#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # What is snmp__ipoman_ # ---------------------- # snmp__ipoman is a munin plugin written for the Ingrasys IpomanII 1202 # Power Distribution Unit. It should work on any PDU conforming to # the IPOMANII-MIB. # # How do I use it # --------------- # You can use this plugin on a system with a working munin-node. Here's # how: # # 1. Copy snmp__ipoman_ to the directory where all your munin plugins # reside, for example /usr/share/munin/plugins. # # 2. Make the following symlinks to snmp__ipoman_ in that same directory # # snmp__ipoman_inletcurrent_ # snmp__ipoman_inletpower_ # snmp__ipoman_inletvoltage_ # snmp__ipoman_outletpower_ # snmp__ipoman_outletcurrent_ # # (If you wonder why. I did not manage to make a plugin which has both # the 'snmpconf' and the 'suggest' capabilities. So either I had to make # separate plugins for all graph types, or I would have to make # assumptions on the number of ports and the address of the ipoman in # the script.) # # 3. Change to the directory where the links to munin plugins reside # that are to be run by munin-node, for example /etc/munin/plugins/ # # 4. Run munin-node-configure-snmp: # # $ munin-node-configure-snmp --snmpversion=1 | sh -x # # where is the hostname or ip address of your ipoman. This # will create and print a bunch of symlinks to snmp__ipoman_ which will # output current and power usage for all available outlets of the # ipoman, and current, power usage and voltage/frequency on all inlets # of the ipoman. # # 5. Restart munin-node # # 6. Make an entry in your munin server's munin.conf: # # [] # address
# use_node_name no # # 7. Done. # # Copyright (C) 2009 Rien Broekstra # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, # 1991. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Munin plugin to monitor power consumption and current of the sockets of an # Ingrasys IpomanII 1202 Power Distribution Unit, or any power distribution # unit that conforms to IPOMANII-MIB via SNMP. # # Parameters: # # config # snmpconf # # Relevant OID's under .iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.ingrasys.product.pduAgent.iPoManII # .ipmObjects.ipmDevice.ipmDeviceOutlet.ipmDeviceOutletNumber.0 # .ipmObjects.ipmDevice.ipmDeviceOutlet.ipmDeviceOutletStatusTable.ipmDeviceOutletStatusEntry.outletStatusIndex.1 # .ipmObjects.ipmDevice.ipmDeviceOutlet.ipmDeviceOutletStatusTable.ipmDeviceOutletStatusEntry.outletStatusCurrent.1 # .ipmObjects.ipmDevice.ipmDeviceOutlet.ipmDeviceOutletStatusTable.ipmDeviceOutletStatusEntry.outletStatusKwatt.1 # .ipmObjects.ipmDevice.ipmDeviceOutlet.ipmDeviceOutletStatusTable.ipmDeviceOutletStatusEntry.outletStatusWH.1 # # Version 0.1, Aug 4, 2009 # # # # # # # # # # # MAGIC MARKERS: # #%# family=snmpauto #%# capabilities=snmpconf use strict; use Net::SNMP; my $DEBUG = 0; my $host = $ENV{host} || undef; my $port = $ENV{port} || 161; my $community = $ENV{community} || "public"; my $iface = $ENV{interface} || undef; my $socketnumber; my $response; my $graphtype; # # Infer host, inlet/socketnumber and graphtype from the symlink name to this plugin. # if ($0 =~ /^(?:|.*\/)snmp_([^_]*)_ipoman_([^_]*)_(.*)$/) { $host = $1; $graphtype = $2; $socketnumber = $3; if ($host =~ /^([^:]+):(\d+)$/) { $host = $1; $port = $2; } } if (!defined($graphtype)) { die "# Error: couldn't understand what quantity I'm supposed to monitor."; } # # The relevant OID's on the IPOMAN # my $oid_inletnumber = "."; my $oid_inletindextable = "."; my $oid_inletvoltage = "."; my $oid_inletcurrent = "."; my $oid_inletfrequency = "."; my $oid_inletenergy = "."; my $oid_outletnumber = "."; my $oid_outletindextable = "."; my $oid_outletdescription = "."; my $oid_outletcurrent = "."; my $oid_outletenergy = "."; # FIXME: The voltage is not defined per outlet. For now we just assume that all sockets have the voltage on inlet 1. my $oid_outletvoltage = "."; # # The