#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- cperl -*- =head1 NAME php_fpm_processes - Munin plugin to show number of number of use processes on php-fpm. Inspirated by php5-fpm_status plugin by Daniel Caillibaud =head1 APPLICABLE SYSTEMS Any php-fpm host You will need the perl fastcgi::client on your host =head1 CONFIGURATION You have to put this in your plugin.conf.d folder [php_fpm_process] env.serveraddr env.port 9000 env.path /status =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf =head1 VERSION v1.0 =head1 AUTHOR Minitux =head1 LICENSE GNU General Public License, version 3 =cut use IO::Socket::INET; use FCGI::Client; my $ish = 1; my $header = ""; my $body = ""; my $IDLE = 0; my $ACTIVE = 0; my $TOTAL = 0; my $SERVERADDR = $ENV{'serveraddr'} || ""; my $PORT = $ENV{'port'} || "9000"; my $PATH = $ENV{'path'} || "/status"; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $SERVERADDR, PeerPort => $PORT, ); if (!$sock) { print "Server maybe down, unabled to connect to $SERVERADDR:$PORT"; exit 2; } my $client = FCGI::Client::Connection->new( sock => $sock ); my ( $stdout, $stderr, $appstatus ) = $client->request( +{ REQUEST_METHOD => 'GET', SCRIPT_FILENAME => '', QUERY_STRING => '', SCRIPT_NAME => $PATH, }, '' ); if ( defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) { print "graph_title php5-fpm status $pool"; print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0"; print "graph_vlabel Processes"; print "graph_scale yes"; print "graph_category php"; print "graph_info This graph shows the php5-fpm process manager status from pool: $pool"; print "active.label Active processes"; print "active.type GAUGE"; print "active.draw AREA"; print "active.info The number of active processes"; print "idle.label Idle processes"; print "idle.type GAUGE"; print "idle.draw STACK"; print "idle.info The number of idle processes"; print "total.label Total processes"; print "total.type GAUGE"; print "total.draw LINE2"; print "total.info The number of idle + active processes"; exit 0 } $stdout =~ s/\r//g; while($stdout =~ /([^\n]*)\n?/g) { if(!$1) { $ish = 0; next; } if($ish == 1) { $header .= $1."\n"; } else { $body .= $1."\n"; } } if($body =~ m/idle processes: (.*?)\n/) { $IDLE = $1; print "idle.value ".$IDLE."\n"; } if($body =~ m/active processes: (.*?)\n/) { $ACTIVE = $1; print "active.value ".$ACTIVE."\n"; } if($body =~ m/total processes: (.*?)\n/) { $TOTAL = $1; print "total.value ".$TOTAL."\n"; }