#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Plugin to monior the Wua.la Linux client # for shared, social storage from http://wua.la. # # Author: Dominik Schulz # URL: http://developer.gauner.org/munin/ # # Configuration: # # Set env.wualadir , e.g. /home/fred/wuala # and user fred. Please note, that if you don't run this # plugin as the correct user it won't work, since the # wualacmd command will only work when running as the correct user. # # The Plugin tries to detect if wuala is running and will # report unknown (U) as values if it is not running. # # This is a dual-personality plugin. If the file- or # softlink-name of this plugin ends in _storage it will report # the storage values and if it ends in _uptime it will report the # uptime. # # Example Configuration: # # [wuala*] # user fred # env.wualadir /home/fred/wuala # # Parameters: # # config (required) # my $wualadir = $ENV{wualadir}; if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf") { print "no\n"; exit 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") { if($0 =~ /.*_uptime/) { print "graph_args -l0 --vertical-label %\n"; print "graph_title Wuala Uptime\n"; print "graph_category backup\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows the Wua.la uptime\n"; print "uptime.label Uptime\n"; print "uptime.draw LINE2\n"; print "uptime.info Uptime of the Wua.la Client on this computer.\n"; } elsif($0 =~ /.*_storage/) { print "graph_args --base 1024 -l 0 --vertical-label GB\n"; print "graph_title Wuala Storage\n"; print "graph_category backup\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows several storage related statistics of Wua.la.\n"; print "limit.label Local Storage Limit\n"; print "limit.draw LINE2\n"; print "limit.info Local shared storage.\n"; print "earned.label Local Earned Storage\n"; print "earned.draw LINE2\n"; print "earned.info Sum of local earned storage.\n"; print "local.label Remote earned storage.\n"; print "local.draw LINE1\n"; print "local.info Storage earned on other nodes.\n"; print "quota.label Sum of available storage.\n"; print "quota.draw LINE2\n"; print "quota.info The sum of the available storage.\n"; print "used.label Used storage.\n"; print "used.draw LINE2\n"; print "used.info The amount of free storage.\n"; } } else { if($0 =~ /.*_uptime/) { get_uptime(); } elsif($0 =~ /.*_storage/) { get_storage(); } } # Report the wua.la storage # values. sub get_storage { my $limit = U; my $earned = U; my $localStored = U; my $quota = U; my $used = U; if(is_running()) { chdir($wualadir); open(WUALA, "$wualadir/wualacmd tradeStats |"); while(my $line = ) { #print "D: ".$line; if ($line =~ /Current limit/) { $line =~ s/Current limit: ([0-9]*.?[0-9]*) GB/$1/i; $limit = trim($line); #print "Current limit: ".$limit."\n"; } elsif ($line =~ /Earned storage:/) { $line =~ s/Earned storage: ([0-9]*.?[0-9]*) GB/$1/i; $earned = trim($line); #print "Earned: ".$earned."\n"; } elsif ($line =~ /Locally stored data/) { $line =~ s/Locally stored data .*: ([0-9]*.?[0-9]*) GB/$1/i; $localStored = trim($line); #print "Local data: ".$localStored."\n"; } } close(WUALA); open(WUALA, "$wualadir/wualacmd showQuota |"); while(my $line = ) { #print "D: ".$line; if($line =~ /Quota:/) { $line =~ s/Quota: ([0-9]*.[0-9]*) GB/$1/i; $quota = trim($line); #print "Quota: ".$quota."\n"; } elsif ($line =~ /List use/) { $line =~ s/List use: ([0-9]*.?[0-9]*) GB/$1/i; $used = trim($line); #print "Used: $used\n"; } } close(WUALA); } print "limit.value $limit\n"; print "earned.value $earned\n"; print "local.value $localStored\n"; print "quota.value $quota\n"; print "used.value $used\n"; } # Return the wua.la uptime in percent of day. sub get_uptime { my $uptime = U; if(is_running()) { chdir($wualadir); open(WUALA, "$wualadir/wualacmd tradeStats |"); while(my $line = ) { #print "D: ".$line; if($line =~ /Average online time/) { $line =~ s/Average online time: ([0-9]*.[0-9]*)%/$1/i; $uptime = trim($line); } } close(WUALA); } print "uptime.value $uptime\n"; } # Determine if wua.la is running. sub is_running { $output = qx(ps aux | grep loader2.jar); if($output =~ /java/) { return 1; } } # Remove whitespaces (inclduing tabs and newlines) from the # given string. sub trim { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/^\s+//; $string =~ s/\s+$//; return $string; }