#!/usr/bin/perl # munin plugin for BalanceNG # https://www.inlab.de/load-balancer/index.html # # (w) 2015 by Rhonda D'Vine # (c) 2015 by strg.at GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, # 1991. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA use warnings; use strict; use Munin::Plugin; my $host; my %servers; my %targets; # we support autoconf #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf suggest # Check for multigraph capabilities need_multigraph(); # Handle munin 'autoconf' command do_autoconf() if ( $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf' ); # Fetch data values do_fetch_values(); # Handle munin 'config' command # This can only be done after getting the data if ( defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'config' ) { do_config(); } generate_output(); exit 0; sub do_autoconf { # {{{ check if we can offer autoconf print (-x '/sbin/bng' ? "yes\n" : "no\n"); exit 0; } # }}} sub do_fetch_values { # {{{ fetch all the names and values needed ## MIBs from https://www.inlab.de/load-balancer/BalanceNG-V3-Manual.pdf # node name open READ, "/sbin/bng -g . |" || die "$0: can't fork bng: $!\n"; ; ; $host = ; chomp $host; close READ; my $next; # server names $next = '.'; while (open READ, "/sbin/bng -n $next |") { $next = ; chomp $next; if ($next !~ /^\.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.2771\.1\.60\.3/) { close READ; last; } ; my $name = ; chomp $name; push @{$servers{name}}, clean_fieldname($name); close READ; } # server sent bytes $next = '.'; while (open READ, "/sbin/bng -n $next |") { $next = ; chomp $next; if ($next !~ /^\.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.2771\.1\.60\.15/) { close READ; last; } ; my $name = ; chomp $name; push @{$servers{sent}}, $name; $servers{senttotal} += $name; close READ; } # server recv bytes $next = '.'; while (open READ, "/sbin/bng -n $next |") { $next = ; chomp $next; if ($next !~ /^\.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.2771\.1\.60\.17/) { close READ; last; } ; my $name = ; chomp $name; push @{$servers{recv}}, $name; $servers{recvtotal} += $name; close READ; } # target names $next = '.'; while (open READ, "/sbin/bng -n $next |") { $next = ; chomp $next; if ($next !~ /^\.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.2771\.1\.70\.3/) { close READ; last; } ; my $name = ; chomp $name; push @{$targets{name}}, clean_fieldname($name); close READ; } # target sent bytes $next = '.'; while (open READ, "/sbin/bng -n $next |") { $next = ; chomp $next; if ($next !~ /^\.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.2771\.1\.70\.27/) { close READ; last; } ; my $name = ; chomp $name; push @{$targets{sent}}, $name; $targets{senttotal} += $name; close READ; } # target recv bytes $next = '.'; while (open READ, "/sbin/bng -n $next |") { $next = ; chomp $next; if ($next !~ /^\.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.2771\.1\.70\.29/) { close READ; last; } ; my $name = ; chomp $name; push @{$targets{recv}}, $name; $targets{recvtotal} += $name; close READ; } } # }}} sub do_config { # {{{ write out the configuration print <<"EOF"; multigraph bng graph_title Bng Throughput graph_order sent recv graph_args --base 1000 -l 0 graph_vlabel Packets/\${graph_period} graph_category network graph_info this graph shows the outbound traffic for $host sent.label Sent sent.draw AREA sent.type DERIVE sent.min 0 recv.label Received recv.draw AREA recv.type DERIVE recv.min 0 EOF foreach my $interface (@{$servers{name}}, @{$targets{name}}) { print <<"EOF"; multigraph bng.${interface} graph_title Interface $interface traffic graph_order sent recv graph_args --base 1000 -l 0 graph_vlabel Packets/\${graph_period} graph_category network graph_info this graph shows the total traffic for ${interface} sent.label ${interface}_Sent sent.draw AREA sent.type DERIVE sent.min 0 recv.label ${interface}_Received recv.draw AREA recv.type DERIVE recv.min 0 EOF } exit 0; } # }}} sub generate_output { # {{{ write out the data print <<"EOF"; multigraph bng sent.value $servers{senttotal} recv.value $servers{recvtotal} EOF my $i; $i = 0; foreach my $interface (@{$servers{name}}) { print <<"EOF"; multigraph bng.${interface} sent.value $servers{sent}[$i] recv.value $servers{recv}[$i] EOF $i++; } $i = 0; foreach my $interface (@{$targets{name}}) { print <<"EOF"; multigraph bng.${interface} sent.value $targets{sent}[$i] recv.value $targets{recv}[$i] EOF $i++; } } # }}} # vim:fdm=marker: