#!/usr/bin/perl -w # re-write of python version of pgbouncer stats # data from stats, pools (cleint, server) use strict; use Munin::Plugin; use DBD::Pg; # check that multigraph is avaailable need_multigraph(); # get the script name my $plugin_name = $Munin::Plugin::me; # set the DB connection vars my $db_user = $ENV{'pgbouncer_user'} || 'postgres'; my $db_port = $ENV{'pgbouncer_port'} || '6432'; my $db_host = $ENV{'pgbouncer_host'} || 'localhost'; my $db_pass = $ENV{'pgbouncer_pass'} || ''; my $db_name = 'pgbouncer'; my @data = (); # get the DB (pool) name we want to fetch $plugin_name =~ /pgbouncer_(.*)$/; my $pool_name = $1; # bail if no name if (!$pool_name) { print "Cannot get pool name\n"; exit 1; } # command line arguments for autconf and config if (defined($ARGV[0])) { # autoconf, nothing to do if ($ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf') { my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=$db_name;host=$db_host;port=$db_port", $db_user, $db_pass); if (!$dbh) { print "no\n"; exit 1; } else { print "yes\n"; exit 0; } $dbh->disconnect(); } if ($ARGV[0] eq 'config') { # create the basic RRD # stats: average connections print "multigraph ".$plugin_name."_stats_avg_req\n"; print "graph_title PgBouncer $pool_name average connections\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000\n"; # numbers not bytes print "graph_vlabel Average connections\n"; print "graph_scale no\n"; # so we do not print "micro, milli, kilo, etc" print "graph_category pgbouncer\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_req.type GAUGE\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_req.label Avg Req\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_req.min 0\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_req.draw LINE2\n"; # stats: average time for query print "multigraph ".$plugin_name."_stats_avg_query\n"; print "graph_title PgBouncer $pool_name average query time\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000\n"; # numbers not bytes print "graph_vlabel Average time per query (microseconds)\n"; print "graph_category pgbouncer\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_query.type GAUGE\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_query.label Avg Time\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_query.min 0\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_query.draw LINE2\n"; # stats: in/out bytes print "multigraph ".$plugin_name."_stats_bytesinout\n"; print "graph_title PgBouncer $pool_name average bytes received/sent\n"; print "graph_args --base 1024\n"; # numbers in bytes print "graph_vlabel Average bytes received (-)/sent (+)\n"; print "graph_category pgbouncer\n"; # bytes received print $pool_name."_avg_recv.type GAUGE\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_recv.label Avg received\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_recv.min 0\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_recv.draw LINE1\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_recv.graph no\n"; # bytes sent print $pool_name."_avg_sent.type GAUGE\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_sent.label Avg rcvd/sent\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_sent.min 0\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_sent.draw LINE1\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_sent.negative ".$pool_name."_avg_recv\n"; # pools: server (sv_) print "multigraph ".$plugin_name."_pools_server\n"; print "graph_title PgBouncer $pool_name servers\n"; print "graph_category pgbouncer\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000\n"; # numbers not bytes print "graph_vlabel Server connections\n"; print "graph_scale no\n"; # active connections print $pool_name."_server_active.label active\n"; print $pool_name."_server_active.min 0\n"; print $pool_name."_server_active.type GAUGE\n"; print $pool_name."_server_active.draw AREA\n"; # idle connections print $pool_name."_server_idle.label idle\n"; print $pool_name."_server_idle.min 0\n"; print $pool_name."_server_idle.type GAUGE\n"; print $pool_name."_server_idle.draw STACK\n"; # used connections print $pool_name."_server_used.label used\n"; print $pool_name."_server_used.min 0\n"; print $pool_name."_server_used.type GAUGE\n"; print $pool_name."_server_used.draw STACK\n"; # tested connections print $pool_name."_server_tested.label tested\n"; print $pool_name."_server_tested.min 0\n"; print $pool_name."_server_tested.type GAUGE\n"; print $pool_name."_server_tested.draw STACK\n"; # logged in connections print $pool_name."_server_login.label login\n"; print $pool_name."_server_login.min 0\n"; print $pool_name."_server_login.type GAUGE\n"; print $pool_name."_server_login.draw STACK\n"; # pools: client (cl_) print "multigraph ".$plugin_name."_pools_client\n"; print "graph_title PgBouncer $pool_name clients\n"; print "graph_category pgbouncer\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000\n"; # numbers not bytes print "graph_vlabel Client connections\n"; print "graph_scale no\n"; # active client connections print $pool_name."