#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (C) 2009 - 2012 Andreas Thienemann # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # """ =head1 NAME snmp__areca_ - Munin plugin to get temperature, voltage or fan speed values from Areca network enabled RAID controllers via SNMP. =head1 APPLICABLE SYSTEMS All machines with a SNMP capable ARECA raid controller. =head1 CONFIGURATION Make sure your Areca controller is accessible via SNMP from the munin host: snmpwalk -v 1 -c snmp_community ip.add.re.ss The plugin is a wildcard plugin and can thus be used to retrieve different values depending on the name of the file. Linking it as snmp_10.8.1.230_areca_fan would retrieve the fan speed values from the Areca controller at Valid values are fan, temp and volt. Add the following to your /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/snmp__areca file: [snmp_ip.add.re.ss_*] community private version 1 Then test the plugin by calling the following commands: munin-run snmp_10.8.1.230_areca_temp config munin-run snmp_10.8.1.230_areca_temp Both commands should output sensible data without failing. =head1 INTERPRETATION The plugin shows the temperature in Celsius or the fanspeed in rotations per minute. =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=contrib #%# capabilities= =head1 VERSION 0.0.1 =head1 BUGS None known. If you know of any, please raise a ticket at https://trac.bawue.org/munin/wiki/areca__snmp_ =head1 AUTHOR Andreas Thienemann =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =cut """ import pprint import time import sys import re import os from pysnmp import v1, v2c, role, asn1 request_conf = { "volt" : { "label" : "Voltages", "vlabel" : "Volt", "graph" : "--base 1000 --logarithmic", "oid" : "." }, "fan" : { "label" : "Fans", "vlabel" : "RPM", "graph" : "--base 1000 -l 0", "oid" : "." }, "temp" : { "label" : "Temperatures", "vlabel" : "Celsius", "graph" : "--base 1000 -l 0", "oid" : "." } } # Sanity check and parsing of the commandline host = None port = 161 request = None try: match = re.search("^(?:|.*\/)snmp_([^_]+)_areca_(.+)$", sys.argv[0]) host = match.group(1) request = match.group(2) match = re.search("^([^:]+):(\d+)$", host) if match is not None: host = match.group(1) port = match.group(2) except: pass if host is None or request is None: print "# Error: Incorrect filename. Cannot parse host or request." sys.exit(1) # Parse env variables if os.getenv("community") is not None: community = os.getenv("community") else: community = "public" if os.getenv("version") is not None: version = os.getenv("version") else: version = "1" def get_data(): # Fetch the data results = snmpwalk(request_conf[request]["oid"]) # parse data vals = [] for i in range(0, len(results)): idx, res = results[i][0].split(request_conf[request]["oid"])[1].split(".")[1:], results[i][1] if idx[1] == '1': vals.append([]) vals[int(idx[2])-1].append(res) if idx[1] == '2': vals[int(idx[2])-1].append(res) if idx[1] == '3': if request == "volt": res = float(res)/1000 vals[int(idx[2])-1].append(res) return vals def snmpwalk(root): # Create SNMP manager object client = role.manager((host, port)) # Create a SNMP request&response objects from protocol version # specific module. try: req = eval('v' + version).GETREQUEST() nextReq = eval('v' + version).GETNEXTREQUEST() rsp = eval('v' + version).GETRESPONSE() except (NameError, AttributeError): print '# Unsupported SNMP protocol version: %s\n%s' % (version, usage) sys.exit(-1) # Store tables headers head_oids = [root] encoded_oids = map(asn1.OBJECTID().encode, head_oids) result = []; while 1: # Encode OIDs, encode SNMP request message and try to send # it to SNMP agent and receive a response (answer, src) = client.send_and_receive(req.encode(community=community, encoded_oids=encoded_oids)) # Decode SNMP response rsp.decode(answer) # Make sure response matches request (request IDs, communities, etc) if req != rsp: raise 'Unmatched response: %s vs %s' % (str(req), str(rsp)) # Decode BER encoded Object IDs. oids = map(lambda x: x[0], map(asn1.OBJECTID().decode, rsp['encoded_oids'])) # Decode BER encoded values associated with Object IDs. vals = map(lambda x: x[0](), map(asn1.decode, rsp['encoded_vals'])) # Check for remote SNMP agent failure if rsp['error_status']: # SNMP agent reports 'no such name' when walk is over if rsp['error_status'] == 2: # Switch over to GETNEXT req on error # XXX what if one of multiple vars fails? if not (req is nextReq): req = nextReq continue # One of the tables exceeded for l in oids, vals, head_oids: del l[rsp['error_index']-1] else: raise 'SNMP error #' + str(rsp['error_status']) + ' for OID #' + str(rsp['error_index']) # Exclude completed OIDs while 1: for idx in range(len(head_oids)): if not asn1.OBJECTID(head_oids[idx]).isaprefix(oids[idx]): # One of the tables exceeded for l in oids, vals, head_oids: del l[idx] break else: break if not head_oids: return result # Print out results for (oid, val) in map(None, oids, vals): result.append((oid, str(val))) # print oid + ' ---> ' + str(val) # BER encode next SNMP Object IDs to query encoded_oids = map(asn1.OBJECTID().encode, oids) # Update request object req['request_id'] = req['request_id'] + 1 # Switch over GETNEXT PDU for if not done if not (req is nextReq): req = nextReq raise "error" def print_config(): print "graph_title " + request_conf[request]["label"] print "graph_vlabel " + request_conf[request]["vlabel"] print "graph_args " + request_conf[request]["graph"] print "graph_category sensors" print "host_name", host for dataset in get_data(): if request == "volt": if dataset[1] == "Battery Status": continue else: print request + dataset[0] + ".label", dataset[1] ref_val = float(dataset[1].split()[-1][:-1]) print request + dataset[0] + ".warning", str(ref_val * 0.95) + ":" + str(ref_val * 1.05) print request + dataset[0] + ".critical", str(ref_val * 0.80) + ":" + str(ref_val * 1.20) if request == "temp": print request + dataset[0] + ".label", dataset[1] if dataset[1].startswith("CPU"): print request + dataset[0] + ".warning", 55 print request + dataset[0] + ".critical", 60 if dataset[1].startswith("System"): print request + dataset[0] + ".warning", 40 print request + dataset[0] + ".critical", 45 if request == "fan": print request + dataset[0] + ".label", dataset[1] print request + dataset[0] + ".warning", 2400 print request + dataset[0] + ".critical", 2000 sys.exit(0) if "config" in sys.argv[1:]: print_config() elif "snmpconf" in sys.argv[1:]: print "require" sys.exit(0) else: for dataset in get_data(): # Filter Battery Status (255 == Not installed) if request == "volt" and dataset[1] == "Battery Status": continue print request + dataset[0] + ".value", dataset[2] sys.exit(0)