#!/usr/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME Monitor CyberPower UPS Battery Status. =head1 AUTHOR Kai Boenke =head1 LICENSE Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) =back ##### # Enable SNMP-Discovery ### =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=snmpauto #%# capabilities=snmpconf =cut if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "snmpconf") { print "require\n"; exit 0; } ##### # Initialize ### use strict; use Munin::Plugin::SNMP; my $session = Munin::Plugin::SNMP->session(); ##### # Declare OIDs ### use constant oid_cps_battery_runtime => "."; use constant oid_cps_battery_charge => "."; use constant oid_cps_input_voltage => "."; use constant oid_cps_output_voltage => "."; use constant oid_cps_output_load => "."; use constant oid_cps_env_temp => "."; use constant oid_cps_env_humidity => "."; ##### # Config ### if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") { my ($host) = Munin::Plugin::SNMP->config_session(); print "host_name $host\n" unless $host eq 'localhost'; print "multigraph cyberpower_load graph_title CyberPower UPS Status graph_info This graph shows battery status information. graph_category sensors graph_vlabel % graph_args --upper-limit 100 -l 0 graph_scale no "; print "load.label Total load load.draw AREA load.type GAUGE load.min 0 load.max 100 "; print "charge.label Battery charge charge.draw LINE1 charge.type GAUGE charge.min 0 charge.max 100 "; print "multigraph cyberpower_runtime graph_title CyberPower UPS Runtime graph_info This graph shows expected runtime informatiom. graph_category sensors graph_vlabel minutes "; print "runtime.label Expected runtime runtime.draw AREA runtime.type GAUGE "; print "multigraph cyberpower_voltage graph_title CyberPower UPS Voltages graph_info This graph shows voltage information. graph_category sensors graph_vlabel V "; print "input.label Input voltage input.draw LINE2 input.type GAUGE "; print "output.label Output voltage output.draw LINE1 output.type GAUGE "; if(oidExists(oid_cps_env_temp) && oidExists(oid_cps_env_humidity)){ print "multigraph cyberpower_environment graph_title CyberPower UPS Environment graph_info This graph shows environmental status information. graph_category sensors graph_vlabel F/% "; print "temp.label Temperature temp.draw LINE2 temp.type GAUGE "; print "humidity.label Humidity humidity.draw LINE1 humidity.type GAUGE humidity.min 0 humidity.max 100 "; } exit 0; } ##### # Get Values ### print "multigraph cyberpower_load\n"; my $load = $session->get_single(oid_cps_output_load); my $charge = $session->get_single(oid_cps_battery_charge); if($load ne 'U'){ print "load.value ", $load, "\n"; } if($charge ne 'U'){ print "charge.value ", $charge, "\n"; } print "multigraph cyberpower_runtime\n"; my $runtime = $session->get_single(oid_cps_battery_runtime); if($runtime ne 'U'){ print "runtime.value ", $runtime, "\n"; } print "multigraph cyberpower_voltage\n"; my $input = $session->get_single(oid_cps_input_voltage); my $output = $session->get_single(oid_cps_output_voltage); if($input ne 'U'){ print "input.value ", $input, "\n"; } if($output ne 'U'){ print "output.value ", $output, "\n"; } if(oidExists(oid_cps_env_temp) && oidExists(oid_cps_env_humidity)){ print "multigraph cyberpower_environment\n"; my $temp = $session->get_single(oid_cps_env_temp); my $humidity = $session->get_single(oid_cps_env_humidity); if($temp ne 'U'){ $temp /= 10; print "temp.value ", $temp, "\n"; } if($humidity ne 'U'){ print "humidity.value ", $humidity, "\n"; } } ##### # Subroutines ### sub oidExists { if(not defined $_[0]) { exit 0; } my $oid = $_[0]; my $val = $session->get_single($oid); if(!length $val || $val eq 'noSuchInstance' || $val eq 'U'){ return(0); }else{ return(1); } }