#!/bin/sh #Plugin to monitor the number of healthy and sick backends # # ADMINSERVER= ADMINPORT=2000 if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then echo yes exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo 'graph_title Number of Healthy Backends' echo 'graph_vlabel number of backends' echo 'graph_category varnish' echo 'graph_info This graph shows the number of healthy backends in the system.' echo 'healthy.label Healthy' echo 'healthy.warning 2:' echo 'healthy.critical 1:' echo 'sick.label Sick' exit 0 fi healthyServers=`varnishadm -T ${ADMINSERVER}:${ADMINPORT} debug.health 2>&1 | grep 'is Healthy' | wc -l` sickServers=`varnishadm -T ${ADMINSERVER}:${ADMINPORT} debug.health 2>&1 | grep 'is sick' | wc -l` echo "healthy.value ${healthyServers}" echo "sick.value ${sickServers}"