# -*- perl -*- use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use File::Find (); use Capture::Tiny ':all'; use vars qw/*name *dir *prune/; *name = *File::Find::name; *dir = *File::Find::dir; *prune = *File::Find::prune; my $num_plugins = 0; sub wanted { my ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $interpreter, $arguments ); ( ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid ) = lstat($_) ) && -f _ && ( ( $interpreter, $arguments ) = hashbang("$_") ) && ($interpreter) && ++$num_plugins && process_file( $_, $name, $interpreter, $arguments ); } File::Find::find( { wanted => \&wanted }, 'plugins' ); sub hashbang { my ($filename) = @_; open my $file, '<', $filename; my $firstline = <$file>; close $file; $firstline =~ m{ ^\#! # hashbang \s* # optional space (?:/usr/bin/env\s+)? # optional /usr/bin/env (?\S+) # interpreter (?:\s+ (?[^\n]*) # optional interpreter arguments )? }xms; return ( $+{interpreter}, $+{arguments} ); } sub process_file { my ( $file, $filename, $interpreter, $arguments ) = @_; use v5.10.1; if ( ! -x $file ) { # missing executable flag diag( sprintf("\nFile '%s' lacks executable permission bits. Maybe try 'chmod +x $file'?\n", $file) ); } elsif ( $interpreter =~ m{/bin/sh} ) { subtest $filename => sub { plan tests => 2; run_check( { command => [ 'sh', '-n', $file ], description => 'sh syntax check' } ); my $checkbashisms_location = `command -v checkbashisms 2>/dev/null`; chomp($checkbashisms_location); my $command; if ($checkbashisms_location ne "") { # monkey-patch "checkbashisms" in order to allow "command -v" # see https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/85250: "command -v" vs. which/hash/... # see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=733511 my $run_modified_checkbashisms = q/sed 's#command\\\s+-\[\^p\]#command\s+-[^pvV]#'/ . " '$checkbashisms_location' | perl - '$file'"; $command = [ 'sh', '-c', $run_modified_checkbashisms ]; } else { # make sure that the non-confusing "checkbashisms not found" message is displayed $command = [ 'checkbashisms', $file ]; } run_check( { command => $command, description => 'checkbashisms' } ); }; } elsif ( $interpreter =~ m{/bin/ksh} ) { subtest $filename => sub { plan tests => 2; run_check( { command => [ 'ksh', '-n', $file ], description => 'ksh syntax check', filename => $filename } ); run_check( { command => [ 'shellcheck', $file ], description => 'shellcheck' } ); } } elsif ( $interpreter =~ m{bash} ) { run_check( { command => [ 'bash', '-n', $file ], description => 'bash syntax check', filename => $filename } ); } elsif ( $interpreter =~ m{/bin/zsh} ) { run_check( { command => [ 'zsh', '-n', $file ], description => 'zsh syntax check', filename => $filename } ); } elsif ( $interpreter =~ m{perl} ) { my $command; if ( $arguments =~ m{-.*T}mx ) { $command = [ 'perl', '-cwT', $file ]; } else { $command = [ 'perl', '-cw', $file ]; } run_check( { command => $command, description => 'perl syntax check', filename => $filename } ); } elsif ( $interpreter =~ m{python3} ) { run_check( { command => [ 'python3', '-m', 'py_compile', $file ], description => 'python3 compile', filename => $filename } ); } elsif ( $interpreter =~ m{python} ) { run_check( { command => [ 'python', '-m', 'py_compile', $file ], description => 'python compile', filename => $filename } ); } elsif ( $interpreter =~ m{php} ) { run_check( { command => [ 'php', '-l', $file ], description => 'php syntax check', filename => $filename } ); } elsif ( $interpreter =~ m{j?ruby} ) { run_check( { command => [ 'ruby', '-cw', $file ], description => 'ruby syntax check', filename => $filename } ); } elsif ( $interpreter =~ m{gawk} ) { run_check( { command => [ 'gawk', '--source', 'BEGIN { exit(0) } END { exit(0) }', '--file', $file ], description => 'gawk syntax check', filename => $filename } ); } elsif ( $interpreter =~ m{expect} ) { SKIP: { skip 'no idea how to check expect scripts', 1; pass("No pretending everything is ok"); } } else { fail( $filename . " unknown interpreter " . $interpreter ); } } sub run_check { my ($args) = @_; my $check_command = $args->{command}; my $description = $args->{description}; my $filename = $args->{filename}; my $message; if ($filename) { $message = sprintf( '%s: %s', $filename, $description ); } else { $message = $description; } my ( $stdout, $stderr, $exit ) = capture { system( @{$check_command} ); }; ok( ( $exit == 0 ), $message ); if ($exit) { diag( sprintf( "\nCommand: %s\n\nSTDOUT:\n\n%s\n\nSTDERR:\n\n%s\n\n", join( " ", @{$check_command} ), $stdout, $stderr ) ); } } done_testing($num_plugins);