#!/usr/bin/php * @version 1.0 2014 * */ $dbh = null; $db = getenv('db'); $type = getenv('type'); $host = getenv('host'); $user = getenv('user'); $pass = getenv('pass'); $table_prefix = getenv('table_prefix'); $port = getenv('port'); if (!$port) $port = 3306; try { $dsn = $type . ':host=' . $host . ';port=' . $port . ';dbname=' . $db; $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Connection failed\n"; exit(1); } $data = array(); if (($stmt = $dbh->query("SELECT COUNT(id) as nbfiles, mimetype, SUM(filesize) as totalfilesize FROM {$table_prefix}files WHERE filesize > 0 GROUP BY mimetype")) !== false) { foreach($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ) as $entry) { $mimetype = preg_split('#/#', $entry->mimetype); if (count($mimetype) > 0) { if (!array_key_exists($mimetype[0], $data)) { $data[$mimetype[0]] = new stdClass(); $data[$mimetype[0]]->totalfiles = 0; $data[$mimetype[0]]->filesize = 0; } $data[$mimetype[0]]->totalfiles += $entry->nbfiles; $data[$mimetype[0]]->filesize += $entry->totalfilesize; } } ksort($data); } if (count($argv) === 2 && $argv[1] === 'config') { echo "multigraph file_number\n"; echo "graph_title Moodle Files Number\n"; echo "graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0\n"; echo "graph_vlabel files\n"; echo "graph_category Moodle\n"; echo "graph_scale no\n"; echo "graph_total total\n"; echo "graph_info Displays the total number of moodle users files and repartition by type\n"; $draw = "AREA"; foreach (array_keys($data) as $mimetype) { echo $mimetype."_number.label $mimetype\n"; echo $mimetype."_number.min 0\n"; echo $mimetype."_number.draw $draw\n"; $draw = "STACK"; } echo "multigraph file_size\n"; echo "graph_title Moodle Files Size\n"; echo "graph_args --base 1024 --lower-limit 0\n"; echo "graph_vlabel size\n"; echo "graph_category Moodle\n"; echo "graph_total total\n"; echo "graph_info Displays the total size of moodle users files and repartition by type\n"; $draw = "AREA"; foreach (array_keys($data) as $mimetype) { echo $mimetype."_size.label $mimetype\n"; echo $mimetype."_size.min 0\n"; echo $mimetype."_size.draw $draw\n"; $draw = "STACK"; } exit(0); } echo "multigraph file_number\n"; echo "graph_title Moodle Files Number\n"; echo "graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0\n"; echo "graph_vlabel files\n"; echo "graph_category Moodle\n"; echo "graph_scale no\n"; echo "graph_total total\n"; echo "graph_info Displays the total number of moodle users files and repartition by type\n"; $draw = "AREA"; foreach (array_keys($data) as $mimetype) { echo $mimetype."_number.label $mimetype\n"; echo $mimetype."_number.min 0\n"; echo $mimetype."_number.draw $draw\n"; $draw = "STACK"; } foreach ($data as $mimetype => $entry) { echo $mimetype."_number.value ".$entry->totalfiles."\n"; } echo "multigraph file_size\n"; echo "graph_title Moodle Files Size\n"; echo "graph_args --base 1024 --lower-limit 0\n"; echo "graph_vlabel size\n"; echo "graph_category Moodle\n"; echo "graph_total total\n"; echo "graph_info Displays the total size of moodle users files and repartition by type\n"; $draw = "AREA"; foreach (array_keys($data) as $mimetype) { echo $mimetype."_size.label $mimetype\n"; echo $mimetype."_size.min 0\n"; echo $mimetype."_size.draw $draw\n"; $draw = "STACK"; } foreach ($data as $mimetype => $entry) { echo $mimetype."_size.value ".$entry->filesize."\n"; }