snmpconf section prints out what oid's we need for the quantity we want to monitor, and where we find out how many ports the device has. # if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "snmpconf") { if ($graphtype eq "inletvoltage") { print "number $oid_inletnumber\n"; print "index $oid_inletindextable\n"; print "require $oid_inletvoltage [0-9]+\n"; print "require $oid_inletfrequency [0-9]+\n"; } elsif ($graphtype eq "inletcurrent") { print "number $oid_inletnumber\n"; print "index $oid_inletindextable\n"; print "require $oid_inletcurrent [0-9]+\n"; } elsif ($graphtype eq "inletpower") { print "number $oid_inletnumber\n"; print "index $oid_inletindextable\n"; print "require $oid_inletvoltage [0-9]+\n"; print "require $oid_inletcurrent [0-9]+\n"; } elsif ($graphtype eq "outletcurrent") { print "number $oid_outletnumber\n"; print "index $oid_outletindextable\n"; print "require $oid_outletcurrent [0-9]+\n"; } elsif ($graphtype eq "outletpower") { print "number $oid_outletnumber\n"; print "index $oid_outletindextable\n"; print "require $oid_outletvoltage [0-9]+\n"; print "require $oid_outletcurrent [0-9]+\n"; } else { print "require dont.graph.anything [0-9]+\n" } exit 0; } # # For all other options we need to connect to the host in our $0. if we cannot, bail out. # if (!defined($host)) { print "# Debug: $0 -- $1 -- $2\n" if $DEBUG; die "# Error: couldn't understand what I'm supposed to monitor."; } my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $host, -community => $community, -port => $port ); if (!defined ($session)) { die "Croaking: $error"; } # # Output graph configuration depending on what quantity we want to plot # if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") { print "host_name $host\n"; if ($graphtype eq "inletvoltage") { print "graph_title Inlet $socketnumber voltage/frequency\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n"; print "graph_category system\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows the tension and frequency to inlet $socketnumber on the Power Distribution Unit\n"; print "voltage.label Tension (V)\n"; print "voltage.draw LINE2\n"; print "voltage.type GAUGE\n"; print "frequency.label Frequency (Hz)\n"; print "frequency.draw LINE2\n"; print "frequency.type GAUGE\n"; } elsif ($graphtype eq "inletcurrent") { print "graph_title Inlet $socketnumber current\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n"; print "graph_category system\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows the delivered current to inlet $socketnumber on the Power Distribution Unit\n"; print "current.label Current (A)\n"; print "current.draw AREA\n"; print "current.type GAUGE\n"; } elsif ($graphtype eq "inletpower") { print "graph_title Inlet $socketnumber power\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n"; print "graph_category system\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows the delivered apparent and real power to inlet $socketnumber of the Power Distribution Unit\n"; print "apparentpower.label Apparent power (kVA)\n"; print "apparentpower.draw LINE3\n"; print "apparentpower.type GAUGE\n"; print "realpower.label Real power (kW)\n"; print "realpower.draw AREA\n"; print "realpower.type COUNTER\n"; exit 0; } elsif ($graphtype eq "outletcurrent") { print "graph_title Outlet $socketnumber current\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n"; print "graph_category system\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows the delivered current to outlet $socketnumber of the Power Distribution Unit\n"; print "current.label Delivered current (A)\n"; print "current.draw AREA\n"; print "current.type GAUGE\n"; } elsif ($graphtype eq "outletpower") { print "graph_title Outlet $socketnumber power\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n"; print "graph_category system\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows the delivered apparent and real power to outlet $socketnumber of the Power Distribution Unit\n"; print "apparentpower.label Apparent power (kVA)\n"; print "apparentpower.draw LINE3\n"; print "apparentpower.type GAUGE\n"; print "realpower.label Real power (kW)\n"; print "realpower.draw AREA\n"; print "realpower.type COUNTER\n"; exit 0; } exit 0; } if ($graphtype eq "inletvoltage") { my ($voltage, $frequency); if (defined ($response = $session->get_request($oid_inletvoltage.