#!/bin/sh # -*- sh -*- # # This plugin is based on the if_ plugin. # # Parameters # None # # Magic markers (optional - used by munin-config and some installation # scripts): # #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf suggest DEVICE=${0##*/tc_} mytc() { /sbin/tc -s class show dev "$1" | tr "\n" "|" | sed -e "s/ \+/ /g; s/ |/|/g; s/| /|/g; s/||/\n/g; s/|/ /g" | tr ":" "_" | grep -v -i sfq | sort -n } case "$1" in autoconf) if [ -r /proc/net/dev ]; then echo yes exit 0 else echo "no (/proc/net/dev not found)" exit 1 fi ;; suggest) if [ -r /proc/net/dev ]; then awk ' /^ *(eth|tap|bond|wlan|ath|ra|sw)[0-9]+:/ { split($0, a, /: */); gsub(/^ +/,"",a[1]); if (($2 > 0) || ($10 > 0)) print a[1]; }' /proc/net/dev fi exit 0 ;; config) echo "graph_order $(mytc "$DEVICE" | awk '{ print $2 "_" $3 }' | tr "\n" " ")" echo "graph_title $DEVICE TC traffic" echo 'graph_args --base 1000' echo 'graph_vlabel bits per ${graph_period}' echo 'graph_category network' echo "graph_info This graph shows the TC classes traffic of the $DEVICE network interface. Please note that the traffic is shown in bits per second, not bytes." # the root(s) mytc "$DEVICE" | grep -v " parent " | tr "_" " " | awk '{ print $2 "_" $3 "_" $4 ".label " $2 "/" $3 ":" $4; print $2 "_" $3 "_" $4 ".type DERIVE"; print $2 "_" $3 "_" $4 ".min 0"; print $2 "_" $3 "_" $4 ".cdef " $2 "_" $3 "_" $4 ",8,*"; }' # TODO: only AREASTACK things with no children # the child(s) mytc "$DEVICE" | grep " parent " | tr "_" " " | awk '{ print $2 "_" $3 "_" $4 ".label " $2 "/" $3 ":" $4; print $2 "_" $3 "_" $4 ".type DERIVE"; print $2 "_" $3 "_" $4 ".min 0"; print $2 "_" $3 "_" $4 ".cdef " $2 "_" $3 "_" $4 ",8,*"; print $2 "_" $3 "_" $4 ".draw AREASTACK"; }' exit 0 ;; esac # the root(s) mytc "$DEVICE" | grep -v " parent " | awk '{ split(substr($0, match($0, /[0-9]+ [Bb]ytes/)), a, " "); print $2 "_" $3 ".value " a[1]; }' # the child(s) mytc "$DEVICE" | grep " parent " | awk '{ split(substr($0, match($0, /[0-9]+ [Bb]ytes/)), a, " "); print $2 "_" $3 ".value " a[1]; }' exit 0