#!/usr/bin/php -alias ; use suggest to get the list of available aliases * - suggest implementation * - support for solr_(host|port|webapp) environment variables * - default core handling * - error handling * - unit conversion * - use curl to get URL contents instead of relying on allow_url_fopen */ $action = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : ''; $core = null; $category = null; $tabParams = explode('-', $argv[0]); $tabParamsCount = count($tabParams); $pathAliases = array("numDocs" => array("CORE", "searcher", "numDocs"), "avgTimePerRequest" => array("QUERYHANDLER", "/select", "avgTimePerRequest"), "avgRequestsPerSecond" => array("QUERYHANDLER", "/select", "avgRequestsPerSecond"), "errors" => array("QUERYHANDLER", "/select", "errors"), "timeouts" => array("QUERYHANDLER", "/select", "timeouts"), "indexSize" => array("QUERYHANDLER", "/replication", "indexSize"), "queryResultCacheSize" => array("CACHE", "queryResultCache", "size"), "queryResultCacheHitRatio" => array("CACHE", "queryResultCache", "hitratio"), "queryResultCacheLookups" => array("CACHE", "queryResultCache", "lookups"), "queryResultCacheWarmupTime" => array("CACHE", "queryResultCache", "warmupTime"), "documentCacheSize" => array("CACHE", "documentCache", "size"), "documentCacheHitRatio" => array("CACHE", "documentCache", "hitratio"), "documentCacheLookups" => array("CACHE", "documentCache", "lookups"), "documentCacheWarmupTime" => array("CACHE", "documentCache", "warmupTime"), "fieldValueCacheSize" => array("CACHE", "fieldValueCache", "size"), "fieldValueCacheHitRatio" => array("CACHE", "fieldValueCache", "hitratio"), "fieldValueCacheLookups" => array("CACHE", "fieldValueCache", "lookups"), "fieldValueCacheWarmupTime" => array("CACHE", "filterCache", "warmupTime"), "filterCacheSize" => array("CACHE", "filterCache", "size"), "filterCacheHitRatio" => array("CACHE", "filterCache", "hitratio"), "filterCacheLookups" => array("CACHE", "filterCache", "lookups"), "filterCacheWarmupTime" => array("CACHE", "filterCache", "warmupTime")); if ($tabParamsCount == 5) { $core = $tabParams[1]; $category = $tabParams[2]; $item = $tabParams[3]; $property = $tabParams[4]; } elseif ($tabParamsCount == 3) { $core = $tabParams[1]; $pathAlias = $tabParams[2]; } elseif ($tabParamsCount == 2) { $pathAlias = $tabParams[1]; } if (isset($pathAlias)) { if (isset($pathAliases[$pathAlias])) { list($category, $item, $property) = $pathAliases[$pathAlias]; } else { echo "Unknown alias: $pathAlias\n"; exit(1); } } function getenvdef($name, $defaultValue) { $val = getenv($name); if ($val === false) { return $defaultValue; } return $val; } function getSolrAdminUrl($core = null) { $solrHost = getenvdef("solr_host", ""); $solrPort = getenvdef("solr_port", "8080"); $solrWebappName = getenvdef("solr_webapp", "solr"); $url = "http://$solrHost:$solrPort/$solrWebappName/"; if ($core !== null) { $url .= "$core/"; } $url .= "admin"; return $url; } /** * Assure some conversions. KB, MB and GB are converted to Bytes */ function wffloatval($val) { $fVal = floatval(str_replace(",", ".", $val)); $valEnd = substr($val, -2); if ($valEnd == "KB") { $fVal = $fVal * 1024; } elseif ($valEnd == "MB") { $fVal = $fVal * 1048576; } elseif ($valEnd == "GB") { $fVal = $fVal * 1073741824; } return $fVal; } function wfGetUrl($url) { if (extension_loaded("curl")) { $ch = curl_init(); $options = array(CURLOPT_URL => $url); $options[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT] = 5; $options[CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT] = 5; $options[CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER] = true; curl_setopt_array($ch, $options); $content = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } else { $content = file_get_contents($url); } if ($content === false) { throw new Exception("Could not get $url", 8); } return $content; } try { if ("config" == $action) { if ($property == "indexSize") { echo "graph_args --base 1024 -l 0\n"; } echo "graph_category Solr $core\n"; echo "graph_title $item $property\n"; echo "graph_vlabel $property\n"; if ($core !== null) { echo $core; } else { echo "Default_core"; } echo $item . $property . 'solr.label ' . $property . "\n"; } elseif ("suggest" == $action) { $url = getSolrAdminUrl()."/cores?action=STATUS"; $doc = new DOMDocument(); if (!$doc->loadXML(wfGetUrl($url))) { echo "Could not load $url as XML\n"; exit(4); } $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc); $names = $xpath->query("/response/lst[@name='status']/lst/str[@name='name']"); $aliases = array_keys($pathAliases); foreach ($names as $nameAttr) { $coreName = trim($nameAttr->textContent); foreach ($aliases as $alias) { if ($coreName) { echo "$coreName-"; } echo "$alias\n"; } } } else { if ($category === null) { echo "No core defined\n"; exit(5); } $url = getSolrAdminUrl($core)."/stats.jsp"; $doc = new DOMDocument(); if (!$doc->loadXML(wfGetUrl($url))) { echo "Could not load $url as XML\n"; exit(6); } $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc); $elements = $xpath->query('/solr/solr-info/' . $category . '/entry'); foreach($elements as $element) { if($item == trim($element->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->textContent)) { $stats = $element->getElementsByTagName('stat'); foreach($stats as $stat) { if($property == trim($stat->getAttribute('name'))) { echo $core . $item . $property . 'solr.value ' . wffloatval(trim($stat->textContent)) . "\n"; exit(0); } } } } echo "Bad path: $category | $item | $property\n"; exit(7); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "ERROR: ".$e->getMessage()."\n"; $exitCode = ($e->getCode() != 0) ? $e->getCode() : 1; exit($exitCode); }