUE) { if ($qline =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+\((\d+)\s+request.*\)/) { $ndetail++; if ($detail || !$total) { my ($field, $name) = QueueName($1); $h->{$field}{name} = $name; $h->{$field}{value} = $2; $totsz += $2; } next; } if ($qline =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+is\s+empty/) { $ndetail++; if ($detail || !$total) { my ($field, $name) = QueueName($1); $h->{$field}{name} = $name; $h->{$field}{value} = 0; } next; } } if ($total && $ndetail > 1) { $h->{zztotal}{name} = "=== Total ==="; $h->{zztotal}{value} = $totsz; } } sub QueueName { my ($q, undef) = @_; my ($field, $name) = (undef, undef); $name = `basename $q`; chomp $name; $field = $name; $field =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/_/g; return ($field, $name); }