#!/usr/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME nginx_hitmiss - Munin plugin to show hit rate of nginx proxy cache =head1 APPLICABLE SYSTEMS nginx caching proxy =head1 CONFIGURATION File::ReadBackwards is used and must be installed. You can override the log file location. [nginx*] env.logfile /var/log/nginx/cache-access.log Nginx must be configured to include "cs=$upstream_cache_status" in the log file. Example format: log_format cache '$remote_addr - $host [$time_local] "$request" $status ' '$body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' 'rt=$request_time ut="$upstream_response_time" ' 'cs=$upstream_cache_status'; By default the last 1000 log lines are read, you may want to change this. =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf =head1 LICENSE BSD =cut use File::ReadBackwards; my $line_counter=1000; my $LOG = exists $ENV{'logfile'} ? $ENV{'logfile'} : "/var/log/nginx/cache-access.log"; if ( exists $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf" ) { unless (-r $LOG) { print "$LOG not readable\n"; exit 0; } else { print "yes\n"; exit 0; } } if ( exists $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) { print "graph_title NGINX hit rates\n"; print "graph_args -l 0 -u 100 --rigid\n"; print "graph_category nginx\n"; print "graph_vlabel %\n"; print "hit.label Hits\n"; print "hit.draw AREA\n"; print "hit.min 0\n"; print "hit.cdef hit,$line_counter,/,100,*\n"; print "miss.label Misses\n"; print "miss.draw STACK\n"; print "miss.min 0\n"; print "miss.cdef miss,$line_counter,/,100,*\n"; print "expired.label Expired Objects\n"; print "expired.draw STACK\n"; print "expired.min 0\n"; print "expired.cdef expired,$line_counter,/,100,*\n"; exit 0; } my ($e,$h,$m) = (0,0,0); my $file_counter=0; FILE: while ($line_counter > 0) { my $file_extension = $file_counter==0? "" : ".$file_counter"; my $lh= File::ReadBackwards->new( "$LOG$file_extension" ) or ( warn "$line_counter lines to read, but $LOG$file_extension: $!" and last FILE); $file_counter++; while (defined ($_= $lh->readline)) { $line_counter--; /cs=HIT/ and $h++; /cs=MISS/ and $m++; /cs=EXPIRED/ and $e++; last FILE if $line_counter==0; } $lh->close(); } print "hit.value $h\n"; print "miss.value $m\n"; print "expired.value $e\n";