#!/bin/bash if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then echo "yes" exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo "graph_title OSSEC Active Response" echo "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0" echo "graph_vlabel Number of responses" echo "graph_category security" echo "graph_scale no" echo "c_add_actions.label rules added" echo "c_add_actions.draw LINE2" echo 'c_add_actions.min 0' echo "c_del_actions.label rules deleted" echo "c_del_actions.draw LINE2" echo 'c_del_actions.min 0' exit 0 fi ### Deleting temporary log files from last run rm -f /tmp/ossecactive.log logdir="/var/ossec/logs" ### day of moth needs to be space padded month="$(date "+%b")"; day="$(date "+%e")";year="$(date "+%Y")"; search1="$month $day" ### for loop for grepping the last 5 min of logs and copy it to /tmp for (( i = 5; i >=0; i-- )) ; do grep $(date "+%R" -d "-$i min") $logdir/active-responses.log | grep "$search1" | grep "$year" >> /tmp/ossecactive.log done ### End for loop ### count the lines for each action in the temporary log file NB_ADD=`cat /tmp/ossecactive.log | grep add | wc -l` NB_DEL=`cat /tmp/ossecactive.log | grep del | wc -l` echo "c_add_actions.value ${NB_ADD}" echo "c_del_actions.value ${NB_DEL}" exit 0