$socketnumber))) { $voltage = $response->{$oid_inletvoltage.$socketnumber}; } else { $voltage = 'U'; } if (defined ($response = $session->get_request($oid_inletfrequency.$socketnumber))) { $frequency = $response->{$oid_inletfrequency.$socketnumber}; } else { $frequency = 'U'; } # The IPOMAN returns tension in 0.1V units. # Convert to V if ($voltage ne 'U') { $voltage = $voltage/10; } # The IPOMAN returns frequency in 0.1Hz units. # Convert to Hz if ($frequency ne 'U') { $frequency = $frequency/10; } print "voltage.value ", $voltage, "\n"; print "frequency.value ", $frequency, "\n"; } elsif ($graphtype eq "inletcurrent") { my $current; if (defined ($response = $session->get_request($oid_inletcurrent.$socketnumber))) { $current = $response->{$oid_inletcurrent.$socketnumber}; } else { $current = 'U'; } # The IPOMAN returns power in mA. # Convert to A: # if ($current ne 'U') { $current = $current/1000; } print "current.value ", $current, "\n"; } elsif ($graphtype eq "inletpower") { my ($current, $energy, $voltage, $apparentpower); if (defined ($response = $session->get_request($oid_inletcurrent.$socketnumber))) { $current = $response->{$oid_inletcurrent.$socketnumber}; } else { $current = 'U'; } if (defined ($response = $session->get_request($oid_inletenergy.$socketnumber))) { $energy = $response->{$oid_inletenergy.$socketnumber}; } else { $energy = 'U'; } if (defined ($response = $session->get_request($oid_inletvoltage.$socketnumber))) { $voltage = $response->{$oid_inletvoltage.$socketnumber}; } else { $voltage = 'U'; } # Calculate results # Apparent power (VA)= Voltage (V)* Current(A). # IPOMAN delivers voltage in units of 0.1V. and current in units of mA: if ($current ne 'U' && $voltage ne 'U') { $apparentpower = ($current/1000)*($voltage/10); } # # The IPOMAN returns consumed energy in Wh. We want it in J (= Ws), in order for munin to graph in W. # if ($energy ne 'U') { $energy = $energy*3600; } print "realpower.value ", $energy, "\n"; print "apparentpower.value ", $apparentpower, "\n"; } elsif ($graphtype eq "outletcurrent") { my $current; if (defined ($response = $session->get_request($oid_outletcurrent.$socketnumber))) { $current = $response->{$oid_outletcurrent.$socketnumber}; } else { $current = 'U'; } # The IPOMAN returns power in mA. # Convert to A: # if ($current ne 'U') { $current = $current/1000; } print "current.value ", $current, "\n"; } elsif ($graphtype eq "outletpower") { my ($current, $energy, $voltage, $apparentpower); if (defined ($response = $session->get_request($oid_outletcurrent.$socketnumber))) { $current = $response->{$oid_outletcurrent.$socketnumber}; } else { $current = 'U'; } if (defined ($response = $session->get_request($oid_outletenergy.$socketnumber))) { $energy = $response->{$oid_outletenergy.$socketnumber}; } else { $energy = 'U'; } if (defined ($response = $session->get_request($oid_outletvoltage))) { $voltage = $response->{$oid_outletvoltage}; } else { $voltage = 'U'; } # # Calculate results # Apparent power (VA)= Voltage (V)* Current(A). # IPOMAN delivers voltage in units of 0.1V. and current in units of mA: if ($current ne 'U' && $voltage ne 'U') { $apparentpower = ($current/1000)*($voltage/10); } # # The IPOMAN returns consumed energy in Wh. We want it in J (= Ws), in order for munin to graph in W. # if ($energy ne 'U') { $energy = $energy*3600; } print "realpower.value ", $energy, "\n"; print "apparentpower.value ", $apparentpower, "\n"; } exit 0;