#!/bin/sh # # Plugin to graph numeric result of the specified MySQL queries. # # Parameters: # # config (required) # autoconf (optional - used by lrrd-config) # # Configuration example # # [mysql_report] # env.names query1 query2 # env.hostname www.example.com # env.database mysql # env.username report # env.password secret # env.errorvalue 60 # env.max 120 # # env.label_query1 Example query#1 (number of users) # env.hostname_query1 www1.example.com # env.draw_query1 AREA # env.colour_query1 FF0000 # env.database_query1 mysql # env.username_query1 user1 # env.password_query1 secret1 # env.query_query1 select count(*) from `exampledb`.`users` # env.warning_query1 5 # env.critical_query1 8 # # env.label_query2 Example query#2 (number of successful logins) # env.query_query2 select count(*) from `exampledb`.`login_log` # env.type_query2 DERIVE # env.draw_query2 LINE2 # env.colour_query2 000080 # env.mysqlopts_query2 --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf --port=4507 # # env.cdefnames cdef1 # env.cdef_cdef1 result1,result2,+ # env.cdeflbl_cdef1 Users and successful logins sum # # $Log$ # # Revision 1.0 2010/04/19 14:18:32 muzso@muzso.hu # Initial version # # Revision 1.01 2010/7/14 oded@pageonce.com #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf mysqlbin=$(which mysql) default_errorvalue=30 default_title="Results from MySQL queries" default_vlabel="value / sec" default_info="This graph shows results of one or more SQL queries." default_args="--base 1000 -l 0" default_scale="no" if [ "${1}" = "autoconf" ]; then result=0 if [ -z "${mysqlbin}" ]; then echo "no" else echo "yes" fi exit $result fi if [ -z "${names}" ]; then echo "Configuration required" exit 1 fi [ -n "${errorvalue}" ] || errorvalue=${default_errorvalue} [ -n "${title}" ] || title="${default_title}" [ -n "${vlabel}" ] || vlabel="${default_vlabel}" [ -n "${info}" ] || info="${default_info}" [ -n "${args}" ] || args="${default_args}" [ -n "${scale}" ] || scale="${default_scale}" if [ "${1}" = "config" ]; then cat << EOH1 graph_title ${title} graph_args ${args} graph_scale ${scale} graph_vlabel ${vlabel} graph_category db graph_info ${info} EOH1 [ -n "${period}" ] && echo "graph_period ${period}" I=1 for name in ${names}; do eval iquery='${query_'${name}'}' if [ -n "${iquery}" ]; then eval ilabel='${label_'${name}':-host${I}}' eval iwarning='${warning_'${name}':-${warning}}' eval icritical='${critical_'${name}':-${critical}}' eval imax='${max_'${name}':-${max}}' eval itype='${type_'${name}':-${type}}' eval idraw='${draw_'${name}':-${draw}}' eval icolour='${colour_'${name}':-${colour}}' iquery=$(echo "${iquery}" | tr '\n\r' ' ') cat << EOH2 result${I}.label ${ilabel} result${I}.info Result of the query: ${iquery} result${I}.min 0 EOH2 [ -n "${imax}" ] && echo "result${I}.max ${imax}" [ -n "${itype}" ] && echo "result${I}.type ${itype}" [ -n "${idraw}" ] && echo "result${I}.draw ${idraw}" [ -n "${icolour}" ] && echo "result${I}.colour ${icolour}" [ -n "${iwarning}" ] && echo "result${I}.warning ${iwarning}" [ -n "${icritical}" ] && echo "result${I}.critical ${icritical}" I=$((I+1)) fi done for cdefname in ${cdefnames} ;do eval icdef='${cdef_'${cdefname}'}' if [ -n "${icdef}" ]; then eval icdeflbl='${cdeflbl_'${cdefname}':-${cdeflbl}}' cat << EOH4 ${cdefname}.cdef ${icdef} ${cdefname}.label ${icdeflbl} EOH4 fi done exit 0 fi I=1 for name in ${names}; do eval iquery='${query_'${name}'}' if [ -n "${iquery}" ]; then eval ihostname='${hostname_'${name}':-${hostname}}' [ -n "${ihostname}" ] && opts="${opts} --host=${ihostname}" eval idatabase='${database_'${name}':-${database}}' eval iusername='${username_'${name}':-${username}}' [ -n "${iusername}" ] && opts="${opts} --user=${iusername}" eval ipassword='${password_'${name}':-${password}}' [ -n "${ipassword}" ] && opts="${opts} --password=${ipassword}" eval ierrorvalue='${errorvalue_'${name}':-${errorvalue}}' eval imysqlopts='${mysqlopts_'${name}':-${mysqlopts}}' iquery=$(echo "${iquery}" | tr '\n\r' ' ') #echo "The command to be executed: echo \"${iquery}\" | ${mysqlbin} ${imysqlopts} --batch --skip-column-names ${opts} ${idatabase} 2>&1" output=$(echo "${iquery}" | ${mysqlbin} ${imysqlopts} --batch --skip-column-names ${opts} ${idatabase} 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 -a ${ierrorvalue} -ne 0 ]; then result=${ierrorvalue} else result=$(echo "${output}" | head -n 1 | sed 's/^\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/') fi echo "result${I}.value ${result}" I=$((I+1)) fi done