_client_active.label active\n"; print $pool_name."_client_active.min 0\n"; print $pool_name."_client_active.type GAUGE\n"; print $pool_name."_client_active.draw AREA\n"; # waiting client connections print $pool_name."_client_waiting.label waiting\n"; print $pool_name."_client_waiting.min 0\n"; print $pool_name."_client_waiting.type GAUGE\n"; print $pool_name."_client_waiting.draw STACK\n"; # pools: maxwait (longest waiting connection, should be 0) print "multigraph ".$plugin_name."_pools_maxwait\n"; print "graph_title PgBouncer $pool_name maximum waiting time\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000\n"; # numbers not bytes print "graph_vlabel Maximum wait time (seconds)\n"; print "graph_category pgbouncer\n"; print $pool_name."_maxwait.type GAUGE\n"; print $pool_name."_maxwait.label Wait Time\n"; print $pool_name."_maxwait.min 0\n"; print $pool_name."_maxwait.draw LINE2\n"; print $pool_name."_maxwait.warning 1\n"; # warn if not 0 print $pool_name."_maxwait.critical 10\n"; # go critical if 10 seconds waiting # END graph exit 0; } } # connect to data my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=$db_name;host=$db_host;port=$db_port", $db_user, $db_pass); # go trough each set and get the data foreach my $get ('pools', 'stats') { # prep and execute the show query my $pre = $dbh->prepare("SHOW $get"); $pre->execute(); while (@data = $pre->fetchrow) { # first defines the pool if ($data[0] eq $pool_name) { # print values for the stats: average reqeust, average query time, bytes in/out if ($get eq 'stats') { print "multigraph ".$plugin_name."_".$get."_avg_req\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_req.value ".$data[5]."\n"; print "multigraph ".$plugin_name."_".$get."_avg_query\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_query.value ".$data[8]."\n"; print "multigraph ".$plugin_name."_".$get."_bytesinout\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_recv.value ".$data[6]."\n"; print $pool_name."_avg_sent.value ".$data[7]."\n"; } # print data for the pools: server, client if ($get eq 'pools') { print "multigraph ".$plugin_name."_".$get."_server\n"; print $pool_name."_server_active.value ".$data[4]."\n"; print $pool_name."_server_idle.value ".$data[5]."\n"; print $pool_name."_server_used.value ".$data[6]."\n"; print $pool_name."_server_tested.value ".$data[7]."\n"; print $pool_name."_server_login.value ".$data[8]."\n"; print "multigraph ".$plugin_name."_".$get."_client\n"; print $pool_name."_client_active.value ".$data[2]."\n"; print $pool_name."_client_waiting.value ".$data[3]."\n"; print "multigraph ".$plugin_name."_".$get."_maxwait\n"; print $pool_name."_maxwait.value ".$data[9]."\n"; } } } } # close connection $dbh->disconnect(); exit 0; __END__ =head1 NAME pgbouncer_ is a plugin to get the pool and stat values for a single pgbouncer pool name =head1 APPLICATION perl and DBD::Pg is required, and pgbounce must been installed with a correct setup access for a stat account =head1 CONFIGURATION the plugin that will be run needs to have the pool name after the plguin base name. =head2 plugin configuration eg: pgbouncer_foo will run for the pool named foo. see SHOW POOLS database list for the pool name =head2 munin plugin config file in the plugin config file under the [pgbouncer] name the access information ca be set. eg: [pgbouncer*] env.pgbouncer_pass barfoo more extended would be: [pgbouncer*] env.pgbouncer_pass barfoo env.pgbouncer_user bar env.pgbouncer_port 6542 env.pgbouncer_host localhost The database name is always pgbouncer =head1 OUTPUT The plugin will output 5 graphs in the group pgbouncer =head2 Average bytes received/sent This graph will show the average bytes sent and received by the pgbouncer for this pool =head2 Avaerage connections This graph will show the average amount of connections to the pgbouncer for this pool =head2 Average query time This graph shows the average query time as processed by the pgbouncer for this pool in microseconds. The data will be shorted by standard SI. eg, m = milli, k = kilo. So 4.61K is 4610 milliseconds =head2 Client connections This graph shows the active and waiting client connections to pgbouncer for this pool =head2 Server connections This graph shows the server connections to pgbouncer for this pool. The following data sets are shown: active, idle, used, tested, login =head2 Max wait how long the oldest cllient the queue has waited, should be always 0 =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Original idea derived from a simple python script by Dimitri Fontaine =head1 SEE ALSO See further info on stats and pools on the pgbouncer homepage: http://pgbouncer.projects.postgresql.org/doc/usage.html#_show_commands =head1 VERSION 1.0 =head1 AUTHOR Clemens Schwaighofer =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =cut