#!/usr/bin/ruby # # Plugin to monitor the Tomcat servers. # # Original Author: Rune Nordboe Skillingstad # Rewrite: laxis 2008.05 # # Requirements: # - Needs access to http://:@localhost:8080/manager/status?XML=true (or modify the # address for another host). A munin-user in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml # should be set up for this to work. # - libxml-ruby # # Install: # - copy script to /etc/munin # - cd /etc/munin # - ./tomcat install # # Tip: To see if it's already set up correctly, just run this plugin # with the parameter "autoconf". If you get a "yes", everything should # work like a charm already. # # tomcat-users.xml example: # # # Parameters supported: # # config # autoconf # install # # Configurable variables # # host - Destination host # port - HTTP port numbers # timeout - Connection timeout # request - Override default status-url # user - Manager username # password - Manager password # connector - Connector to query, defaults to "http-".$PORT # # Sample config: # [tomcat_*] # env.host # env.port 8080 # env.request /manager/status?XML=true # env.user munin # env.password pass # env.timeout 30 # env.connector jk-8009 # # Magic markers: #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf require 'net/http' require 'xml/libxml' @host = ENV.member?('host') ? ENV['host']: "" @port = ENV.member?('port') ? ENV['port']: 8080 @request = ENV.member?('request') ? ENV['request']: "/manager/status?XML=true" @user = ENV.member?('user') ? ENV['user']: "munin" @password = ENV.member?('password') ? ENV['password']: "munin" @timeout = ENV.member?('timeout') ? ENV['timeout']: 30 @connector = ENV.member?('connector') ? ENV['connector']: "http-#{@port}"; # hash w = { "jvmMemory" => { "max" => "U", "total" => "U", "used" => "U" }, "threadInfo" => { "maxThreads" => "U", "currentThreadCount" => "U", "currentThreadsBusy" => "U" }, "requestMaxTime" => { "maxTime" => "U" }, "requestTime" => { "avgTime" => "U" }, "requestCount" => { "requestCount" => "U", "errorCount" => "U" }, "requestBytes" => { "bytesReceived" => "U", "bytesSent" => "U" } } # http request def getstat() Net::HTTP.start(@host, @port) do |http| http.open_timeout = @timeout req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(@request) req.basic_auth @user, @password response = http.request(req) response.value() return response.body end rescue begin return false end end def autoconf() begin if getstat() puts "yes" return 0 end rescue puts "no (#{$!})" return 1 end end if ARGV[0] == "autoconf" exit autoconf() end if ARGV[0] == "install" exit if autoconf() != 0 Dir["plugins/tomcat*"].each { |f| print "removing #{f}\n" File.unlink f } w.each { |k, v| print "installing plugins/tomcat_#{k}\n" File.symlink "../tomcat", "plugins/tomcat_#{k}" if ! FileTest.symlink? "plugins/tomcat_#{k}" } exit end # open stderr e = IO.new(2, "w") mode = $0.gsub /.*\/tomcat_/, "" if mode =~ /tomcat/ then e.puts "Invalid mode" exit 1 end # munin config request if ARGV[0] == "config" puts "graph_title tomcat_#{mode}" puts "graph_args -l 0 --base 1000" #print "graph_order " #w[mode].each { |k, v| #print "#{k} " #} #puts case mode when "jvmMemory" puts "graph_category tomcat" puts "graph_vlabel bytes" puts "graph_order max total used" w[mode].each { |k, v| puts "#{k}.label #{k}" puts "#{k}.type GAUGE" puts "#{k}.min 0" puts "#{k}.draw AREA" } when "requestCount" puts "graph_category tomcat" puts "graph_order requestCount errorCount" puts "graph_vlabel Request / sec" w[mode].each { |k, v| puts "#{k}.label #{k}" puts "#{k}.type COUNTER" puts "#{k}.min 0" puts "#{k}.draw AREA" if k == "requestCount" puts "#{k}.draw LINE2" if k != "requestCount" } when "requestBytes" puts "graph_category tomcat" puts "graph_vlabel bytes in (-) / out (+) per ${graph_period}" w[mode].each { |k, v| puts "#{k}.label #{k}" puts "#{k}.type DERIVE" puts "#{k}.min 0" puts "#{k}.graph no" if k == "bytesReceived" puts "#{k}.negative bytesReceived" if k == "bytesSent" } when "requestMaxTime" puts "graph_category tomcat" puts "graph_vlabel sec" w[mode].each { |k, v| puts "#{k}.label #{k}" puts "#{k}.type GAUGE" puts "#{k}.min 0" puts "#{k}.draw LINE2" } when "requestTime" puts "graph_category tomcat" puts "graph_vlabel Average RequestTime (sec) / Request" w[mode].each { |k, v| puts "#{k}.label #{k}" puts "#{k}.type GAUGE" puts "#{k}.min 0" puts "#{k}.draw LINE2" } when "threadInfo" puts "graph_category tomcat" puts "graph_order maxThreads currentThreadCount currentThreadsBusy" w[mode].each { |k, v| puts "#{k}.label #{k}" puts "#{k}.type GAUGE" puts "#{k}.min 0" puts "#{k}.draw AREA" } end exit 0 end # XML parsolasa begin parser = XML::Parser.string(getstat()) doc = parser.parse end rescue begin e.puts "Parse error" exit 1 end # root element kivalasztasa root = doc.root if root.name != "status" e.puts "Invalid XML" exit 1 end # copy jvm memory datas to hash node = doc.find('//status/jvm/memory').first w["jvmMemory"]["used"] = node.property("total").to_i - node.property("free").to_i w["jvmMemory"]["total"] = node.property("total") w["jvmMemory"]["max"] = node.property("max") # copy connector datas to hash doc.find('//status/connector').each do |node| if node.property("name") == @connector node.each do |child| if child.name == "threadInfo" w["threadInfo"]["maxThreads"] = child.property("maxThreads") w["threadInfo"]["currentThreadCount"] = child.property("currentThreadCount") w["threadInfo"]["currentThreadsBusy"] = child.property("currentThreadsBusy") end if child.name == "requestInfo" w["requestMaxTime"]["maxTime"] = child.property("maxTime") w["requestTime"]["avgTime"] = sprintf "%.2f", (child.property("processingTime").to_f / child.property("requestCount").to_f / 1000) w["requestCount"]["requestCount"] = child.property("requestCount") w["requestCount"]["errorCount"] = child.property("errorCount") w["requestBytes"]["bytesReceived"] = child.property("bytesReceived") w["requestBytes"]["bytesSent"] = child.property("bytesSent") end end end end # print result w[mode].each do |k, v| printf "#{k}.value %s\n", v end # XML Output: # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #